Table of Contents
- Mini Project 3: Tic Tac Toe App
By the end of this mini project, you should be able to:
- write minimax algorithm using recursion
You need to have Git to do the project. Download and install the software according to your OS:
- Windows: Git for Windows
- Mac OS: Git for MacOS
Clone the mini project repository from Github. On your terminal or Git Bash, type the following:
git clone
Once you have downloaded the repository, you can go to the repository and to the folder called mp_tictactoe
for this mini project.
$ cd d2w_mini_projects/mp_tictactoe
$ ls
The last command should output the following:
This handout can be found in the file
You should open Anaconda Prompt to do the following steps.
In the following steps, the Windows prompt will be represented by:
Go to the root folder mp_tictactoe
> cd d2w_mini_projects\mp_tictactoe
From the root folder, i.e. mp_tictactoe
, create virtual environment called virtenv
> python -m venv virtenv
A folder called virtenv
will be created. Now, activate the virtual environment.
> virtenv\Scripts\activate
You should see the word virtenv
in your prompt something like:
(virtenv) folder>
To exit the virtual environment at the end of this mini project, simply type:
> deactivate
In the following steps, the MacOS/Linux prompt will be represented by:
Go to the root folder mp_tictactoe
$ cd d2w_mini_projects/mp_tictactoe
From the root folder, i.e. mp_tictactoe
, create virtual environment called virtenv
$ python -m venv virtenv
A folder called virtenv
will be created. Now, activate the virtual environment.
$ source virtenv/bin/activate
You should see the word virtenv
in your prompt something like:
(virtenv) user$
To exit the virtual environment at the end of this mini project, simply type:
$ deactivate
Install the necessary packages for this mini project. From the root folder, i.e. mp_tictactoe
, type the following:
For Windows:
> python -m pip install --upgrade pip
> python -m pip install -U --force-reinstall -r requirements.txt
For MacOS/Linux: (For Linux, you might need to type pip3 instead)
$ python -m pip install --upgrade pip
$ python -m pip install -U --force-reinstall -r requirements.txt
The above steps will update pip and install the following packages:
- Flask
- Transcrypt
- Flask-SQLAlchemy
- Flask-Migration
- Flask-Bootstrap4
- and some other packages
The first file you will need to look at is
. Open that file using a text editor. You should see less lines here as compared to your previous project mp_calc
. In this file, you see only the following:
from app import application, db
from app.models import User, State
def make_shell_context():
return {'db': db, 'User': User, 'State': State}
if __name__ == "__main__":"", port=8080, debug=True)
Notice the following differences:
- This project only imports
unlike the previous project which importsUser
, andTimeRecord
. The reason is that we only use two SQL tables (User
) in this project. These tables is defined inside
folder. - under
function definition, we only returndb
, andState
object. This is to use these three objects when we work on the flask shell.
Inside the app
folder, we again have
file. In this file, we have added two lines as follows.
from flask_socketio import SocketIO
socketio = SocketIO(application)
Those two lines are used to make use Flask-SocketIO
which implements SocketIO
API in Python. This enables you to have realtime, bi-directional communication between web clients and servers. It has two parts: a client-side library that runs in the browser, and a server side library. The code we have inside
is for the server side library. For the client-side library, we find the following codes in app/templates/base.html
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
which are needed to use Socket.IO
library and JQuery library. More importantly, we can find some codes inside app/templates/single.html
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
var socket;
var celldata;
namespace = '/tictactoe';
socket = io(namespace);
We have written some Javascript codes for you to handle the following events:
: This custom event is called after the server side is ready and it fills the Tic Tac Toe cells with the data, i.e. either_
, orO
. -
: This custom event is called after computer has chosen its move and it will update the Tic Tac Toe cell with the computer's move. This function will call the functionupdate_computer(row, col, mark)
to update the HTML with the computer's move. This is part of Exercise 1 you need to do. -
: This custom event is called when there is a winner. It will call the functionwinning(mark, winner)
to update the HTML with the status of the winner. This is part of Exercise 1 you need to do.Inside
, just below the table, we have the following HTML code:<h1><div id="winner" style='text-align:center'></div></h1>
Currently, it is empty. There is no text between
But when the computer or the player wins the game, it should be replaced with either "You Win!" or "You Lose!". The function that is responsible to update this iswinning(mark, winner)
Open the following file: app/static/
update_computer(row, col, player)
function by replacing theNone
in the codes. Your code should get the mark of the computer which is the opposite mark of the input argumentplayer
mark. This means that if the player isX
, you should assignO
, and vice versa. This function will be called when the computer has decided its move and is used to update the HTML to draw the computer's move.The cell id is in the following format: cellxy
- where x is the row, and y is the column
- x and y values are from 0 to 2 For example, the cell in the middle of the Tic Tac Toe grid is given by 'cell11'.
