This is the News app I Use the News API
- Use the News API
- Top headlines in the Eg. -
- All sources -
- Searching for news articles in Eg. -
The app has several main features:
1- Fetch news based on categories: general, business, science, technology, health, entertainment, sports 2- Favorites articles so it can be persisted even when the app restarts. 3- Read article inside a Safari Webview in modal sheet presentation. 4- Search news
- When showing more information about the News, to you see.
- Project Organization & Architecture
- add PageControl in CollectionView to Auto Image Slider With PageControl
- app support light mode and dark mode
- ARC, Memory Leaks
- Downloading & Caching Image
- Persistence Manager used (user default)
- send users a notification about the news saved in favorite to read it
- Planning our Network Calls - API, JSON, Model
- Alamofire
- Generics Networking(Custom Response)
- Asynchronous Data Fetch
- Singleton
- and many tools used