A build environment supoorter for Grimoire.js
- Build (= compile + bundling + (babel) + (minify))
- Scaffolding
- Document generation
This package would provide you any tasks you need to use your code with grimoire.js.
You can install cauldron by npm or yarn.
$ npm install grimoirejs-cauldron -g
$ yarn global add grimoirejs-cauldron
These tasks can take some of arguments. You can see all of these documents by using cauldron <cmd> --help
Generate project template from ts-boilerplate. (https://github.com/GrimoireGL/ts-boilerplate)
$ cauldron init -n <NAME OF YOUR PROJECT>
Generate the files used commonly in grimoire.js.
$ cauldron scaffold -t component -n <NAME OF YOUR COMPONENT>
$ cauldron scaffold -t converter -n <NAME OF YOUR CONVERTER>
Generate document files from component source codes.
see guide for more information.