"You can save hours reading papers with months of hard work on your project."
Plasma, Plasma Group (RIP), ETH Research on Plasma, Construction of a Plasma Chain 0x1 (MVP git), Joseph Poon's talk at Deconomy 2018: "Consensus and Cryptoeconomic Incentive Mechanisms".
Interoperability: Efficiently Bridging EVM Blockchains Relay Networks V2 by Alex Miller, Dogethereum: Retrofitting a two-way peg between blockchains, Cosmos Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) Protocol.
OCaml style guides: Jane Street, OCaml.org, INRIA, Xen Hypervisor, Decision Procedure Toolkit, Cornell CS3110, UPenn CIS341, Brown CS017.
OCaml @ Jane Street: documentation, OCaml Labs.
OCaml metaprogramming: Oleg's Reconciling Abstraction with High Performance: A MetaOCaml approach.
OCaml to JavaScript: BuckleScript, ReasonML. nix-shell for BuckleScript, tablecloth, An ergonomic, cross-platform, standard library for ReasonML and OCaml
Purely Functional Data Structures: Okasaki's book, a follow-up
K Framework, KEVM: Semantics of EVM in K, and the Jello Paper
Session Types for conversations:
Parametrized Extensible Effects and Session Types by Oleg Kiselyov,
Acute and its successor HashCaml by Peter Sewell. Interesting, but they "only" address naming and marshalling, and with a weak security model.
Cryptographic Protocol Explication and End-Point Projection by Jay McCarthy and Shriram Krishnamurthi (2008), or that cites it, Cryptographic protocol synthesis and verification for multiparty sessions by Karthikeyan Bhargavan, Ricardo Corin, Pierre-malo Deniélou, Cédric Fournet, James J. Leifer (2009). Or things that cite the latter. Conversational Concurrency by Tony Garnock-Jones.
Byzantine Fault Tolerance: Papers selected by Rick Dudley (2015); A Guide to 99% Fault Tolerant Consensus, by Vitalik Buterin; Recycling the Agreement: Distributed Consensus on DAGs, by Aleph Zero's Adam Gagol
Scaling: Ethereum wiki Sharding FAQ, Ethereum Sharding introduction and implementations.
Oracles: Truthcoin on Oracles vs Contracts (lots of great ideas, lots of more dubious ideas; great food for thought).
Contracts in Tezos: Michelson: the language of Smart Contracts in Tezos (PDF), Michelson-lang.com, Tezos Forum on Smart contracts, Michelson contracts need access to blockchain state, Watching the Tezos blockchain.
Contracts in EVM: opcodes, old Ethereum block hashes, Zeppelin: deconstructing a solidity contract, Proxy libraries, DelegateProxy, Security Audit by QuantStamp, Towards verifying ethereum smart contract bytecode in Isabelle/HOL, the Parity Light Protocol (PR for similar light client functionality in geth), Consensys Labs' Ethereum developer tools list, Solium, linter and formatter for Solidity, Ethertrust, analysis tool for smart contracts, The Challenges of Building Ethereum Infrastructure, Ethereum Smart Contract Best Practices including Solidity Recommendations.
Compiling to the EVM: pirapira's efforts including eth-isabelle and Bamboo, EtherVM, Yellow Paper, Jello Paper.
Formal Methods: What do Formal Methods actually Guarantee? Formally Verified Software in the Real World, Z3 tutorial, DeepHOL.
Formalization for smart contracts: Scilla-coq (see paper Scilla: a Smart Contract Intermediate-Level LAnguage), TezosCoq, Ergo, Russell O'Connor: "Simplicity: A New Language for Blockchains", Peng Wang's thesis (code, timl), ERC777-K, Formal Verification of OpenZeppelin's ERC20 Token Contract, ERC20: Missing return value bug.
Atomic swaps: Ethereum atomic swaps with Bitcoin and most other coins, about to hit release, AltCoin, RepublicProtocol, Komodo BarterDEX
Building secure software: Some thoughts on security after ten years of qmail 1.0 (2007), ...
UI tools for Crypto-currency dApps: MetaMask Browser Extension
Usability and UX: Nielsen Norman Group
Discipline for more robust programming STAMPING ON EVENT-STREAM
Low-level Cryptographic protocols: Threshold-optimal DSA/ECDSA signatures and an application to Bitcoin wallet security
Interactive help for Ethereum: Go Ethereum gitter, Ethereum Magicians...
Nix: Overlays, Typing Nix (tix-papers, tix)...
Formal Method advocacy: Formally Verified Software in the Real World, What do Formal Methods actually Guarantee?
Homomorphic encryption: Reusable Non-Interactive Secure Computation, Efficent Multi-Party computation toolkit, Jonathan Katz, ... something in F* or Coq from MSR Cambridge?
Algorand: See the original whitepaper, Vault, and their bibliography... also flaws?
Contracts on BCH: New Bitcoin Cash Opcode Shows an Onchain Game of Chess is Possible
Operating Systems: Alexia Massalin's Synthesis, Mainframe
Other bibliographies: Bitcoin History, IOHK papers, CoinMetrics resources, (some old timer once published a link to a trove of papers... where?), ...
"Common Knowledge vs Mutual Knowledge", as illustrated by Friends