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Capnproto on Tarantool


Install tarantool and all dependencies:

  • luajit
  • tarantool modules
  • lua-capnproto


sudo apt-get install capnproto

benchmark test

Benchmark file can be found in benchmark.lua.

The benchmark function is benchmark, we can execute the benchmark by execute tarantool benchmark.lua and then type benchmark in Tarantool console

# tarantool benchmark.lua 
2017-10-31 10:01:19.354 [2623] main/101/benchmark.lua I> systemd: NOTIFY_SOCKET variable is empty, skipping
2017-10-31 10:01:19.355 [2623] main/101/benchmark.lua C> Tarantool 1.7.5-255-gc383806
2017-10-31 10:01:19.357 [2623] main/101/benchmark.lua C> log level 5
2017-10-31 10:01:19.358 [2623] main/101/benchmark.lua I> mapping 503316480 bytes for memtx tuple arena...
2017-10-31 10:01:19.359 [2623] main/101/benchmark.lua I> mapping 134217728 bytes for vinyl tuple arena...
2017-10-31 10:01:19.361 [2623] iproto/101/main I> binary: bound to
2017-10-31 10:01:19.363 [2623] main/101/benchmark.lua I> initializing an empty data directory
2017-10-31 10:01:19.368 [2623] snapshot/101/main I> saving snapshot `./00000000000000000000.snap.inprogress'
2017-10-31 10:01:19.370 [2623] snapshot/101/main I> done
2017-10-31 10:01:19.371 [2623] main/101/benchmark.lua I> ready to accept requests
2017-10-31 10:01:19.373 [2623] main/104/checkpoint_daemon I> started
2017-10-31 10:01:19.374 [2623] main/104/checkpoint_daemon I> scheduled the next snapshot at Tue Oct 31 11:23:16 2017
bootstraping database...
tarantool> benchmark()
start with memtx_memory =       488281.25        kbytes
number of data =        1000000
length of one data =    248      bytes
total time :   6.212417 seconds
number of data * lengt of one data =    242187.5         kbytes
tarantool memory usage =        249871ULL        kbytes
tarantool memory overhead =     7868548ULL       bytes
Lua memory used:        197621.6640625   kbytes



sudo apt-get install lua5.3 luarocks
sudo luarocks install lua-cjson

simple tarantool stored procedure using lua-capnproto

create canpnp file

User.capnp, it is capnproto definition


struct User {
  id @0 :UInt32;
  name @1 :Text;

compile canpnp file

capnpc -olua User.capnp

It will produce User_capnp.lua file

Use it as tarantool stored procedure

We created two functions in serialize_user.lua:

  • serialize_user : to serialize user data into capnp
  • parse user : parse serialized user data to lua object
ubuntu@ubuntu-xenial:~/playenv/capnproto/tarantool$ tarantool
tarantool: version 1.6.8-691-g4ed9d50
type 'help' for interactive help
tarantool> dofile("serialize_user.lua")

tarantool> bin = serialize_user(1, "john doe")

tarantool> user = parse_user(bin)

tarantool> print(
john doe

tarantool> print(
