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sos4R News |
- Bugfix release to fix checks on CRAN (after switch to R 4.0 and new projection strings from R-spatial packages)
- Update README according to https://wiki.52north.org/Documentation/GitHubProjectDocumentation
- Add support for SOS 2.0 operations: GetObservationById (KVP, POX), GetFeatureOfInterest (KVP, POX), DescribeSensor (KVP, POX)
- Add wrapper functions for more convenient access to phenomena, stations and data without OGC SWE terms and SOS specifics, see new vignette "Wrapper Functions for easier SOS access"
- Give warnings if time cannot be parsed with the format provided in the SOS object
- Do not save file name as attribute of returned object anymore (adds complexity, not documented/widely used)
- Manage namespaces as part of the SOS object (allows user manipulation via
) - Accessor functions return lists only if the content is complex:
now return character vectors if applied to collections or lists - Add help page for coercion functions, see
now always returns base R classes, i.e. a list withbegin
based onPOSIXct
(change default forconvert
parameter toTRUE
now supports multiple offerings for SOS 2.0.0 (in conformance with the specification)- Drop "Created SOS for URL" message after creation
- Drop
methods, they were 90% "TODO" comments; actually existing checks preserved in functions where sensible - Drop support for KML (Keyhole Markup Language), because it is not a data format, the parsing was never implemented, and the only SOS using it provided it specifically for display in Google Earth
- Store the caches for parsing in an environment, not in global variables
- Add CircleCI continuous integration tests
- Restructure vignettes (and render problematic ones only locally with pgkdown website)
- Bugfix release: don't set classes for
(requires version1.2.2
, see #148)
- Switch from
- Added a
in Markdown format to track changes to the package (moved content frominst/NEWS
) - Overhauled vignettes, now Markdown format
- Development version of SOS 2.0 support (KVP only)
- Extended developer documentation in
- Drop deprecated bindings "GET" and "POST", now only "KVP" and "POX" are supported
- Add AppVeyor CI configuration
- Use R Markdown based README (
) - Combination of
: full requests and responses are only printed withinspect = TRUE
- Drop support for non-standard "latest" time request
- Added 'additionalKVPs' to SOS(...) to add specific key-value-pairs for KVP requests
- NEW starting support for SOS 2.0 (pre-ALPHA, no implementation yet just classes and empty methods)
- Added handling of multiple DCPs for the same operation type using a regex list dcpFilter and parameter 'useDCPs' as a switch
- Added handling for time instances to sosCreateTime
- Added feature of interest for GET URL, using sosKVPParamNameFoi for naming the parameter
- Added support for "latest" time request in GET using sosDefaultGetBindingParamLatest (e.g. "time=latest" or "latest")
- Fixed bug in getObservation, improved handling for saveOriginal (if not provided for getObservation(byId))
- Fixed usage of .find.package, which is deprecated, for loading the cheat sheet and news/changes file (now using find.package)
- Fixed bug in mimeType definition with subtypes which were incorrectly encoded by RCurl by using different quotation: "text/xml;subtype="sensorML/1.0.1"" > changed to: 'text/xml;subtype="sensorML/1.0.1"' (and similar for OM)
- Changed name of bindings from GET to KVP and POST to POX. Warnings added, started renaming of "connection method" stuff to "binding" to reflect more widely used terms.
- Changed all GET request parameters to constant names (sosKVPParamNames...)
- Added parsing of CompositePhenomenon
- Fixed line lengths of \example and \usage sections in .Rd files
- Fixed usage of .find.packages which is deprecated for compatibility with R 3.0.0
- Changed minimum R version to 2.15.0 since older ones will not be tested anymore, and increased version of important dependencies RCurl and XML
- Added function sosCapabilitiesUrl to generate a capabilities request URL in KVP encoding to include in Documentation, e.g. Sweave
- Fixed rgdal dependency by adding it to suggests list in DESCRIPTION
- Fixed pegel demo, now using the actual PegelOnline web service
- Fixed a NOTE about partial argument match in getObservation,SOS_1.0.0 for 'offering' to 'offeringId': had to use the correct name offeringId when calling .getObservation_1.0.0(...)
- EXTENDED documentation: added reference to cheat sheet in Vignette, added subsection "Quick Start" to Introduction
Added error handling for plotting methods so that plot(sos) does not break if one offering cannot be coerced to spatial
Added 'ug/m3' and 'http://www.opengis.net/def/property/OGC/0/FeatureOfInterest' to known list of fields > converted with sosConvertDouble and sosConvertString respectively
Fixed weathersos demo
Moved vignette to now suggested directory vignettes/, see http://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/R-exts.html#Writing-package-vignettes
Changed DESCRIPTION file: moved xtable to Suggests - section, set ByteCompile: TRUE, added Authors@R (http://journal.r-project.org/archive/2012-1/RJournal_2012-1_Hornik~et~al.pdf), changed minimum R version to 2.14.0
Updated cheat sheet and vignette: added link to Bugzilla
Added minor improvements for sensor description parsing and coercion: sosCoordinates(SensorML) tries to handle 'easting'/'northing', 'longitude'/'latitude', and 'elevation'/'altitude' coordinates and subsequently plotting does not break if 'x'/'y' are not given.