winning(player, winner)
function. This function should update the HTML tagwinner
with either "You Win!" or "You Lose!". Usedocument.getElementById(id).innerText
to assign the text. The HTML tag id is "winner". -
click_cell(username, row, col, mark)
function. This function is called when a user click a cell in the Tic Tac Toe grid. The first argument is the username. This is used by the server to update the database. The second and the third arguments are the row and the column (0 to 2) index where the user clicked. The last argument is the mark assigned to the user, i.e. either 'X' or 'O'. The function should:- create a string for the
variable which contains theid
of the HTML tag to be modified. - update the Tic Tac Toe corresponding cell given by the row and column with the input argument
. - notify the server that the user has clicked a cell.
- create a string for the
In this task, you need to compile the
into a javascript file that will server the HTML files.
To compile
, first we need to go into the static
> cd d2w_mini_projects\mp_tictactoe\app\static
> dir
The last command will list the file in that folder, and you should see:
Run Transcrypt on
python -m transcrypt -b -n clientlibrary
The option -b
means to build the javascript library. You can use --help
for more options. Once it is done, you should be able to see a folder called __target__
containing several files. You should see clientlibrary.js
created inside this folder.
To compile
, first we need to go into the static
$ cd d2w_mini_projects/mp_tictactoe/app/static
$ ls
The last command will list the file in that folder, and you should see:
Run Transcrypt on
python -m transcrypt -b -n clientlibrary
The option -b
means to build the javascript library. You can use --help
for more options. Once it is done, you should be able to see a folder called __target__
containing several files.
You should see clientlibrary.js
created inside this folder.
Now we are going to work with the database. We will use two tables. The first one is to keep a record of the users. The other one is a table to store state of the Tic Tac Toe board.
Let's start with the User table. We specify our tables in the app/
. Inside you will find the following code:
class User(UserMixin, db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'user'
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
username = db.Column(db.String(64), index=True, unique=True)
password_hash = db.Column(db.String(128))
# Your code here
# Add winning column as integer, with default value 0
# Add draw column as integer, with default value 0
# Add score column as integer, with default value 0
winning = None
draw = None
score = None
The first four attributes are similar to the previous mini project. Your task is to create three more columns for the winning
, draw
and score
: is an Integer column to store how many times the user wins. Set its default value to 0.draw
: is an Integer column to store how many times the user has a draw when playing against the computer. Set its default value to 0.score
: is an Integer column that store the scores of the user based on the number the player wins and has a draw.
Hint: Use the keyword argument default=0
to specify the default value of the column.
Now, we will create the State table. We can create another table that contains the following column:
, which is the primary key of the tableuser_id
, which is the user id fromUser
table that update the State tabletime
, which is the time of the updatecell
, which is a string of 9 characters to store all the cell in a single string.mark
, which is to store the mark of the user used in the game
Note that we chose to use a single string to store the state of the Tic Tac Toe board in the database. For example, if we have the following board state:
board = [['X', 'O', '_'],
['O', 'X', '_'],
['X', 'O', '_']]
we can store the state of the board as a single string as follows.
board = 'XO_OX_XO_'
class State(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'state'
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''))
time = db.Column(db.TIMESTAMP)
# Your code here
# Add a column for the cell as a 9 character string length
# Add a column to store for the mark of the player
# this should be a single string character
cell = None
mark = None
We use an integer as the primary key for this table. The user_id
is used to store which user that updates the table. We can use this to find all the updates by a particular user using the id. We also create a column called time
which is of type TIMESTAMP
to store the time of the update. The value should be of Python's DateTime
Now, your task is to replace the None
- Create a column
which is of the typeString
and has the length of 9 characters. This is used to store the state of the board where each character is one cell in the board. - Create a column
which is of the typeString
and has the length of 1 character. This is used to store the type of the mark, i.e. eitherX
Now, we are going to create the database using Flask-Migrate tool. First, go to the root directory of your project.
> cd d2w_mini_projects\mp_tictactoe
Mac OS:
$ cd d2w_mini_projects/mp_tictactoe
Then, run the following command from the terminal:
flask db init
flask db migrate
flask db upgrade
command will initialize the database using SQLlite.migrate
will create the migration scripts.upgrade
will perform the database operations to create the tables.
