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FunkFrog DonateSipondo Donate

Have you ever had someone swoop in and steal that item you just bought? Ever accidentally touched and picked up an item that you were saving for your friend? Aggravating, right? This mod has been developed in response to frustration caused the way items are distributed in Risk of Rain 2. With ShareSuite, we aim to fix that!

Multiplayer RoR2 games should be fast-paced wacky fun. Often times, though, players run into problems with loot being stolen or one player dominating the game. Obviously, the best way to resolve this issue is to remove the incentive to hoard loot in the first place!

ShareSuite is a mod with a multitude of systems designed around sharing the things you gather throughout a run, be it items, money, experience, equipment, or otherwise. Check out the "Features" section for more information!

Most Recent Update - 2.8
Add compatiblity with Yeet
Add defense nucleus to default item blacklist
Restore functionality of the logbook and the item description windows

If you'd like more info about this update, check the changelog at the bottom of the page!


Want a more detailed look at any of our features? Click the [Show me more] button next to the bullet!

On-By-Default Systems

  • Item Sharing — The main goal of this mod is to split items across all players evenly. [Show me more]

    • Any items that are picked up are given to all living members of your party.
    • By default, lunar items and items that provide bonuses for all members of the party are not shared.
    • You can also enable the option to give each member of your party a random item of the same tier you received, if that's more your style!
  • Worried about the game becoming unbalanced? We've got you. [Show me more]

    • Tuned to be balanced by default.
    • Built to feel like vanilla singleplayer; The mod scales to feel right with any amount of players, whether you're playing with 2 or 20.
    • Easily customizable — Want more boss loot? Easy! Want more chests? Righty-o, turn that scalar up.
  • Compatible with 3D Printers and Cauldrons — You get to customize your build with them. [Show me more]

    • Any player using a printer or cauldron only changes THEIR items, leaving others to build as they please.
  • Want to easily reference who got what item? Whether or not something's shared? Who got what when pickups are randomized? Custom chat messages are here for you! [Show me more]

    • Rich Chat Messages let you know who got an item (or who didn't!)
    • Custom message for items that are set to not share, to remove ambiguity.
    • Randomized pickups now display who got what - no more confusion over randomized drops.

Additional Systems

  • A robust money sharing/spending system. [Show me more]

    • When anyone gets money, it gets added to the group's money pool.
    • When anyone spends money, it gets taken away from the group's money pool.
    • Now includes a gained money scalar — Want more money? Turn it up!
  • A shared equipment system — flutter like a kaleidoscope of butterflies or rain lightning from the sky, together. (RECENTLY UPDATED) [Show me more]

    • When you pick up equipment, everyone gets it.
    • When someone picks up equipment, they drop the one everyone currently has.
    • When someone buys an equipment drone, everyone loses their equipment.
    • Handle blacklisted equipment in two ways: drop their item, or don't change it at all.
  • Want red items to be unique? Hate the fact that everyone gets hooves? No worries, we've got a solution. [Show me more]

    • Config options for enabling/disabling sharing specific item types (white, green, red, lunar, boss).
    • Item and equipment blacklists also exist for disabling specific items you don't want shared.
  • The config file allows you to customize the mod down to the slightest detail. [Show me more]

    • See the Configuration section for more information!

Installation Guide

  • Install the latest version of R2API if you haven't already.
  • Download and unzip the files with the download button above.
  • Place ShareSuite.dll in your BepInEx/plugins/ folder
  • Run the game and have a great time!


  1. Make sure you run the game with the mod installed to generate the config file!
  2. Navigate to \Risk of Rain 2\BepInEx\config\
  3. Open com.funkfrog_sipondo.sharesuite.cfg in any text editor (we recommend Notepad++ if you have it installed!)
  4. Edit the values for settings as you see fit!

You can also set settings in-game with the commands listed below.

  1. Open console with ~ + ctrl + alt
  • Note: you can easily open the console after you've opened it the first time by just pressing ~!
  1. Type in the Command, followed by
  • A True/False value for toggles
  • An integer number Boss Loot
  • A decimal number for Money and Interactable scaling.
  1. Press enter and you're done!

Default Config Settings

Setting Default Value Command
Mod Enabled True ss_Enabled
Money is Shared True ss_MoneyIsShared
White Items are Shared True ss_WhiteItemsShared
Green Items are Shared True ss_GreenItemsShared
Red Items are Shared True ss_RedItemsShared
Equipment is Shared False ss_EquipmentShared
Lunar Items are Shared False ss_LunarItemsShared
Boss Items are Shared True ss_BossItemsShared
Void Items are Shared False ss_VoidItemsShared
Rich Messages Enabled True ss_RichMessagesEnabled
Drop BL Equip Mode True ss_DropBlacklistedEquipmentOnShare
Randomized Item Sharing False ss_RandomizeSharedPickups
Lunar Item Randomizing False N/A
Boss Item Randomizing False N/A
Void Item Randomizing False N/A
Dupe Fix True ss_PrinterCauldronFix
Sacrifice Fix True ss_SacrificeFixEnabled
Dead Players Get Items False ss_DeadPlayersGetItems
Override Player Scaling True ss_OverridePlayerScaling
Experimental Mode False ss_ExperimentalMode
Interactables Credit 1.0 ss_InteractablesCredit
Interactables Offset 0.0 ss_InteractablesOffset
Override Boss Loot Scaling True ss_OverrideBossLootScaling
Override Simulacrum Loot Scaling True ss_OverrideSimulacrumLoot
Boss Loot Credit 1 ss_BossLootCredit
Override Void Field Scaling True ss_OverrideVoidFieldLoot
Void Field Loot Credit 1 ss_VoidFieldLootCredit
Simulacrum Loot Credit 1 ss_SimulacrumLootCredit
Money Scalar Enabled False ss_MoneyScalarEnabled
Emulate Singleplayer Money True ss_EmulateSingleplayerMoney
Money Scalar 1.0 ss_MoneyScalar
Item Blacklist 53,60,82,86 N/A
Equipment Blacklist Empty N/A

Tip: Want to reset your config?

