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MikeyRay edited this page Jan 13, 2020 · 11 revisions

Note that the official version of this document is here

We will make an effort to ensure that changes in the Google Doc are propagated here, but especially with the release of BLCMM recently, there are likely to be a lot of changes and some things will doubtless be missed.

Welcome to the Unofficial Community Patch (UCP) Setup / Installation and Modding FAQ! Below, the most asked questions are answered. If you read through everything and still have problems, please let us know in #patch-mod-troubleshooting on the Discord or create an issue on the github

UCP Related FAQ

1.1 What do I need to use the UCP / mods?

  • A legit, NON pirated version of Borderlands 2 / TPS on Steam
  • Java 8 to use BLCMM
  • The patch file / mod itself

1.2 How do I install the UCP / mods?

  • Download LightChaosman's BLCMM (requires Java 8) and c0dycode's Hex-Multitool if you don't have these yet.
  • Launch the Hex-Multitool and select the path to your .exe, then click on the icon of the game you gave the path to. Make sure to enable "Console and Set Command" and choose a console key.
  • Place the mod file into your Borderlands 2 Binaries folder (\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Borderlands 2\Binaries), or save it there using BLCMM's shortcuts.
    • Note that if you're on Linux, the filename you use must be all lowercase. See Linux and Mac Setup Gotchas for other circumstances which might affect you.
  • Start Borderlands and go into the main menu, hit the console key and enter exec MODNAME.txt without the quote symbols (if the mod isn't a .txt, you can leave the file extension off)
  • If the console shows no errors other than Unrecognized GD_Aster_Weapons.Snipers.SR_Maliwan_4_Aquamarine:WeaponPartListCollectionDefinition_306or something similar involving Aquamarine
    or chat NOT showing *username* says: exec MODNAME.txt, everything worked!

If you're on Mac / Linux, take a look at this guide

1.3 How do I install/uninstall BLCMM?

  • BLCMM's files are located under AppData/Local.

1.4 I can’t get BLCMM to work no matter what I do. Is there another way to hex edit my Borderlands 2?

1.5 Is BLCMM supposed to be a Winrar(.rar) file? Why do I get a Winrar files instead of a program?

  • This should not be a problem anymore since BLCMM is distributed as an EXE file, but on the offchance it happens, make sure to install Java Runtime enviroment for your system.

1.5 Can I use the Community Patch or mods on my console?

  • No. And it'll never happen either since it's against console ToS.

1.6 How do I know the UCP is running?

  • Go ingame and compare skills from your skill tree with the changes made by the UCP. Changelog can be found here

1.7 Do I need to execute the UCP every time I go into the game?

  • You need to execute the UCP every time you start up Borderlands.

1.8 I can’t open the console.

  • Go to \Documents\My Games\Borderlands 2\WillowGame\Config and open the WillowInput.ini file, search for ConsoleKey and set it to F6, then try again. If the file is all messed up, delete it, launch Borderlands 2, close it again and you should have a fresh WillowInput.ini file.

1.9 When I execute the patch in the console, it says it can’t find the patch.txt.

  • Make sure you have the UCP in the right folder (Right Click Borderlands 2 on Steam -> Properties -> Local files -> Browse local files… -> Binaries (FILE GOES IN HERE)). Also make sure you didn’t save the UCP as patch.txt.txt (this happens if you don’t have file extensions enabled but still named the files patch.txt instead of just “patch”). You can also type in exec patch.txt.txt if you can't be bothered to fix it.

1.10 When I execute the patch in the console, it just says it in chat say exec patch.txt

1.11 When I execute the UCP or when I enter the game with the UCP my game crashes.

  • We don't really have any fixes for game crashing on execute / on game start besides not using a cracked version of Borderlands 2, deleting your Borderlands2.exe and letting Steam verify your game's integrity and then hex editing your game again with another method (eg. Hex Multitool), then trying again. Also make sure you didn’t break your patch file somehow.

1.12 How do I enable the optional changes of the UCP?

  • Open the UCP with the Filter Tool.
  • Go to the optionals category and open up the change you want
  • Uncheck the current module and check the optional module
  • Save the UCP

1.13 How do I uninstall the Community Patch?

  • You don't need to "uninstall" the Community Patch. Just don't execute it when you enter the game and you're good to go.

1.14 Half of the patch doesn't work / I'm getting two error lines which say something with Transient.SparkServiceConfiguration_6.

  • The hotfixes don't work which means either:
  1. You're executing multiple mods with hotfixes one after another or using a master.txt (which you SHOULD NOT DO)
  2. You're not online or connected to SHiFT or Steam
  3. You executed the mod/patch ingame, not in the main menu
  4. You executed the mod/patch too fast in the main menu
  5. You're using a cracked version of Borderlands
  • If 2. is the case, try setting your game to offline and use the offline patch which can also be found in Shadow's video or on the Github.