You can try to run the web application now. First go to the root directory of your project. For example,
> cd d2w_mini_projects\mp_tictactoe
Mac OS:
$ cd d2w_mini_projects/mp_tictactoe
Now you can run Flask.
If you use Vocareum terminal to run your Flask application, you can do so by running the
script. Before running this script, make sure the voc=True
is set true in the following line inside mp_tictactoe/app/
# set voc=False if you run on local computer
application.wsgi_app = PrefixMiddleware(application.wsgi_app, voc=True)
Now, make sure you are inside the mp_tictactoe
folder by using the pwd
> pwd
Use ls
to ensure that you see the
in the current folder.
> ls
Make sure that the script is executable by running the following command.
> chmod a+x ./
The above script is to change the file to be executable for all users, group and owner.
To run the script, type the following.
> ./
Once it is running, you can open another tab in your browser and type the following url:
To stop the web app type CTRL+C
If you are using your own computer, make sure to change the flag voc=False
in the following line inside mp_tictactoe/app/
# set voc=False if you run on local computer
application.wsgi_app = PrefixMiddleware(application.wsgi_app, voc=False)
Now, you can run Flask by typing:
flask run
Then open a web browser located at:
. You should see an image as shown below.
You should then try to do the following:
- Register a user by clicking "Click to Register"
- Login using your newly created user account.
- Go to the different pages and makes sure you can browse through the different menu such as Home, Single Player, Records, and Users.
- Stop the web server by pressing
in the terminal or command prompt.
In this exercise you will apply what you learn about Object Oriented to create a class called Move
Open and edit mp_tictactoe/app/
to edit your Move
class definition according to the definition below.
The class Move
represent a move done by either a player or a computer.
The class should have the following properties:
- row
- col
The setter for these properties should allow only integer value between 0 and 2 which represent the row or the column index. Upon initialization, the value of the row and the column's attribute should be initialized to -1.
Write a test case after the following line:
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Exercise 3
# Test Move class
# Write your test case to make sure that
# the row and col properties accept only index
# between 0 and 2
- Use
statement in your test. - Run the file under
folder by callingpython
from the Terminal or Command Prompt.
This is the main class to perform the AI-based TicTacToe game. We will write down the methods one at a time. The initialization method of the class is given as follows:
class TicTacToe:
def __init__(self, board=None, mark='X'):
if board == None:
board = [['_', '_', '_'],
['_', '_', '_'],
['_', '_', '_']]
if isinstance(board, str):
board = self.str_to_board(board)
self.board = board
self.max_player = 'X'
self.min_player = 'O'
self.mark = mark
The class has four attributes:
stores the state of the board in a list of list. One can initialize it using the argument when creating the object or if nothing is given will be initalized to an empty board where all tiles are set as'_'
.- the method also checks if
is given as a single string. If it is, it callsstr_to_board()
method to change from a single string to a nested list. You need to implement thisstr_to_board()
method. self.max_player
is the maximize player. In Minimax algorithm there are two players where one of the players' objective is always to maximize its score and the other player's objective is always to minimize its score.self.min_player
is the minimize player.self.mark
is the current player mark, either X or O.
Do the following tasks:
Write a method called
where it resets the board (attributeself.board
) to an empty board where all the tiles are set to'_'
. -
Write a method called
which takes in a single argument. The argument is a string of 9 characters representing the state of a TicTacToe's board. The method should return a nested list where each cell is a single element in the nested list. -
Create a computed property called
which returns a single string representation of the board. This is the reverse ofstr_to_board()
method. -
Write a method called
update(row, col, mark)
where it set the tile at positionrow
using themark
Write a small helper method called checkwinner(cell)
to check whether the winner is the maximizer or the minimizer by looking into one of the cell in the winning line. Given the input cell:
- the method should return 10 if the cell contains the maximizer's mark
- or return -10 if the cell contains the minimizer's mark.
You should use the attribute self.max_player
and/or self.min_player
to check which mark is the maximizer or the minimizer.
Write a method called evaluate(board)
. Given a state of the board
in the input, the method should return:
- 10 if the maximizer wins the game
- -10 if the minimizer wins the game
- or 0 if there is no winner (a draw)
- Check at each row for a winning pattern
- Check at each column for a winning pattern
- Check at both diagonals for a winning pattern
- This method may call
in Task 3 to return the proper scores.
Write a method called checkwinning()
. This method should call evaluate(board)
in Task 4. The method evaluate(board)
returns the scores of the state of the board. Based on that score this method should return the following:
- if the score is 10, return the mark of the maximizer player
- if the score is -10, return the mark of the minimizer player
- if other than the above, return
Write a method called any_moves_left()
to check if there is any possible moves left. There is no input to the method. The method simply check the state of the board and see if there is any cell is still in the state '_'
. If there is, it returns True
, otherwise, it returns False
Write a method called find_best_move(player)
. This method returns the best move for the given input player
. The input player
is either X or O and the output is an instance of Move
object which definition we have defined in Exercise 3.
The algorithm to find the best move is given as follows:
- Initialize best move score
- Initialize best move to be NULL
- For each move in the board:
- If the move is possible (the cell is empty):
- Change the board state temporarily with the move
- Compute evaluation function using minimax. You need to read Task 8 to see the arguments for
minimax(board, depth, is_max_player)
- Undo the move in the board
- If the move evaluation score is the better than the best move score:
- Set the best move object to this move
- If the move is possible (the cell is empty):
- return the best move object
- When calling the
method, the role is alternating between the maximizer and the minimizer. So if the current player is a maximizer, you should callminimax()
as a minimizer and vice versa.
Write a method called minimax(board, depth, is_max_player)
. The method takes in the following input arguments:
which is the state of the board.depth
which is an integer and indicates the level of minimax algorithm.is_max_player
which is a boolean eitherTrue
or `False depending on whether the current move is a maximizer or a minimizer.
The method should return an integer, which is the score of the board at the current level of depth. The algorithm for the minimax evaluation function is as follows:
- Get the score of the current board
- If there is a winner, exit and return the score either 10 for maximizer or -10 for minimizer
- Otherwise, check if there is any available move left
- If no more move, it's a draw and return 0
- Otherwise, recurse and call minimax again
The last step depends on whether the current step is a maximizer or a minimzer. It proceeds as follows:
- If the current step is a maximizer:
- Initalize the best score
- For each move in the board:
- If there is a possible move (empty cell):
- Make temporary move using a maximizer mark
- Compute the evaluation function using minimax ensuring:
- increase the depth level by 1
- change step to minimizer mark
- Undo the move
- If there is a possible move (empty cell):
- return the best score
The step if it is the minimizer is the same. The only difference is in the following:
- The initial value for the best score will be opposite of that for the maximizer
- Use the minimizer mark in making the temporary move
- The best score will the lowest instead of the highest
- In calling the evaluation function, alternate to maximizer mark
Now you should test your TicTacToe
Scroll down to Exercise 4 test cases and comment out the following line
. -
Run the file under
folder by callingpython
from the Terminal or Command Prompt. -
The rest of the code has been written for you. By now, you should be able to play the Tic Tac Toe with the computer. Try to understand the overall code and every part of the project. Run the webserver to test.
The expected output can be found in this video below.
Mini Project 3 Expected Output
The following two exercises are meant for you to get familiar with how the whole application works. The solutions have been provided in
in the GitHub repository. However, you may want to compare this note and the solution.
Now our task is to updating the Single Player Page using the State table.
- Open
in your text editor. This file contains the different handler for your web servers. - First, make sure that you have the following two lines in the import statement of
.from app.models import User, State from app import db
- Go to the function
. - Note that the TicTacToe's object instance is stored in
variable. Retrieve the mark for the current player by replacing theNone
in the below code:and# get the mark for the current player # replace None player_mark = None
# get the mark for the computer player # replace None with your code computer_mark = None
- Create a new
object to store the state of the board. You need to replace theNone
in the argument of the object instantiation. We have filled one of the argument to get the time of the update
should be initalied to the current's user id.cell
should be initalized to a single string representing the board's state. You may want to use the computed propertyboard_to_str
should be initialized the current user's mark.
data = State(user_id=None,, cell=None, mark=None)
- Insert the data into the database. First you need to add the data into the session and then commit it. You need two lines of code here.
# add the data to the session pass # commit the session to the database pass
- Complete the rest of the code in the
block as shown in the section below.else: if user not in players: # set player mark randomly player_mark = random.choice(marks) # create the object instant TicTacToe using the # player's mark players[user] = None # set the computer mark # replace None with your code computer_mark = None else: # if user is already in the dictionary, use the mark there # the TicTacToe object is stored inside players[user] variable player_mark = players[user].mark # set the computer mark # replace None with your code computer_mark = None return render_template('single.html', title='Single Player',
We will use SocketIO to communicate between the client and the server without having to submit any HTML form. SocketIO allows us to emit an event and create a handler when an event is emitted.
- Open
and go tohandle_connect(message)
function. You will see the following codes:@socketio.on('startconnect', namespace='/tictactoe') def handle_connect(message): print("Connected") mark = message["mark"] all_data = State.query.filter_by( if len(all_data) < 1: data = State(,, cell='_________', mark=mark) db.session.add(data) db.session.commit() last_data = State.query.filter_by([-1] players[current_user.username] = TicTacToe(last_data.cell, last_data.mark) emit('afterconnect', {'data': last_data.cell})
- The line before the function definition is a decorator by SocketIO to indicate that this is the handler when an event
is detected in thetictactoe
namespace. - The event
is emitted by the client when the page is loaded up. You can see the following code insidemp_tictactoe/app/templates/single.html
when the HTML page is ready:namespace = '/tictactoe'; socket = io(namespace); socket.emit("startconnect", {"mark": "{{ player }}"});
- SocketIO allows you to emit an event with messages in the argument of the function. In this case, the
has the following message:{"mark": "{{ player }}"}
, which is a dictionary where the key ismark
and the value is either X or O. - The following lines check if there is any existing data stored in the database in this collection for this particular user. If there is no data, it will create one and add it to the database.
all_data = State.query.filter_by( if len(all_data) < 1: data = State(,, cell='_________', mark=mark) db.session.add(data) db.session.commit()
- Recall that
is a method to query the SQL database. In our case we filter the query by theuser_id
. We want to retrieve all the records by the current user using.all()
. - The code simply searches if there is any record of the current user playing the game. If there is, the number of records will not be less than 1 as every click will store a new data into the database. On the other hand, if this is the first time the user play, the code creates a new data by inserting an empty TicTacToe's board.
- The code then tries to find the last record (see the index
).last_data = State.query.filter_by([-1]
- Then, the code creates a new instance of
object using this last data.players[current_user.username] = TicTacToe(last_data.cell, last_data.mark)
- Lastly, the code emit a new signal or event called
using SocketIO and pass on the board's state as the message.emit('afterconnect', {'data': last_data.cell})
In Exercise 1 Task 1, you have encountered the click_cell()
function inside mp_tictactoe/app/static/
which handle what happens when there is a click. One of the thing that this function does is to emit a SocketIO event:
socket.emit('clicked', {'username': username, 'id': cellid, 'mark': mark})
Now, we are going to handle this event clicked
that is emitted when there is a click.
Open mp_tictactoe/app/
and go to handle_click(message)
. This is the function that handles the clicked
event as shown by the decorator.
@socketio.on('clicked', namespace='/tictactoe')
def handle_click(message):
First, we will initialize a few variables using the argument
. To understand the structure of message, you can openmp_tictactoe/app/static/
and look inside theemit()
function call. Replace theNone
in the codes below.# get the user name, mark and the clicked cell from message # check for the message sent in # event 'clicked' # replace the None user = message[None] mark = message[None] # set the computer mark to be the opposite of that of player computer = None # get the cell number from 'id' inside message # Note that the format for the cell string is 'cellXY' # extract only the last two characters cell = None
In the previous step, we have obtained the row and col that the user clicked inside
variable. Extract the row and the column and call theupdate(row, col, mark)
method of TicTacToe's object instance. Make sure you pass on int objects instead of str objects in the row and column.# update TicTacToe's object using the mark at the approriate row and col # replace the None players[user].update(None, None, None)
After updating the board using the
method, now you can check if there is a winner by looking at the board. Call a method to check if there is a winner from one of TicTacToe's methods. Note: There are two instances where you need to call this method. One is just after you are updating the player's move and the other one is after you update the computer's move.# check if there is any winner # you can call checkwinning method inside TicTacToe's object winner = None
Now, we will handle what happens when there is no winner after the move. First, we will check if the computer can make a move. Replace
in the following code with a method call inTicTacToe
class that tells you if you can still make a move.# if there is no winner, check if there is any move lefts # get the boolean value by calling a method inside TicTacToe can_move = None
If the computer can make a move, it will find the best move and update the board. Replace the
in the below code to update theTicTacToe
board.# update the board with the best move # replace the None players[user].update(None, None, None)
After we update the board, we again check if there is a winner from the last state of the board. Replace the
in the code below.# check if there is a winner # call a method inside TicTacToe winner = None
Lastly, we need to update the database. To do that, first you need to create an object instance of
. Next you need to add the data and commit it to the database.# insert a new document to db on the board's status # create an object instance of State. Replace the None. data = State(user_id=None,, cell=None, mark= None) # write the code to add the data to the session pass # write the code to commit the session to the database pass