- Dataset information
- Analysis container
- Manuals on scRNASeq data analysis
- Information on tools and workflows
- Useful Literature
- Paper Reference: Chromatin and gene-regulatory dynamics of the developing human cerebral cortex at single-cell resolution
- DOI:
- Original Code - Resources: Dataset Interactive Viewer
- You can download the starting files from GEO entry GSE162170 selecting from the supplementary files section GSE162170_rna_counts.tsv and GSE162170_rna_cell_metadata.txt
- To generate the h5ad used as input for the first notebook, you can follow the workflow illustrated here
- To retrieve the singularity image used for the analyses of Day 1, you can use this singularity command that will pull the image from dockerhub :
singularity pull docker://cerebrassu/downstream:cerebra-24.06.1
- Harmony Quick Start
- Harmony implementation in scanpy
- Benchmarking of batch correction methods
- Benchmarking atlas-level data integration
- Decoupler pseudobulk workflow
- Decoupler general
- Pertpy
- Confronting false discoveries in single-cell differential expression
- Benchmarking study
- SEACells paper
- SEACells GitHub
- SEACells workflow
- Metacells2 paper
- Metacells2 website
- Metacells2 documentation
- Review on metacell approaches, pros and cons
- Basic guidelines for single cell analysis here you can find the first indications and guidelines (2019 is already old in the single cell field but the principles still holds) for single cell data visualization
- UMAP documentation UMAP documentation is a very rich resource to properly check how it works and how it should be used
- UMAP for single cell visualization Original article introducing UMAP to visualise single cell data
- UMAP criticisms link1 link2
- Recent benchmarck The last is the link to the specific recent benchmarck on dimensionality reduction, but this is part of a great resource for the field, across many different tasks for single cell analysis Preprint Repository has context menu
- Differential abundance analysis with Milo