1.15 Even after all attempts, the UCP still doesn’t work properly.

  • Rename your UCP file to something else and try again, this is an unknown issue and sometimes this fixes the issue. Also when hex editing your Borderlands 2, try turning off any Anti-Virus you’re running (like Avast).

1.16 My Cradle/Tidal Wave/ Emperor/etc aren't being replaced!

-You need to open the UCP with the Filter Tool, then go to the optional replacements tab, find the change you want to enable, untick the option you don't want first then tick on which change you want. Don't forget to press file>save patch so your changes are saved!

1.17 What is a hotfix?

  • Basically a different kind of command which requires a connection to Steam / SHiFT. You can only execute one batch of hotfixes at once.

1.18 Can I execute one mod after another?

  • Principally yes, but you need to merge all mods which have hotfixes in them.

1.19 Can I make a master.txt to execute all of my mods in one?

  • No.

1.20 Can I use the UCP / mods in coop?

  • Yes, the host determines what’s active in the game lobby. If the host is running the UCP and none of the other players do, they also get the UCP changes, however everybody should run the same mods to avoid issues like skins not appearing.

1.21 Can I use mods without the UCP?

  • Yes, however if a mod contains hotfixes but doesn’t contain Gearbox’ Base Game hotfixes (eg. Death Mark buff / Varkid Evolution changes etc.), the Gearbox’ Base Game hotfixes will be lost upon mod execution.

1.22 When I try to start Borderlands TPS after hex-editing it give me the error code "0xc0000142"

  • Didn't I tell you that you need a legit version of Borderlands? :^)

1.23 I suddenly have random items in my inventory (eg. a Pimpernel) without even doing the Pirate DLC.

You're playing Zer0 and your hotfixes aren't working. The UCP uses skin lootpools to add "new" lootpools to the game and it happens to use Zer0's. Make sure your hotfixes are working.


2.1 How can I merge mods/hotfixes?

  • Open BLCMM.
  • In the navigation bar, select File and Open file and pick the mod.
  • Once the mod is opened in BLCMM, click on File and choose Import single mod.
  • Pick the mod you want to add and done.
  • If you want to change the load order, click Tools and then Settings, and check Enable structural edits and Enable content edits, then drag the mod where you want it to be. Mods lower in the load order will overwrite mods higher in the load order.

2.2 How can I “unmerge” mods/hotfixes or how can I get a specifc part from a mod as a file?

  • Open BLCMM.
  • In the navigation bar, select "File" and "Open file" and pick the mod.
  • Once the mod is opened in BLCMM, click on Tools, then Settings and make sure Enable structural / content edits is checked
  • Right click the category / mods you don’t want and either delete it or Export category as mod if you want that category / mod in a separate file

2.3 So I mergered all the mods, what do I execute now?

-The file you saved the mods into. So if you merged your mods into the UCP and saved it to the patch.txt, you execute the patch.txt.

2.4 How do I dump code with the Filter Tool?

  • In the navigation bar, click Misc tools and click Object explorer. Put the object into the search bar and click Dump or put single words into the search bar and click Search.

2.5 How do I set a mod file to "Offline"?

  • Open the mod file with BLCMM
  • At the bottom left, check the "Offline" box
  • Save (preferably to a new file)

General Mods FAQ

3.1 When I execute a mod it gives me something with Unrecognized GD_Aster_Weapons.Snipers.SR_Maliwan_4_Aquamarine:WeaponPartListCollectionDefinition_306or something similar involving Aquamarine.

  • This is an error on Gearbox’ coding side, Aquamarine Snipers technically don’t exist inside the outside of hotfixes so this error can be safely ignored.

3.2 The Enemy Randomizer doesn't work for me.

  • Very first thing, make sure other mods work which include hotfixes (eg. UCP, make sure you're connected to Steam / SHiFT etc etc)
  • MERGE THE ENEMY RANDOMIZER WITH ANY MODS YOU USE. The Enemy Randomizer uses hotfixes and you can't execute one mod with hotfixes after another with hotfixes, they need to be merged with the Filter Tool
  • If it still doesn't work, make sure you have all story DLCs and UVHM Pack 2 (Digistruct Peak). You also need the Headhunter Packs OR disable them in the Enemy Randomizer with the Filter Tool, See here

Final notes: Enemy Randomizer requires a mid-good PC cause it loads every map in the game at once.

3.3 Where can I find the Randomizer file(s)?

Enemy Randomizer Skill Randomizer Weapon & Item Randomizer 4x Spawns No Spawn Limit Make sure to follow instructions and merge everything.

3.4 The Randomizer mods don't work in coop, my friend keeps disconnecting / crashing or can't join at all.

  • They aren't made to work in coop, they load all maps in the game at once and that's extremely resource heavy. You can try going to Sanctuary and letting your friend join there but no thing's guaranteed to work. Chances of random crashes are VERY high and this is not fixable.
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