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Web Frontend for BreakOut

For related applications check the organization:

How to start breakout-frontend

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Request the config file config-someenvname.json
  3. Start mongodb using docker: docker run --name breakout-mongo -p "27017:27017" -d mongo
  4. Optional: start an instance of breakout-backend (requires further documenation)
  5. Run npm ci to install the node packages (works with npm version 8 and node version 16)
  6. Run npm run build to build project (e.g less -> css, jsx -> js, ...)
  7. Run NODE_ENVIRONMENT=yourenv npm start to start frontend
  8. Your application will be running at localhost:3000

How to develop with breakout-frontend

  1. Execute steps 1 - 4 from above
  2. Run npm run build-watch. This watches for changes in client-side *.js *.jsx and *.less files and builds the respective compiled files (which then can be found in /public). Keep this running during development!
  3. Run NODE_ENVIRONMENT=yourenv npm start to start frontend
  4. Your application will be running at localhost:3000