Here is a list of items that need to be addressed for a better UX.
- Should we remove CDNs and external links?
- Yeah it may be a little paranoid
- Better CryptoJS integration.
- Oh god.
- Creat obfuscation bots.
##UI Fixes
- Fix return issue for textarea.chatInput
- Look for solution in app.js keyCode in app.js
- Be sure not to loose the if ((keyCode == 10 || keyCode == 13) && e.ctrlKey) functionality.
- Decrypted and Encrypted chat windows are not appropriately using scrollHeight
- The progress bar in passstrong.js is just showing colors like a stop sign. Not good enough.
- Also where are the bootstrap stripes?
- Confrim the file is reading in a sensible and easily to understand way.
- Copy edit all text.