  • Stop the game if it's currently running
  • Navigate to \Risk of Rain 2\BepInEx\config\
  • Delete com.funkfrog_sipondo.sharesuite.cfg
  • Start the game again. Upon boot, a fresh new config will be generated!


How do 3d printers and cauldrons work with this mod installed?

3d printers and cauldrons add the item directly to your item pool. No item orb will drop, it will just appear in your inventory.

Does this make the game easier? How do you balance it?

Technically, the game should be ever so slightly harder than vanilla this way. Either way, it should be extremely close to the original game's difficulty.

We only spawn the amount of interactables that would be spawned for 1 player in a lobby of any size. Boss and Lunar items are not shared, along with items that provide buffs for everyone in the party. There are no ways to abuse this mod to dupe items. We cut player XP gained from money at the end of rounds to combat leveling faster. Teleporters only drop one item per boss killed. This mod has been tediously balanced and we do everything we can to keep the experience as close to vanilla as possible. If you have any ideas of ways to improve this, please let us know!

Why do I only get 1 item (plus Shrine of the Mountain extras) from the boss?

These items are shared, so they've been set to drop only 1 by default for balance. You can change this in the config with the Boss Loot Credit config option.

How do blood shrines work when share money is on?

The user who uses the shrine loses health, but the calculations for how much gold everyone receives is done based on the highest max health player in your party. This is to prevent calling the highest health player over to use the shrine for the maximum coin value.

I want to play this with my friends. Do they also need to install this mod?

Everyone having the same mods installed is always a good idea for stability, but is not required. This mod should still be fully functional if your friends only have BepInEx/R2API installed, or you have a Build ID changing mod to allow you to play with unmodded clients.

How do I play with my friends who don't have mods installed?

Easy! Install a Build ID changing mod and play on! Here's an easy link to get to the current Build ID changing mod!

I want to play this mod with more than 4 players!

Please combine with TooManyFriends. If you'd like to change the amount of boss drops or amount of chests, you can configure that in the config file.

How do I configure the mod while the game is running?

Open up the console window (ctrl + alt + ~ ). All commands starts with 'ss_' and will autocomplete.

New GUI-based configuration manager coming soon!

Can I use this mod in quick play?

We DO NOT condone use of this (or any) mod in any quick play or prismatic trial games. We will refuse any support for the use of this mod in Quick Play. Please do not ruin the game experience for others.


Known Bugs

None at the moment! :)

Features in Development

Bug Reports & Suggestions

Bug ReportsFeature Requests

We have multiple channels of contact! Feel free to use any of the following.

Tested Compatibility

Mod Developers: If you've tested your mod with ShareSuite and there are no foul interactions, DM me on Discord with the mod link + version tested (as well as any required settings changes) and I'll add it to this list!

  • Multitudes 1.5.2
    • Please change the Override Player Scaling setting and Override Boss Loot Scaling to false in the config file. Multitudes will then take priority in modifying the scaling settings.

Incompatible Mods

Creators of these mods: If you are open to collaborate with us, we'd love to work with you to resolve the conflict!

  • There are no incompatible updated mods we're currently aware of :)


BuildLatest commit to MasterLatest commit to Dev

2.8.0 (Current Release)

  • Add compatiblity with Yeet (and any other mod wishing to mark items as unsharable)
  • Add defense nucleus to default item blacklist
  • Restore functionality of the logbook and the item description windows (you may want to turn rich messages back on if you turned them off to fix this problem!)

2.7 & 2.7.1 & 2.7.2

  • 2.7.1 & 2.7.2: Compatibility with newest version of the game
  • Money Sharing now functions as intended (resolves bug where you need 15 more currency than intended to purchase)
  • Cauldron and 3D Printers now work when the fix is set to false
  • Add Shipping Request Form and Empathy Cores to default blacklist
    • We recommend you do the same! add FreeChest and RoboBallBuddy to your blacklist!
  • Lunar coin pickup messages now make more sense within the context of the mod


  • DLC 1 (Survivors of the Void) Compatibility Update
  • Fix drop rates in Simulacrum to maintain balance
    • New config options: OverrideSimulacrumLootScalingEnabled and SimulacrumLootCredit
  • Add blacklist and sharing options for new Void items
    • Not shared by default
    • New config options: VoidItemsShared and VoidItemsRandomized
  • Fix Shipping Manifest terminals to work with the mod
  • Request survey on first lobby creation 5 seconds after first player joins
    • In the future, this will provide a quick tl;dr of the latest patch notes!
    • New config option: LastMessageSent: keeps track of the last version number a message was sent on, so we can tell if we need to send it again if the mod updates.
  • Fix default money value inconsistency between rounds


  • Added support for EnigmaticThunder api
  • Fixed a bug where you'd need 2x the price to purchase things when equipment sharing and shared money were on


  • Resolved breaking issue regarding boss loot drops in future releases of r2api
  • Resolved a minor issue with 3d printers
  • Resolved a minor issue with Ghor's Tome
  • Added a field "InteractablesOffset" to the scaling config allowing for more control over the game's balance


  • Introduces a new Sacrifice fix to fix poor drop rates with larger groups of people
    • Thanks to raeon for the PR!


  • Fixed a bug where scrapper wouldn't output the correct amount of scrap

Looking for the changelogs for versions older then 5 prior? Click here!


Risk of Rain 2 Item, Money, & Equipment sharing mod build upon BepInEx



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