Chopper is a python script to scrape HTTP Headers from the requests. All you need is to supply a valid domain name. Chopper will automatically check for security related headers, thus saving much of your time.
Made with ❤️ by Kamran Saifullah
Chopper is a python script to scrape HTTP Headers from the requests. All you need is to supply a valid domain name. Chopper will automatically check for security related headers, thus saving much of your time.
Currently Chopper is able to check the following headers and flags.
- Content-Security-Policy
- X-XSS-Protection
- X-Frame-Headers
- X-Content-Type
- Strict-Transport-Security
- Referrer-Policy
- Feature-Policy
- Cache-Control Policy
- HttpOnly Flag
- Secure Flag
- Server Header
- X-Powered-By Header
- X-AspNet-Version Header
- Access-Control-Allow-Origin
- Access-Control-Allow-Credentials
In order for the script to work properly, there are few dependencies which are required to be installed. Do it with the following from within the folder or as you like.
pip install -r requirements.txt
or you can install the dependecies one by one.
- Python3
- Colorama
- Validators
- Requests
Execute the
by doing simply as
The scripts only take the URL as a parameter.
- Scanning URL <URL>
Many Thanks
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