Some/All of this may end up in the scala.meta library semantic api
- appendStat - Appends a statement to the stats
- prependStat - prepends a statement to the stats
- replaceStats - replace current stats with the supplied
- deleteStats - replace current stats with the supplied
- simpleName - name of the Term (no package info)
- fullName - name of the Term inlcuding package info
- addField
- addMethod
- parameters
- implicitParameters
- @Decorate
- @DecorateGetters
- @DecorateSetters
- @DecorateFields
- @DecorateMethods
- @Spy - Keeps track of updates to an object
- @SpyPrint - Prints updates to a class/object
- @Mock - Returns a constant rather then running the function for debugging purposes
- @MockIf - Same as mock except takes a boolean supplier
- @Hide - Unit methods only, if the flag is true, method will be replace with noop.
- @Time - Prints the execution time of a method
- @PrintOnExecute - Prints the method name and parameters on execution
- @Profile - Accumulate statistics about methods that can then be accessed and printed
- @Monitor - Like @Profile, except no accumulation, so that graphs can be made from the data etc.
- @Debug - Only execute the method during debug sessions
- @WhatAmI - Prints what type of Defn the annotee is
- @Production - Only execute the method in production
- @Benchmark - Generate a benchmark method that will run this method 1 million times
- @Case - Equivalent to "case class"
- @Equals - Generate equals and hashcode
- @HashCode - Generate hashcode
- @ToString - Generate toString
- @PrettyPrint - Generate a toString with PPrint support
- @Macro - Inserts the inline and meta block for you
- @AnnotationMacro - Converts a def X into an annotation macro of @X
- @Identity - No-op
- @Copy - Typeclass of Macros that literally just duplicate the contents
- @CopyDef
- @CopyVal
- @CopyVar
- @CopyTrait
- @CopyClass
- @CopyObject
- @CopyType
- @PrintStructure - show structure of anything annotatable
- @PrintSyntax - show syntax of anything annotatable
- @PrintMods
- @PrintFields
- @PrintParams
- @PrintStatements
- @PrintSuperClass
- @PrintTraits
- @PrintMethods
- @PrintFunctions
- @Specialize - Identical to scala @Specialize
- @Of - Create an X.of method for ever X.apply method (Guava syntax)
- @BeanProperty - Identical to scala @BeanProperty
- @BooleanBeanProperty - Identical to scala @BooleanBeanProperty
- @GenJava - generate an identical method that returns a java collection rather then scala
- @NonNull - add assertions for non-null results
- @NonNullParams - add assertions for non-null parameters
- @Nat - add assertions for natural results
- @NatParams - add assertions for natural parameters
- @NonEmpty - add assertions for non-empty traversable
- @Singleton - Verify that it is a one element list
- @Empty - Verify the object is empty
- @Immutable - Verify only val's, no vars
- @ImmutableCollections - Only ImmutableCollections
- @MutableCollections - Marker to tell @ImmutableCollection to ignore this method
- @LazyCollections - Only Views are allowed
- @Lazy - All fields are lazy
- @Struct - Verify no behavior only getters and setters
- @NoFields - Verify no fields only behavioral implications
- @NoNullItems - Verify a traversable has no nulls in it
- @Pure - Verify no side effects (Is this even possible without the scala effect api)
- @NotThreadSafe - Verify the object is only accessed via one thread it's entire lifetime
- @ThreadSafe - Marker to tell @NotThreadSafe to ignore this method
- @NotConcurrentAccess - Verify the object is only accessed via one thread at a time (Unlike @Synchronize this would actually throw on concurrent access, rather then waiting)
- @ConcurrentAccess - Marker to tell @ConcurrentAccess to ignore this method
- @Thread - Verify thread is correct
- @NotThread - Verify thread is not X thread
- @Synchronize - Synchronize all access to a class/trait/object
- @NoSynchronize - Marker to tell @Synchronize to ignore this method
- @ReadWriteLocked - Create a readwrite lock and ensure that
- @Read - Marker - unnecessary as all methods will take the read lock by default
- @Write - Take the writelock while inside this method
- @TestOnly - Remove the method/class in production?
- @VisibleForTesting - Semi-Marker - Verify that the modifier is not currently private (thus unneccesary)
- @Decorator
- @Delegate
- @Adapter
- @Facade
- @Flyweight
- @Composite
- @Bridge
- @Proxy
- @Factory
- @Builder
- @Prototype
- @Singleton
- @ChainOfReponsibility
- @Command
- @Interpreter
- @Iterator
- @Mediator
- @Momento
- @Observer
- @State
- @Strategy
- @TemplateMethod
- @Visitor
- Commutative
- Associative
- Distributive
- Covariant
- Invariant
- Bivariant
- Contravariant
- @Typeclass
- @Monad
- @Monoid
- Scalaz:@Show - Generate a Show typeclass for this object
- Scalaz:@Eq - Generate a Eq typeclass for this object
- Many:@Option - Generate toXOption for Scala/ScalaZ/Shapeless etc.
- Many:@Logger - Generate a logger for the class
- @ToVal - Convert var to val
- @ToVar - Convert val to var
- @Lazy - Make lazy
- @Privatise - convert any methods/fields etc prefixed with _ to private (from python)
- @Private - make private
- @PackagePrivate - make package private
- @Final - make final
- @Public - Convert things to public ones
- @Unseal - Convert sealed things to unsealed
- @NoSynchronize
- @Rename - Change the name of a class/trait/field/method etc.
- @Delete - Return an empty tree
- @Enum - A scala enum type, the way it should have been
- @Refine(a, b) - generates "def b(params) = super.a(params)"
- @Operator(symbol) - generate a method with the symbolic operator
- @Alias(name) - generate a second method/class identical but with a different name
- Option - Unboxed option type (no runtime overhead)
- Try - Unboxed Try type