Releases: Blockstream/green_qt
Release 1.0.6
- Experimental support for archived accounts
- Refresh button to manually sync accounts, balances and transactions
- Automatically select new accounts after creating one
- Filter coins received before SegWit activation
- Improve layout of outputs view
- Hover to show transaction options button
- Sign p2sh inputs with Ledger devices
- Show fiat denominated balance of Liquid accounts
- Show asset icon only if balance is positive
Release 1.0.5
What's new in this release
- Automatic wallet restore, Green will find any wallet associated with your recovery phrase
- Improved transaction signing with Jade and Ledger, showing the transaction details to be confirmed on the hardware wallets
- SPV support for singlesig wallets, available in app settings
- Support connection to your personal electrum server, available in app settings
- Show indicators for tor, electrum servers and spv in the wallet status bar
- Pull down transaction list to refresh
- Show the available assets in account cards
- Improved transaction details dialog
- Improved transaction list look and feel
- New icons for Liquid
- Updates GDK to 0.0.49
- Enable Jade login button after logout
- Restore wallet with 27 word recovery phrases
- Prevent long names to break the header layout
- Show correct amounts in review step
- Timestamp when exporting transactions to CSV file
- Show locked coins under the locked filter
Release 1.0.4
- Support for send to bech32m addresses, available 144 blocks after Taproot activation
- Creation and restore of singlesig wallets on Liquid testnet
- Manual coin selection for singlesig bitcoin wallets
- Wallet status bar
- Updates GDK to 0.0.47.post1
- Automatically prompts for PIN on Jade again after a wrong attempt
- Detects and handles when Jade goes idle
- Closing dialogs takes the application to the original context
- URL with unblinding data for Liquid transactions on singlesig wallets
- Minimum width for titles in dialogs
Release 1.0.3
Release notes
A new release of the Blockstream Green desktop app!
Replaces the GreenAddress app. The feature set has not been completely ported to the new app; subsequent releases are going to incrementally complete porting to the new app (currently only missing support for Trezor).
Relevant changes
- Option to remember Watch-Only logins
- Supports creating and restoring Singlesig wallets on Liquid
- Updates GDK to 0.0.46.post1
- Use test tickers in test networks for amounts
- Paste numbers with trailing whitespace in amount fields
- Increase tor setup timeouts to improve tor sessions reliability
Release 1.0.2
Release Notes
A new release of the Blockstream Green desktop app!
Replaces the GreenAddress app. The feature set has not been completely ported to the new app; subsequent releases are going to incrementally complete porting to the new app (currently only missing support for Trezor).
Relevant changes
- Show fiat rate on wallet view header
- Show details to verify on jade when creating 2of3 accounts
- Setting for experimental features
- Release EV signed windows binaries
- Fiat amounts are updated after receiving a ticker notification
- Ensure that window is correctly restored regardless of available screens changes
- Use correct vertical scrollbar in app settings
Release 1.0.1
Release Notes
A new release of the Blockstream Green desktop app!
Replaces the GreenAddress app. The feature set has not been completely ported to the new app; subsequent releases are going to incrementally complete porting to the new app (currently only missing support for Trezor).
Relevant changes
- Option for creating 2of3 accounts with custom recovery phrase or BIP32 Extended Public Key
- Support for client-side Liquid transactions unblinding, available on Blockstream Jade 0.1.27+
- Option for filtering coins with expired 2FA
- Telegram 2FA method, available for testing in Bitcoin testnet
- Option to enable and disable the news section in the Home view
- Uses BIP21 payment request message as transaction memo
- Shows QR Code scanner popup in send view
- Improvements to the news section layout in the Home view
- Updates GDK to 0.0.45.post1
- Jade address verification with 2of3 accounts
- Uses a consistent vertical scrollbar in all lists
- Drops Electrum from default wallet name
- Application log is now saved correctly
- Ignore expired server certs in Jade PIN requests
Release 1.0.0
Release Notes
A new release of the Blockstream Green desktop app!
Replaces the GreenAddress app. The feature set has not been completely ported to the new app; subsequent releases are going to incrementally complete porting to the new app (currently only missing support for Trezor,).
Relevant changes
- Support for creating and restoring Singlesig wallets on Bitcoin
- Warnings on receive and send dialogs that Ledger Nano S supports a limited set of Liquid assets
- Improves send performance and avoids generating multiple change addresses
- Shows warning when sending with no available balance
- Makes the entire address card clickable to copy to clipboard
- Fixes dialog error regression
- Fixes filtering for non-confidential UTXOs
- Releases the session after fetching news feed and images
- Shows only supported 2FA methods
- Refreshes fiat exchange rate periodically
Release 0.1.12
Release Notes
A new release of the Blockstream Green desktop app!
Replaces the GreenAddress app. The feature set has not been completely ported to the new app; subsequent releases are going to incrementally complete porting to the new app (currently only missing support for Trezor, which is planned).
Relevant changes
- Restore compability with macOS 10.13
Release 0.1.11
Release Notes
A new release of the Blockstream Green desktop app!
Replaces the GreenAddress app. The feature set has not been completely ported to the new app; subsequent releases are going to incrementally complete porting to the new app (currently only missing support for Trezor, which is planned).
Relevant changes
- News feed to home view
- Fix missing 'all' label in liquid coins list
- Send Dialog - highlight review button, make it a primary button
- Auto-focus on 2FA input code field when prompted
- Show copy to clipboard button when hovering an address card
- Set coin selection strategy to manual
Release 0.1.10
Release Notes
A new release of the Blockstream Green desktop app!
Replaces the GreenAddress app. The feature set has not been completely ported to the new app; subsequent releases are going to incrementally complete porting to the new app (currently only missing support for Trezor, which is planned).
Relevant changes
- Support manual coin selection in Bitcoin Multisig Shield wallets
- Saving application log to file
- Default SegWit accounts in new Singlesig wallets
- Add shortcut buttons to Asset and Transactions lists in overview view
- Validation on amount input fields
- Icon indicating whether a wallet is Singlesig or Multisig Shield
- Improves for Jade hardware
- Improves look and feel to user interface controls
- Improves address validation on Jade, now triggered manually
- Overview 'Transactions' label renamed to 'Latest Transactions', now showing 10 scrollable results
- Improves layout details of some settings panels
- Improves Watch-Only login dialog
- Improves remove wallet dialog
- Fixes crash when mnemonic is invalid
- Fixes missing account name for Watch-Only wallets
- Fixes setup of μBTC denominated 2FA threshold