Released on ? 2015.
- Improved support for PHP files.
- Ability to add ACL to anonymous user.
- Improved configurability of import_project command.
- Added CSV dump of history.
Released on May 22nd 2015.
- Dropped support for Django 1.6 and South migrations.
- Support for adding new translations when using Java Property files
- Allow to accept suggestion without editing.
- Improved support for Google OAuth2.
- Added support for Microsoft .resx files.
- Tuned default robots.txt to disallow big crawling of translations.
- Simplified workflow for accepting suggestions.
- Added project owners who always receive important notifications.
- Allow to disable editing of monolingual template.
- More detailed repository status view.
- Direct link for editing template when changing translation.
- Allow to add more permissions to project owners.
- Allow to show secondary language in zen mode.
- Support for hiding source string in favor of secondary language.
Released on Feb 19th 2015.
- Performance improvements.
- Fulltext search on location and comments fields.
- New SVG/javascript based activity charts.
- Support for Django 1.8.
- Support for deleting comments.
- Added own SVG badge.
- Added support for Google Analytics.
- Improved handling of translation file names.
- Added support for monolingual JSON translations.
- Record component locking in a history.
- Support for editing source (template) language for monolingual translations.
- Added basic support for Gerrit.
Released on Dec 5th 2014.
- Added support for Mercurial repositories.
- Replaced Glyphicon font by Awesome.
- Added icons for social authentication services.
- Better consistency of button colors and icons.
- Documentation improvements.
- Various bugfixes.
- Automatic hiding of columns in translation listing for small screens.
- Changed configuration of filesystem paths.
- Improved SSH keys handling and storage.
- Improved repository locking.
- Customizable quality checks per source string.
- Allow to hide completed translations from dashboard.
Released on Nov 6th 2014.
- New responsive UI using Bootstrap.
- Rewritten VCS backend.
- Documentation improvements.
- Added whiteboard for site wide messages.
- Configurable strings priority.
- Added support for JSON file format.
- Fixed generating mo files in certain cases.
- Added support for GitLab notifications.
- Added support for disabling translation suggestions.
- Django 1.7 support.
- ACL projects now have user management.
- Extended search possibilites.
- Give more hints to translators about plurals.
- Fixed Git repository locking.
- Compatibility with older Git versions.
- Improved ACL support.
- Added buttons for per language quotes and other special chars.
- Support for exporting stats as JSONP.
Released on May 6th 2014.
- Django 1.6 compatibility.
- No longer maintained compatibility with Django 1.4.
- Management commands for locking/unlocking translations.
- Improved support for Qt TS files.
- Users can now delete their account.
- Avatars can be disabled.
- Merged first and last name attributes.
- Avatars are now fetched and cached server side.
- Added support for badge.
Released on November 7th 2013.
- Please check manual for upgrade instructions.
- Nicer listing of project summary.
- Better visible options for sharing.
- More control over anonymous users privileges.
- Supports login using third party services, check manual for more details.
- Users can login by email instead of username.
- Documentation improvements.
- Improved source strings review.
- Searching across all units.
- Better tracking of source strings.
- Captcha protection for registration.
Released on October 7th 2013.
- Please check manual for upgrade instructions.
- Support for checking Python brace format string.
- Per component customization of quality checks.
- Detailed per translation stats.
- Changed way of linking suggestions, checks and comments to units.
- Users can now add text to commit message.
- Support for subscribing on new language requests.
- Support for adding new translations.
- Widgets and charts are now rendered using Pillow instead of Pango + Cairo.
- Add status badge widget.
- Dropped invalid text direction check.
- Changes in dictionary are now logged in history.
- Performance improvements for translating view.
Released on July 25th 2013.
- Nicer error handling on registration.
- Browsing of changes.
- Fixed sorting of machine translation suggestions.
- Improved support for MyMemory machine translation.
- Added support for Amagama machine translation.
- Various optimizations on frequently used pages.
- Highlights searched phrase in search results.
- Support for automatic fixups while saving the message.
- Tracking of translation history and option to revert it.
- Added support for Google Translate API.
- Added support for managing SSH host keys.
- Various form validation improvements.
- Various quality checks improvements.
- Performance improvements for import.
- Added support for voting on suggestions.
- Cleanup of admin interface.
Released on April 16th 2013.
- Please check manual for upgrade instructions.
- Added public user pages.
- Better naming of plural forms.
- Added support for TBX export of glossary.
- Added support for Bitbucket notifications.
- Activity charts are now available for each translation, language or user.
- Extended options of import_project admin command.
- Compatible with Django 1.5.
- Avatars are now shown using libravatar.
- Added possibility to pretty print JSON export.
- Various performance improvements.
- Indicate failing checks or fuzzy strings in progress bars for projects or languages as well.
- Added support for custom pre-commit hooks and commiting additional files.
- Rewritten search for better performance and user experience.
- New interface for machine translations.
- Added support for monolingual po files.
- Extend amount of cached metadata to improve speed of various searches.
- Now shows word counts as well.
Released on January 23rd 2013.
- Fixed deleting of checks/comments on unit deletion.
- Added option to disable automatic propagation of translations.
- Added option to subscribe for merge failures.
- Correctly import on projects which needs custom ttkit loader.