Added function to reset the parsers to default: sos <- SosResetParsingFunctions(sos)
- Added describeSensor can now handle a character vector of procedures, will return a list with the sensor descriptions
- Added note in verbose mode about multiple content types in .getObservation_1.0.0
- Added handling of OM mime subtype
- Added demo with EO2Heaven SOS, called "eo2heaven", deals with data download and plotting and some analysis
- Changed documentation of changes from CHANGES to this NEWS file
- Added function sosNews() to access this file from an R session
- Changed syntax in cheat sheet, not using the | character for alternatives.
- Added file in sandbox: useR-2011.R
- Change in parseSosObservationOffering: does not break anymore if procedures (though mandatory!) are missing
- Change in encodeXML: Now a specific function for objects of class POSIXt exists so that only the encoding of time can be overridden by users, this is demonstrated in demo("southesk") and documented in the vignette.
- Change in encodeKVP: Specific function for objects of class POSIXt, see above.
- Changed name Nuest again in citation file, one directly using the umlaut, another using N\uest.
- Fix in as.SensorML.SpatialPointsDataFrame, now using a default CRS (EPSG 4326), if it cannot be detected.
- Fixed bug in sosBoundedBy(SensorML) which was always returning empty matrix for bounding box
- Bugfix release, and to see if NOTEs about uncompacted PDFs can be fixed by the according option in R CMD build
- Fix in latex file, misplaced "&"
- Bug in sosGetCRS, returns NULL and prints error if the EPSG code is not recognized
- Fixed non-ASCII characters, Umlaute, and incomplete last lines (when using readLines(...)) throughout the package
- Added rudimentary support for KML responses (no parsing)
- Changed parser detection, now uses mime type, too. This changes parser exchangeability for known mime types!
- Added attribute to observations (if response is saved) with file name (sosAttributeFileName)
- Added %\VignetteDepends{xtable} to vignette and dependency xtable as well - got NOTEd for that in R 2.13 checks
- Fixed in sosGetCRS(...) which breaks if there is no bounding box given in an offering, broke even plot function.
- Extended saveOriginal parameter, now it also accepts file names to be used for the document to be saved.
- Extended parsing of SensorML, adding slots for all parsed elements
- Added parsing of exception reports to parseFile(...)
- Based vignette completely on dowloaded files for releases
- Bugfix in coordinate order in coercion function for SpatialPointsDataFrame
- Added function sosCreateTime(...)
- Removed require(rgdal) from sosGetCRS(...) and replaced it with a check and potential warning as done in sp:::CRS
- Replacing potentially critical characters from data.frame column names (function .cleanupColumnName(...))
- Added function sosUOM(...) to extract the unit of measurement from objects
- Added summary methods for OmObservation and OmObservationCollection
- Added saveOriginal to describeSensor
- Extended parseFile to handle sensor description documents
- Changed vignette to use saved sensor description from file
- Fixes with exports and documentation to adhere to changes for R 2.13.0
- Added file to create demo for Coastlab SOS
- Added sosTime() for signature "list"
- Fixed bug in .getObservation_1.0.0 when calculating length of referenced ObservationProperty
- Fixed bug in getObservation() when offering is of class "character"
- Improvements in verbose-messages
- Improved sosChanges() based on code in vignette()
- Added sosCheatSheet() function that open the cheat sheet PDF, included new cheat sheet in package
- Change in createTime...() functions: removed unneccessary format and parsing -- please observe if everything still works!
- Changed slot type in OmObservation@observedProperty from "SwePhenomenonProperty" to "SwePhenomenonPropertyOrNULL"
- Testing istSOS and fixing bugs
- Fixes in airquality demo due to new names of observed properties.
- Added packages used in demos to DESCRIPTION's Suggest field
- Fix because of missing dependency for cacheSchweave -> removed caching from vignette.
- Minor improvements with metadata information for sosCoordinates(SensorML)
- Vignette extension for usage of sosGetCRS()
- Added sosBoundedBy() and sosGetCRS() for objects of class SensorML
- Work on demos (airquality, ioos, and others)
- Added sosGetCRS() for SosObservationOffering based on bounding box
- Added plot() for SosObservationOffering
- Added sosTitle() and sosAbstract()
- fix in bbox creation in sosBoundedBy(... bbox = TRUE)
- Added coordinate switching mechanism, works during parsing, required sos to be added to a bunch of parsing functions
- Added sosId(), sosName(), sosAbstract(), and sosCoordinates(), coercion to Spatial, and plot() for class SensorML
- Added sosChanges()
- Work on demo for South Esk Test Bed, southesk
- Work on demo for EEA AirQuality data, airquality
- Overhaul of all demos with plotting
- Added summary functions for SOS, SosObservationOffering
- Added coercion functions from OmMeasurement, OmObservation and OmObservationCollection to SpatialPointsDataFrame
- Starting demo austria, consequently some fixing in parsing of capabilities (making mandatory elements optional in parsing to avoid errors)
- Fixed printing bug for class SOS when capabilities are only partly requested
- Updates in Vignette for new features
- Changed title and citation
- added .Rbuildignore to exclude Eclipse specific files in build
- Maintenance release to re-trigger generation of vignette with v-swe running
- Using cacheSweave in vignette
- Removed OgcComparisonOpsOrXMLOrNULL and added type checks to validity function instead
- Fixed error when retrieving no data as CSV
- Changed required R version to 2.11.1 as 2.10 causes error on install
- Finished vignette
- Added parsing based on MIME type (rudimentary)
- Added package vignette
- Added SosDefaults()
- Added SosSupportedOperations()
- Added sosGetCRS(...)
