Hi there 👋 About me... Yoo, I'm GengchenXu 👋 🔭 I’m currently working on something cool 😉 🏢 I’m focusing on studying and coding. 🧭: I’m currently learning C++ and python. ⚡ I like 🏓 🏐 🏊♂️ 💻🤿🎾📱 🏫: Ocean University of China ✨ I'm intereted in 🚀🛰🛸🌀 How to reach me 🍻 Show some ❤️ by starring some of the repositories! Target on CV engineer CV means 全世界无产者,联合起来! Working Men of All Countries, Unite! Prolétaires de tous les pays, unissez-vous! Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt euch! Пролетарии всех стран ,соединяйтесь! 万国の労働者よ、団结せよ! يا عمال العالم اتحدوا! 만국의 노동자들이여, 단결하라! Proletoj el ĉiuj landoj, unuiĝu! ¡Trabajadores de todo el mundo, unimos! Trabalhadores do mundo, uni-vos!