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111 lines (77 loc) · 3.73 KB

File metadata and controls

111 lines (77 loc) · 3.73 KB

Contributing guidelines

How to start?

Great, so you want to join the development!

First, set up a development environment. Since you're going to write a new code, we recommend using the docker-compose-dev.yml method.

If everything went right, the system should be accessible at http://localhost:80.

Development workflow

We use a standard github fork workflow.

  1. Fork the repository.

  2. Create a new branch. The name does not matter, but the recommended format is feature/xxx or fix/yyy.

  3. Work on your changes!

  4. If possible, add a test or two to the tests/ directory.

  5. Remember to autoformat your code.

    For Python code, install exact versions of formatters from Then use formatters and linters listed below.

    isort mwdb/
    black mwdb/
    flake8 mwdb/

    For JS code, use Prettier.

    cd mwdb/web
    npm install --only=dev
    npx prettier --write src/
  6. If version matches the latest release version: include version bump in your commit according to the semantic versioning


    python3 dev/bump_version 1.2.3
    • Bump MAJOR version (2.2.2 => 3.0.0) when your change breaks the API compatibility.
    • Bump MINOR version (2.2.2 => 2.3.0) when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner.
    • Bump PATCH version (2.2.2 => 2.2.3) when you provide a bug fix.

    Version bump should be included in the same PR.

  7. When you feel like you're done, commit the files:

$ git add -A
$ git status  # check if included files match your expectations
$ git diff --cached  # check the diff for forgotten debug prints etc
$ git commit  # commit the changes (don't forget to add a commit message)
  1. Push changes to your fork:
$ git push origin [your_branch_name]
  1. Create a pull request with your changes from the GitHub interface and wait for review.

That's it! Thank you very much, we appreciate you help.

Running tests manually

  1. Run Docker-Compose environment (e.g. dev)
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up -d
  1. Go to tests/backend and install necessary requirements (virtualenv recommended)
(venv) tests/backend$ pip install -r requirements.txt 
  1. Export variables from mwdb-vars.env and set MWDB_URL to API endpoint
(venv) tests/backend$ export MWDB_ADMIN_LOGIN=admin
(venv) tests/backend$ export MWDB_ADMIN_PASSWORD=(password)
(venv) tests/backend$ export MWDB_URL=
  1. Run pytest to perform tests
(venv) tests/backend$ pytest -k attributes
========================================================================================================= test session starts ==========================================================================================================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.10, pytest-6.2.5, py-1.10.0, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: /home/psrok1/mwdb-core
collected 78 items / 72 deselected / 6 selected                                                                                                                                                                                 ......                                                                                                                                                                                                        [100%]

=================================================================================================== 6 passed, 72 deselected in 3.64s ===================================================================================================