- Overview
- The Problem
- The Scribengin Solution
- Read this to get Started
- Performance Results
- Quickstart Guides
- Developer Info
- Developer Guidelines
- Releasing Code
####Overview Pronounced "Scribe Engine"
Scribengin is a highly reliable, highly available, and performant event/logging transport that registers data under defined schemas in a variety of end systems. Scribengin enables users to have multiple flows of data from a data source to a data sink. Scribengin will tolerate system failures of individual nodes and will do a complete recovery in the case of system failure.
####The Problem The core problem is how to reliably and scalably have a distributed application write data to multiple destination data systems. This requires the ability to do data mapping, partitioning, data enhancement, data transformation, and optional filtering to the destination system.
####The Scribengin Solution:
A distributed, highly reliable ETL system that can handle multiple sources and sinks
####Read this to get started!
- High Level Scribengin Features
- Learn the Scribengin terminology, and get acquainted with Scribengin at a high level.
####Performance results
####Quickstart Guides Get Scribengin launched quickly! This will walk users how to start a Scribengin instance in YARN.
- QuickStart Guide
- How to launch a cluster in any arbitrary environment i.e. in-house cluster, AWS, etc
####Developer Info
####Developer Guidelines
cd NeverwinterDP
./gradlew clean build release -x test
#Code and jars will be released to NeverwinterDP/release/build/release/