- Changed behaviour of parsing function: If a converter is missing, it does not stop but only warn. The output data.frame then lacks that attribute.
- Added coordinates parameter to sosResult()
- Added function sosName() for classes SosObservationOffering, OwsServiceProvider
- Added convert parameter to sosTime() for offerings and conversion for object of class GmlTimePeriod
- Added bbox parameter to sosBoundedBy() which returns an sp-like matrix
- Added sosResultModel() for SosObservationOffering, but the namespace is not correct in 52N SOS
- Added unimplemented operations to the list of operation names
- Changed sosResult() for OmMeasurement, now returns a data.frame
- Added saveOriginal parameter to getObservation(ById)()
- Added parsing documents from saved files with sosParse(...)
- Added support for result format "text/csv"
- Changed URL for requests to be based on DCPs from capabilities file (if present)
- Added more options to getCapabilities, which can also be passed on using the "..." argument when creating a SOS
- Added more units of measurement to default list based on http://aurora.regenstrief.org/~ucum/ucum.html
- Added sosDefaultColumnNameFeatureIdentifier as default and used it in sosCoordinates() and set it to "features" so that it automatically matches the field name in 52N SOSs
- Added column names for lat, lon and SRS name as defaults
- Added file for questions on the mailing list.
- Added SosSupportedServiceVersions()
- Fixed check for DescribeSensor
- Fix in .getObservation_1.0.0 if empty observation collection is returned (error summing up the result lengths)
- Added names function for OmObservation, OmMeasurement, and OmObservationCollection
- Added URLs/skeletons for new demos
- Added @boundedBy for OmObservationCollection
- added sosFeatureIds(...)
- added sosObservedProperties(...) for OM Classes
- added subsetting of observation collection by procedure, observed property and feature id
- improved toString(...) of OmObservation
- changed behaviour of sosResult(...) for OmObservationCollection, now binds the data.frames of the contained observations
- Corrected calculation of length in .getObservation_1.0.0
- Fixed length.OmObservationCollection(x)
- Moved examples from presentation.R (deleted!) and testing-SOS.R to demo scripts
- Moved usecase.R into weathersos demo and deleted the file
- Added sosProcedures(...) for OmMeasurement, OmObservation and OmObservationCollection
- Added sosCoordinates(...)
- Fixed sosContents(...)
- Added handling for missing responseFormat (although it's not optional) in parsing of observation offerings
- Moved warning when parsing offerings with missing time or envelope
- Added sosBoundedBy(offering)
- Renamed sosEventTimePeriod(...) to sosTime(...)
- Some fixes in toString methods (erroneous recursive paste calls)
- Fixed bug in parsePoint, which returned a GmlDirectPosition
- Fixed potential bug in parseSosCapabilities and getCapabilities (occured if no version attribute is given)
- Fixed potential NULL access in parseSosObservationOffering(...)
- Renamed curlOpts in SOS(...) to curlOptions
- Added check for NULL for sampling time and feature of interest in parseObservation (also making parsing less restrictive as a workaround for not valid responses) and parsing of result time
- Moved class Measure to GML (as it is not SWE)
- Added class OmObservationCollection with indexing functions [ and [[
- Renamed SosCapabilities_1.1.0 to SosCapabilities_1.0.0
- Introduced abstract class SOS and class SOS_1.0.0
- Added first coercion functions
- Named converters consistently by changing SosFieldConvertingFunctions(...) to SosDataFieldConvertingFunctions(...)
- Changed sosFOIs(...) to sosFeaturesOfInterest(...) and added method for offering
- Changed default values of getObservation, now uses sosFeaturesOfInterest(sos) and sosEventTimePeriod(offering)
- Changed sosOffering(...) to sosOfferings(...)
- Changed slot types to "character" where reasonable in class SosObservationOffering, a whole lot of fixes for that...
- Added sosObservedProperties(SosObservationOffering)
- Accessor functions now operate based on the offering, not the allowed parameter values
- Renamed functions from SosSpec to SosDescribeSensor, SosGetObservation and SosGetObservationById and moved according files to SOS-class.R and SOS-methods.R
- Finished documentation
- Initial release of version 0.1-01