Thanks Lit Protocol for this great Integration Example!
Welcome to the Web3.Storage Lit Integration Example. This is a playground for the module, to show anyone who's interested what it looks like in practice! It uses this module to store (with Web3.Storage) and to encrypt (with Lit) any file the user wants to store. It will be accessible only to those who control the wallet of the user that made it. It appears on the Web3.Storage network as encrypted data.
Make sure to run yarn
to install everything at first.
Run yarn start
to start the server.
- Lit Protocol Encryption: an open source, decentralized utility that uses encryption to provide blockchain users access to digital and real world experiences. The network acts as a decentralized access control list (ACL) which leverages on-chain data to grant users access to content, software, and other decentralized networks.
- Web3.Storag Js Client Library: Provides access to the Web3.Storage Network (IPFS).
The app is configured to only let any users with at least 0.00000 ETH decrypt the content. This access control condition can be changed to anything you want. You can find some examples here:
- Open the Playground page, often localhost:1234 when running parcel
- Open your browser's console by inspecting the page
- Click 'Encrypt w/ Lit + Web3.Storage upload' button to begin process!
- Authenticate by clicking "Connect wallet"
- Approve prompts in your Web3 wallet for Lit
- Write and read Lit-Encrypted documents on the Web3.Storage Network from the console using the referenced API methods