This is a multi-choice, text based quiz app. Current features include :
- Login/Signup using email and password, using Firebase Auth
- A leaderboard which shows the list of first 20 users, and your current rank at the bottom
- An animated countdown before the start of every quiz
- A timer for each question
- New categories can be unlocked after reaching checkpoints based on your Total score
As the app is still under development, there are sevral issues that are present and need to be resolved in the app. Some of the known issues are :
- At the time of sign-up, only a google account is accepted, but there is no way to verify if the e-mail actually exists or not
- The time required to fetch the inital data and start the app is significant. Hence, a splash screen must be added
- On pressing the back button during the countdown, the background threads donot stop, leading to abnormal behaviour