The ERC1155Proxy
was first proposed in ZEIP-24. Please refer to the ZEIP for information and discussion about how this contract works at a higher level.
The ERC1155Proxy
is responsible for transferring ERC-1155 tokens. Users must first approve this contract by calling the setApprovalForAll
method on the token that will be exchanged.
The ERC1155Proxy
utilizes an ERC-1155 token's safeBatchTransferFrom
method to transfer multiple tokens at once, if desired. Values of each tokenId
to be transferred are scaled similarly to the method used in the MultiAssetProxy
. values
array) and tokenIds
array) parameters are encoded within the assetData
that can be utilized by this contract's transferFrom
method. Each element of values
corresponds to an element at the same index of tokenIds
. The ERC1155Proxy
will multiply each values
element by the amount
passed into ERC1155Proxy.transferFrom
and then pass the resulting scaled values into ERC1155Token.safeBathTransferFrom
when performing the transfer.
This contract may transfer ERC-1155 tokens if its transferFrom
method is called from an authorized address.
/// @dev Transfers assets. Either succeeds or throws.
/// @param assetData Byte array encoded for the respective asset proxy.
/// @param from Address to transfer asset from.
/// @param to Address to transfer asset to.
/// @param amount Amount of asset to transfer.
function transferFrom(
bytes assetData,
address from,
address to,
uint256 amount
Calling ERC1155Proxy.transferFrom
will perform the following steps:
- Decode the
, andcallbackData
- Multiply each element of
, resulting in ascaledValues
array - Call
ERC1155Token(erc1155TokenAddress).safeBatchTransferFrom(from, to, tokenIds, scaledValues, callbackData)
- Revert if the call was unsuccessful
The transferFrom
method may revert with the following errors:
Error | Condition |
StandardError("SENDER_NOT_AUTHORIZED") | msg.sender has not been authorized |
StandardError("FROM_LESS_THAN_TO_REQUIRED") | assetData is shorter than 4 bytes |
StandardError("UINT256_OVERFLOW") | The multiplication of an element of assetData.values and amount resulted in an overflow |
* | This contract will rethrow any revert data received from an unsuccessful call of ERC1155Token.safeBatchTransferFrom |
This contract expects ERC-1155 assetData
to be encoded using ABIv2 with the following function signature. The id of this contract is 0xa7cb5fb7
, which can be calculated as the 4 byte function selector of the same signature.
/// @dev Function signature for encoding ERC-1155 assetData.
/// @param tokenAddress Address of ERC-1155 token contract.
/// @param tokenIds Array of ids of tokens to be transferred.
/// @param values Array of values that correspond to each token id to be transferred.
/// Note that each value will be multiplied by the amount being filled in the order before transferring.
/// @param callbackData Extra data to be passed to receiver's `onERC1155Received` callback function.
function ERC1155Assets(
address tokenAddress,
uint256[] calldata tokenIds,
uint256[] calldata values,
bytes calldata callbackData
In Solidity, this data can be encoded with:
bytes memory data = abi.encodeWithSelector(
NOTE: The ERC1155Proxy
does not enforce strict length checks for assetData
, which means that extra data may be appended to this field with any arbitrary encoding. Any extra data will be ignored by the ERC1155Proxy
but may be used in external contracts interacting with the Exchange
contract. Relayers that do not desire this behavior should validate the length of all assetData
fields contained in orders before acceptance.
The ERC1155Proxy
has the following interface for managing which addresses are allowed to call this contract's transferFrom
method. These authorization functions can only be called by the contract's owner
(currently, the ZeroExGovernor
contract IAuthorizable {
/// @dev Gets all authorized addresses.
/// @return Array of authorized addresses.
function getAuthorizedAddresses()
returns (address[]);
/// @dev Authorizes an address.
/// @param target Address to authorize.
function addAuthorizedAddress(address target)
/// @dev Removes authorizion of an address.
/// @param target Address to remove authorization from.
function removeAuthorizedAddress(address target)
/// @dev Removes authorizion of an address.
/// @param target Address to remove authorization from.
/// @param index Index of target in authorities array.
function removeAuthorizedAddressAtIndex(
address target,
uint256 index
The contracts that are currently authorized to call the ERC20Proxy
contract's transferFrom
method are: