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App Support
HEXcube edited this page Apr 23, 2016
103 revisions
This is a complete list of all the applications the fixer currently supports and the respective standardised icon name. If you know of a hardcoded application icon which isn't in this list please report it. Because the end goal of the fixer is to stop hardcoded icons existing below there are links to any upstream bug reports that exist. Again, if you know of one we don't let us know!
Application Name | Icon Name | Upstream |
2048 | 2048 | Status |
4Pane | 4Pane | Fixed |
8BitMMO | steam_icon_250420 | No status |
Aard Dictionary | aarddict | Status |
amSynth | amsynth | Status |
Android Studio | android-studio | Status |
Anna - Extended Edition | steam_icon_217690 | No status |
Aptik | aptik | Fixed as of v1.4 |
APX | apx | Status |
Ardour | ardour | No status |
Arista | arista | Status |
Armagetron Advanced | armagetronad | Fixed in v0.4 |
Arronax | arronax | Status |
ASCII Design | ascii-design | Fixed in v1.1.1 |
AstroMenace | astromenace | No status |
Bastion | steam_icon_107100 | No status |
Beat Hazard | steam_icon_49600 | No status |
Beat Hazard 2 | steam_icon_49610 | No status |
Bibfilex | bibfilex | Fixed |
BioShock Infinite | steam_icon_8870 | No status |
BitDefender | bitdefender | No status |
Blam | blam | No status |
BlueJ | bluej | No status |
Boot Repair | x-boot-repair | No status |
Bygfoot Football Manager | bygfoot | No status |
Calendar Indicator | office-calendar | No status |
Cities in Motion 2 | steam_icon_225420 | No status |
Cisco Packet Tracer | packettracer | No status |
ClipGrab | clipgrab | No status |
Codelite | codelite | Fixed in v7.1 |
Conky Manager | conky-manager | Fixed in v2.0.3 |
Copy | copy | No status |
Crashplan | crashplan | No status |
Cura | cura | No status |
Cyclograph | cyclograph | No status |
Desura | desura | No status |
diffpdf | diffpdf | No status |
Docear | docear | No status |
Dogecoin QT | dogecoin | No status |
DopeWars | dopewars | No status |
DOS Box | dosbox | No status |
Dota 2 | steam_icon_570 | No status |
Double Action: Boogaloo | steam_icon_317360 | No status |
dreamchess | dreamchess | No status |
Dr. Geo | drgeo | No status |
Driver Manager | driver-manager | No status |
DupeGuru | dupeguru | No status |
Dwarfs!? | steam_icon_35480 | No status |
Dwarfs?! - F2P | steam_icon_213650 | No status |
easyLife | easylife | No status |
eFax | efax-gtk | No status |
Electrum | electrum | Fixed |
Emacs | emacs | No status |
Encrytr | Encryptr | No status |
Engauge | engauge-digitizer | No status |
Enpass | enpass | No status |
FadeIn | fadein | No status |
FCEUX | fceux | No status |
Fistful of Frags | steam_icon_265630 | No status |
FileBot | filebot | No status |
FlightGear Launcher | flightgear | No status |
FMIT | fmit | No status |
Format Junkie | fjt | No status |
Fotoxx | fotoxx | No status |
FoxitReader | foxit-reader | No status |
FreeCAD | freecad | Fixed |
Free Chart Geany | freechartgeany | No status |
FreeCol | freecol | No status |
Freedroid RPG | freedroid | No status |
Fritzing | fritzing_icon | Fixed |
Gambas 3 | gambas3 | No status |
Gambit Chess | gambitchess | No status |
GanttProject | ganttproject | No status |
Garry's Mod | steam_icon_4000 | No status |
gCAD3D | gcad3d | Fixed |
Gcolor2 | gcolor2 | Status |
GDebi | gdebi | No status |
Gdiskdump | gdiskdump | No status |
GdMap | gdmap_icon | No status |
Gens GS | gensgs | No status |
GeSpeaker | gespeaker | Status |
gFTP | gftp | No status |
git-cola | git-cola | No status |
Gitter | Gitter | No status |
Gmsh | gmsh | No status |
GNOME Schedule | gnome-schedule | No status |
GNOME Split | gnome-split | No status |
GNOME Wave Cleaner | gwc | No status |
GNOME Weather | gnome-weather | Fixed |
GNOME Weather (Arch) | gnome-weather | No status |
GNS3 | gns3 | No status |
Genymotion | genymotion | No status |
GNUbik | gnubik | No status |
GNU Octave | octave | Fixed |
Google Drive | google-drive | No status |
GoldenDict | goldendict | No status |
Gone Home | steam_icon_232430 | No status |
GPixPod | GPixPod_icon | No status |
GPRename | gprename | Fixed as of 2014-03-25 |
GpsPrune | gpsprune | No status |
Grace GTK | grace | No status |
GRASS GIS | grass | No status |
Greenfoot | greenfoot | No status |
Grisbi | grisbi | Fixed |
Grsync | grsync | No status |
Gsopcast | gsopcast | No status |
GTick | gtick | Status |
GTimeLog | gtimelog | Fixed |
Guake | guake | No status |
GUVC View | guvcview | No status |
gv | gv | No status |
Hardinfo | hardinfo | No status |
Hipchat | hipchat | No status |
Hotline Miami | steam_icon_219150 | No status |
HotShots | hotshots | No status |
HP Lip | hp_logo | No status |
HP Printer | printer | Status |
HTTraQt | httraqt | No status |
IBus Typing Booster Setup | ibus-keyboard | No status |
IBus LibZhuyin Setup | ibus-setup | No status |
IBus LibPinyin Setup | ibus-pinyin | No status |
IBus LibBopomofo Preferences | ibus-bopomofo | No status |
I-Nex | i-nex-128 | No status |
IDLE | python-idle | No status |
Image Magick | imagemagick | No status |
Intel Graphics Installer | intel-installer | No status |
Intellij IDE | idea | Status |
IPython | ipython | No status |
Itch.io | itch | No status |
Jitsi | jitsi | Fixed |
Kana Kanji Conversion Preferences | ibus-setup | No status |
Kerbal Space Program | steam_icon_220200 | No status |
Klavaro | klavaro | Fixed as of v2.01 |
Komodo Edit | komodo | Status |
LaTeXDraw | latexdraw | No status |
Layout Editor | layout | No status |
Left 4 Dead 2 | steam_icon_550 | No status |
Left 4 Dead 2 (beta) | steam_icon_223530 | No status |
Lightworks | lightworks | No status |
Lincity-NG | lincity-ng | No status |
Lingot | lingot-icon | No status |
Linphone | linphone | Fixed |
LinSSID | linssid | No status |
Little Inferno | steam_icon_221260 | No status |
Ltris | ltris | No status |
Lucky Backup | luckybackup | No status |
Lucky Backup (KDE) | luckybackup | No status |
Lucky Backup (GNOME) | luckybackup | No status |
LuxRender | luxrender | No status |
MailNag | mailnag | No status |
MakeHuman | makehuman | No status |
Mandelbulber | mandelbulber | No status |
Master PDF Editor | master-pdf-editor | No status |
Matlab | matlab | No status |
MediaElch | mediaelch | Status |
MidiEditor | midieditor | No status |
Mint Audio Tag | audio-tag-tool | No status |
Mint Backup | mintbackup | No status |
Mint Drivers | driver-manager | No status |
Mint Nanny | mintNanny | No status |
Mint Software Manager | software-manager | No status |
Mint Software Sources | software-sources | No status |
Mint Update Manager | mintUpdate | No status |
Mint Upload Manager | mintUpload | No status |
MKV Extractor GUI | mkv-extractor-gui | No status |
Money Manager Ex | mmex | No status |
MultiBootUSB | multibootusb | Fixed |
Mundus | mundus | No status |
MyNotex | mynotex | No status |
MyTourbook | mytourbook | No status |
My Weather Indicator | indicator-weather | No status |
My Weather Indicator (extras) | indicator-weather | No status |
Natural Selection 2 | steam_icon_4920 | No status |
Netbeans IDE | netbeans | No status |
Netflix | netflix-desktop | No status |
Ninja IDE | ninja-ide | Fixed |
Nitro Tasks | nitrotasks | No status |
NotifyOSD | notifyconf | No status |
Nsight Eclipse Edition | nsight | No status |
Nvidia Settings | nvidia-settings | No status |
NVIDIA Visual Profiler | nvvp | No status |
OCRFeeder | ocrfeeder | No status |
openSCAD | openscad | No status |
Opensong | opensong | No status |
OmegaT | omegat | No status |
oStorybook | ostorybook | No status |
PacmanXG | pacmanxg | No status |
Paintown | paintown | Fixed |
Pamac (Install) | system-software-install | Fixed |
Pamac (Update) | system-software-update | Fixed |
Parano | parano | No status |
Pasaffe | pasaffe | No status |
PDFsam | pdfsam | No status |
Pencil | pencil | No status |
Penumbra: Black Plague | steam_icon_22120 | No status |
Penumbra: Overture | steam_icon_22180 | No status |
Penumbra: Requiem | steam_icon_22140 | No status |
pgAdmin3 | pgAdmin3 | No status |
pgModeler | pgmodeler | Status |
Photoshop CS6 | AdobePhotoshop | No status |
PHP Storm | phpstorm | No status |
Playbox | playbox | No status |
PlayOnLinux | playonlinux | No status |
Pomidor | pomidor | No status |
Prison Architect | steam_icon_233450 | No status |
ProjectLibre | projectlibre | No status |
Pumpa | pumpa | No status |
Pushbullet Indicator | pushbullet-indicator | No status |
Pomodoro Indicator | pomodoro-indicator | Status |
Pycharm | pycharm | No status |
Pypar 2 | pypar2 | No status |
pyRenamer | pyrenamer | No status |
Python | python | Status |
QCAD | qcad_icon | Fixed |
QGifer | qgifer | No status |
QLE | logoqle2 | No status |
qPDFview | qpdfview | No status |
Qucs | qucs | Fixed |
R | rlogo_icon | No status |
Raccoon | raccoon | No status |
Reditr | reditr | No status |
Remarkable | remarkable | Fixed as of 1.61 |
Reportbug | debian-swirl | No status |
Ring GNOME Client | ring | No status |
Risk of Rain | steam_icon_248820 | No status |
RFB Receitanet | receitanet | No status |
RFB Receitanet Ajuda | receitanet-ajuda | No status |
Rocket.Chat | rocketchat | No status |
Robomongo | robomongo | No status |
RubyMine | rubymine | No status |
Scid | scid | No status |
Scilab | scilab | Fixed |
Scilab CLI | scilab | Fixed |
Scilab adv CLI | scilab | Fixed[ |
ScreenRuler | screenruler | No status |
Scribus | scribus | No status |
ScudCloud | scudcloud | No status |
SelekTOR | selektoricon | No status |
Shank | steam_icon_6120 | No status |
Shank 2 | steam_icon_6130 | No status |
Schematic Editor | layout.png | schematic |
Sid Meier's Civilization V | steam_icon_8930 | No status |
Sigram | sigram | No status |
Skype | skype | No status |
Slingscold | slingscold | No status |
SmartHitHG | smartgithg | No status |
Snapshot | steam_icon_204220 | No status |
Soap UI | soapui | No status |
SportsTracker | sportstracker | No status |
Springseed | springseed | No status |
SQLiteBrowser | sqlitebrowser | Fixed as of 3.4.0 |
SQuirrel SQL | squirrel-sql | No status |
Starbound | steam_icon_211820 | No status |
Steam Skin Manager | steamskinmanager | No status |
Streamtuner 2 | streamtuner2 | No status |
SuperTuxKart | supertuxkart | Fixed as of 0.9 |
SVG Cleaner | svgcleaner | Fixed as of 2016-01-13 |
Syncthing-GTK | syncthing-gtk | Fixed |
Synergy | synergy | Status |
Teamspeak 3 | teamspeak3 | No status |
TeamViewer | teamviewer | No status |
Telegram | telegram | Fixed |
Terra Terminal Emulator | terra | No status |
TimeShift | timeshift | Fixed as of 1.4 |
Tkabber | tkabber | No status |
tkPacman | tkpacman | No status |
Tomate | tomate | No status |
Tor Browser | tor-browser-en | No status |
Touchpad Indicator | touchpad-indicator | No status |
Trelby | trelby | No status |
Trine | steam_icon_35700 | No status |
TV-MAXE | tvmaxe | No status |
Typhoon | typhoon | No status |
UberWriter | uberwriter | No status |
Ubuntu Web Browser | webbrowser-app | No status |
Unison | unison | No status |
Unison-GTK | unison-gtk | No status |
Valentina Studio | vstudio | No status |
Variety | variety | Fixed as of 0.5.4 |
Viber | viber | No status |
Visual Studio | visual-studio-code | No status |
Viva | viva | No status |
Warmux | warmux | No status |
Web Storm | webide | No status |
Widelands | widelands | No status |
WinUSB | winusb | No status |
Wireframe Sketcher | wireframe-sketcher | No status |
Wordpress Desktop Client | wordpress | No status |
wxFormBuilder | wxformbuilder | No status |
wxMaxima | wxmaxima | Fixed |
wxMEdit | wxmedit | Status |
X-Diagnose | xdiagnose | Status |
Xjump | xjump-icon | Fixed in v2.9.3 |
Xmind | xmind | No status |
Xonotic | xonotic | Status |
YATE | yate | Fixed |
YouTubeDL GUI | youtube-dlg | No status |
Zenmap | zenmap | Fixed |
Zenmap (root) | zenmap | Fixed |