Codey Moore's Theos installation for noobs
PLEASE NOTE: Installing Theos via Jack's theosinstaller requires su but Thoes itself DOES NOT need to run in su, it can be ran in su but IS NOT RECOMMEND.
ALSO NOTE: iOS 9.3 and above SDK's seem to be broken causing Theos not to be able to compile tweaks and etc. Please use the command "theosinstaller 9.2" to fix this issue.
Macintosh installation:
Part 1 - Installing brew
1. To install brew open your favourite Terminal app (default Terminal app is located in Applications/Utilities).
2. Enter the following command into the Terminal app "/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"" (without the outer quotes).
This part might take a bit so just dont touch anything and let it do its thing.
Part 2 - Installing and cpan'ing a couple of things (Ldid, XZ and cpan IO::Compress::Lzma)
1. Install Ldid with the following command "brew install ldid" (without quotes).
2. Install XZ with the following command "brew install xz" (without quotes).
3. Lastly we need to cpan "IO::Compress::Lzma" do so with the following command "sudo cpan IO::Compress::Lzma" (without quotes).
It'll prompt you to type in your admin password, type it in and dont stress if you dont see your pasword on the screen thats just how it is, for whatever reason.
Part 3 - Time to install Theos. (Choose a location for Theos, the default location is used below)/the final steps
1. Copy and paste the following commands into Terminal and press Enter
"export THEOS=~/theos
export PATH=$THEOS/bin:$PATH
2. Copy and paste the following command into Terminal and press Enter "git clone --recursive $THEOS" (without quotes).
This part might take a bit so just dont touch anything and let it do its thing.
3. Now check if Theos is installed. If its not where you installed it to redo the steps above.
4. Acquire SDKS from somewhere. (Look on Github).
5. Put the SDK zip (assuming its a zip) into the "SDKS" folder located in the 'Theos' folder and then unzip them.
(This step may not be necessary)
5a. Move the unzipped folder into the following location "/Applications/"
rename the folder with the correct iOS version (E.g. iPhoneOS9.2.sdk).
6. Move the necessary headers (the files in the folder that was unzipped from the SDK zip) into "Include" folder in the "Theos" folder.
7. Check that Theos is working correctly by run the NIC command "$THEOS/bin/" (without quotes).
Thats it! all done. Now you can start making Cydia Tweaks and etc. The iOS Theos commands are the same across all systems.
iOS installation:
iOS installation made easy by Jake James. Go follow him on Twitter -
Part 1 - Jailbreak your iDevice
I'll let you do that - - would be a good place to start
Part 2 - Adding a repo to Cydia
1. Open Cydia and let it refresh
2. Go to the Sources tab and in the top right corner click the "Edit" button a pop up will appear copy and paste this repo into that pop up "" (without quotes) then let Cydia do its thing.
Part 3 - Installing everything/the final steps
1. Once Cydia has done its thing go to the "Search" tab and search for "Theos Installer" and then que that for install then search for "MTerminal" and install them both.
2. Now open MTerminal type "su" (without quotes) MTerminal will prompt you to type your root password (default password is "alpine" (without quotes) unless you've changed it) then copy and paste the following command "theosinstaller 9.2" (without quotes).
3. This part might take a bit, once its done you can use the Theos commands below.
When using the theos installer please use SDK versions 9.2 or below otherwise theos might not be able to compile tweaks and etc.
$THEOS/bin/ - Command for NIC (New Instance Creator)
Commands for compiling your project. You need to change directories into your project folder. Use this command to change directory - cd "CHANGE/THE/FOLDER/DIRECTORY".
make package - Only makes the .deb
make package install - Makes the deb and installs it on your iDevice