使用kotlin实现的Android MVVM框架,基于anko,比databinding更简单易用。 它依赖我的另一个项目AutoAdapter(简化adapter创建的库)
- OneWay: Binding from model to view(从model到view)
- TwoWay: Binding from model to view and view to model(双向绑定)
- OneWayToSource: Binding from view to model(从view到mode)
- OneTime: Binding from model to view, and auto release after first emit(从model到view)
verticalLayout {
editText {
bind { text("name", mode = TwoWay) }
button {
bind { click("hello") }
class SimpleViewModel() : ViewModel() {
var name: String by Delegates.property("Jason")
// all the parameter for Command is optional, first parameter pass by event Observable, second parameter is lambda (Boolean) -> Unit
val hello(canExecute: (Boolean) -> Unit) {
toast("Hello, ${name}!")
//login button enabled 当name和password属性不为空时
class ArrayToBooleanConverter : MultipleConverter<Boolean> {
override fun convert(params: Array<Any>): Boolean {
params.forEach {
if(it.toString().isEmpty()) return false
return true
verticalLayout {
editText {
bind { text("name", mode = TwoWay) }
editText {
bind { text("password", mode = TwoWay) }
button {
bind { enabled("name", "password", mode = OneWay, converter = ArrayToBooleanConverter()) }
bind { click("login") }
class LoginViewModel() : ViewModel() {
var name: String by Delegates.property("[email protected]")
var password: String by Delegates.property("xxxxxx")
val login() {
//login processing
class StockViewModel() : ViewModel() {
//将生成绑定为stock属性,会为其类中所属的name和price属性生成绑定,如果hasPrefix = true,绑定的字符串会变为stock.name和stock.price
"name", "price",
hasPrefix = false
var stock: Stock? by Delegates.property()
var nameAndSymbol: String by Delegates.property { stock?.name + stock?.symbol }
//wait/until 就像是 OneTime binding, 但它只需要写好action, 就像下面, 它会等待model中的market属性变化, 然后根据action产生变化
relativeLayout {
wait { until("market", converter = viewOfMarket) { inflate(it, this@verticalLayout) } }
fun View.click(path: String) : PropertyBinding = commandBinding(path, clicks(), enabled())
fun View.enabled(vararg paths: String, mode: OneWay = BindingMode.OneWay, converter: OneWayConverter<Boolean> = EmptyOneWayConverter()) : PropertyBinding = oneWayPropertyBinding(paths, enabled(), false, converter)
fun TextView.text(vararg paths: String, mode: OneWay = BindingMode.OneWay, converter: OneWayConverter<out CharSequence> = EmptyOneWayConverter()) : PropertyBinding = oneWayPropertyBinding(paths, text(), false, converter)
fun TextView.text(vararg paths: String, mode: OneTime, converter: OneWayConverter<out CharSequence> = EmptyOneWayConverter()) : PropertyBinding = oneWayPropertyBinding(paths, text(), true, converter)
fun TextView.text(path: String, mode: OneWayToSource, converter: OneWayConverter<*> = EmptyOneWayConverter<String>()) : PropertyBinding = oneWayPropertyBinding(path, textChanges2(), converter)
fun TextView.text(path: String, mode: TwoWay, converter: TwoWayConverter<String, *> = EmptyTwoWayConverter<String, String>()) : PropertyBinding = twoWayPropertyBinding(path, textChanges2(), text(), converter)
// library with Annotation process dose not upload to bintray yet, coming soon!
dependencies {
compile 'com.benny.library:kbinding:0.2.0'
kapt 'com.benny.library:kbinding-compiler:0.2.2'
// for common bindings, View, TextView, and ...
compile 'com.benny.library:kbinding-common:0.2.2'
// for recyclerview bindings
compile 'com.benny.library:kbinding-recyclerview-v7:0.2.2'
// for support v4 bindings
compile 'com.benny.library:kbinding-support-v4:0.2.2'
KBinding仅仅是个开始,所有人都可以fork it and pull requests to me.