- Added sitemaps to allow easier access by crawlers.
- Provide direct links to string in notification emails or feeds.
- Various improvements to admin interface.
- Provide hints for production setup in admin interface.
- Added per language widgets and engage page.
- Improved translation locking handling.
- Show code snippets for widgets in more variants.
- Indicate failing checks or fuzzy strings in progress bars.
- More options for formatting commit message.
- Fixed error handling with machine translation services.
- Improved automatic translation locking behaviour.
- Support for showing changes from previous source string.
- Added support for substring search.
- Various quality checks improvements.
- Support for per project ACL.
- Basic unit tests coverage.
Released on November 16th 2012.
- Compatibility with PostgreSQL database backend.
- Removes languages removed in upstream git repository.
- Improved quality checks processing.
- Added new checks (BB code, XML markup and newlines).
- Support for optional rebasing instead of merge.
- Possibility to relocate Weblate (eg. to run it under /weblate path).
- Support for manually choosing file type in case autodetection fails.
- Better support for Android resources.
- Support for generating SSH key from web interface.
- More visible data exports.
- New buttons to enter some special characters.
- Support for exporting dictionary.
- Support for locking down whole Weblate installation.
- Checks for source strings and support for source strings review.
- Support for user comments for both translations and source strings.
- Better changes log tracking.
- Changes can now be monitored using RSS.
- Improved support for RTL languages.
Released on August 14th 2012.
- Weblate now uses South for database migration, please check upgrade instructions if you are upgrading.
- Fixed minor issues with linked git repos.
- New introduction page for engaging people with translating using Weblate.
- Added widgets which can be used for promoting translation projects.
- Added option to reset repository to origin (for privileged users).
- Project or component can now be locked for translations.
- Possibility to disable some translations.
- Configurable options for adding new translations.
- Configuration of git commits per project.
- Simple antispam protection.
- Better layout of main page.
- Support for automatically pushing changes on every commit.
- Support for email notifications of translators.
- List only used languages in preferences.
- Improved handling of not known languages when importing project.
- Support for locking translation by translator.
- Optionally maintain Language-Team header in po file.
- Include some statistics in about page.
- Supports (and requires) django-registration 0.8.
- Caching of counted units with failing checks.
- Checking of requirements during setup.
- Documentation improvements.
Released on July 4th 2012.
- Improved several translations.
- Better validation while creating component.
- Added support for shared git repositories across components.
- Do not necessary commit on every attempt to pull remote repo.
- Added support for offloading indexing.
Released on May 10th 2012.
- Improved validation while adding/saving component.
- Experimental support for Android component files (needs patched ttkit).
- Updates from hooks are run in background.
- Improved installation instructions.
- Improved navigation in dictionary.
Released on April 18th 2012.
- Fixed import of unknown languages.
- Improved listing of nearby messages.
- Improved several checks.
- Documentation updates.
- Added definition for several more languages.
- Various code cleanups.
- Documentation improvements.
- Changed file layout.
- Update helper scripts to Django 1.4.
- Improved navigation while translating.
- Better handling of po file renames.
- Better validation while creating component.
- Integrated full setup into syncdb.
- Added list of recent changes to all translation pages.
- Check for not translated strings ignores format string only messages.
Released on April 3rd 2012.
- Replaced own full text search with Whoosh.
- Various fixes and improvements to checks.
- New command updatechecks.
- Lot of translation updates.
- Added dictionary for storing most frequently used terms.
- Added /admin/report/ for overview of repositories status.
- Machine translation services no longer block page loading.
- Management interface now contains also useful actions to update data.
- Records log of changes made by users.
- Ability to postpone commit to Git to generate less commits from single user.
- Possibility to browse failing checks.
- Automatic translation using already translated strings.
- New about page showing used versions.
- Django 1.4 compatibility.
- Ability to push changes to remote repo from web interface.
- Added review of translations done by others.
Released on February 16th 2012.
- Direct support for GitHub notifications.
- Added support for cleaning up orphaned checks and translations.
- Displays nearby strings while translating.
- Displays similar strings while translating.
- Improved searching for string.
Released on February 14th 2012.
- Added various checks for translated messages.
- Tunable access control.
- Improved handling of translations with new lines.
- Added client side sorting of tables.
- Please check upgrading instructions in case you are upgrading.
Released on February 12th 2012.
- Support for machine translation using following online services:
- Apertium
- Microsoft Translator
- MyMemory
- Several new translations.
- Improved merging of upstream changes.
- Better handle concurrent git pull and translation.
- Propagating works for fuzzy changes as well.
- Propagating works also for file upload.
- Fixed file downloads while using FastCGI (and possibly others).
Released on February 8th 2012.
- Added usage guide to documentation.
- Fixed API hooks not to require CSRF protection.
Released on February 8th 2012.
- Better display of source for plural translations.
- New documentation in Sphinx format.
- Displays secondary languages while translating.
- Improved error page to give list of existing projects.
- New per language stats.
Released on February 7th 2012.
- Improved validation of several forms.
- Warn users on profile upgrade.
- Remember URL for login.
- Naming of text areas while entering plural forms.
- Automatic expanding of translation area.
Released on February 6th 2012.
- Initial release.