CRM application depends heavily on Flask-Admin excellent admin dashboard to build consistent admin interface on top of its data models.
CRM package already consists of applications packages like contact, company, ..etc. Each provides
to define resolvers and mutations related to that application, and
file which gets rendered in the admin panel
We have 2 menus
- main menu: for frequently accessed models (companies, contacts, users, ..etc)
- extra menu: for models we don't interact with very often.
The order of the items is customizable from the admin application
'MAIN': ["User", "Company", "Contact", "Organization", "Deal", "Project", "Sprint", "Task"],
'EXTRA': ["Link", "Comment", "Message", "Subgroup", "CompanyTag"],
All of the models support AdminLinksView Mixin to have simple links to their admin views.
Views are defined in admin application file. We have consistent views (CreateView, EditView, IndexView, DetailsView) thanks to flask-admin.
EnhancedModelView is the base class for all of the views in the admin interface
class EnhancedModelView(ModelView):
can_view_details = True
column_formatters = column_formatters
model_form_converter = CustomAdminConverter
mainfilter = ""
It allows to show the details page, and setting formatters to crm defined formatters and custom converters used to handle sqlalchemy enums in model forms.
We will use the UserModelView as an example here
class UserModelView(EnhancedModelView):
column_list = ('firstname', 'lastname', 'username', 'emails',
column_sortable_list = ('firstname', 'lastname', 'username')
column_searchable_list = ('firstname', 'lastname', 'username')
column_details_list = (
'firstname', 'lastname', 'username', 'emails', 'telephones', 'description', 'message_channels',
'ownsContacts', 'ownsTasks', 'tasks', 'ownsAsBackupContacts', 'ownsCompanies', 'ownsAsBackupCompanies',
'ownsOrganizations', 'ownsSprints', 'promoterProjects', 'guardianProjects', 'comments', 'messages', 'links', 'author_last', 'author_original', 'updated_at')
form_rules = (
'firstname', 'lastname', 'username', 'emails', 'telephones', 'description', 'message_channels',)
column_filters = ('firstname', 'lastname',
'username', 'ownsTasks',)
form_edit_rules = ('firstname', 'lastname', 'username', 'description',
'emails', 'telephones', 'message_channels', 'ownsTasks', 'tasks', 'messages', 'comments', 'links')
inline_models = [
(TaskModel, {'form_columns': [
'id', 'title', 'description', 'type', 'priority', 'assignee']}),
(MessageModel, {'form_columns': [
'id', 'title', 'content', 'channel']}),
(CommentModel, {'form_columns': ['id', 'content']}),
(LinkModel, {'form_columns': [
'id', 'url', ]}),
mainfilter = "Users / Id"
All model views should inherit from
class -
ListView is the entry point of the model view that lists all the objects.
and we define the columns displayed using class attribute
, searchable fields usingcolumn_searchable_list
, and the sortable columns usingcolumn_sortable_list
column_list = ('firstname', 'lastname', 'username', 'emails', 'telephones',) column_sortable_list = ('firstname', 'lastname', 'username') column_searchable_list = ('firstname', 'lastname', 'username')
Also you can filter the displayed objects according to certain filters you define in
class attributecolumn_filters = ('firstname', 'lastname', 'username', 'ownsTasks',)
mainfilter attribute is used to link to other models in the detailsview (make sure to define it if you want to have linkable fields.)
DetailsView is used when we want to see all the details of specific objects
The fields we want to show in the details view should be specified in
column_details_list = ( 'firstname', 'lastname', 'username', 'emails', 'telephones', 'description', 'message_channels', 'ownsContacts', 'ownsTasks', 'tasks', 'ownsAsBackupContacts', 'ownsCompanies', 'ownsAsBackupCompanies', 'ownsOrganizations', 'ownsSprints', 'promoterProjects', 'guardianProjects', 'comments', 'messages', 'links', 'author_last', 'author_original', 'updated_at')
CreateView shows a form to create a new object with predefined set of fields that's defined with
class attribute.form_rules = ( 'firstname', 'lastname', 'username', 'emails', 'telephones', 'description', 'message_channels',)
EditView shows a form to edit an existing object with predefined set of fields that's defined with
class attribute.form_rules = ( 'firstname', 'lastname', 'username', 'emails', 'telephones', 'description', 'message_channels',)
Are defined under admin/templates
directory with minimum customization as possible.
Flask-admin doesn't provide a way to control the inline forms looks it'll always be stacked. That's why we overrided inline_form.html
to use our custom macro to render tabular fields
{% import 'admin/lib.html' as lib with context %}
{% import 'admin/extra.html' as extralib with context %}
<div class="inline-form-field">
{{ extralib.render_tabular_form_fields(field.form, form_opts=form_opts) }}
Formatters are defined in admin/
which controls how attributes are formatted across the application
To format markdown
def format_markdown(view, context, model, name):
value = getattr(model, name)
if value:
return markdown(value)
return value
and to register it on fields like bio, description, ..etc
column_formatters = {**column_formatters, **
dict(list(zip(["description", "bio", "belief_statement", "content"], cycle([format_markdown]))))}