Upgraded Aaron Parecki's original version of this class ~ https://github.com/aaronpk Upgraded by Kaddy Simba ~ http://simbamultimedia.com HTML DOM Class by S.C. Chen ([email protected]) ~ http://simplehtmldom.sourceforge.net/manual.htm#section_quickstart
include_once 'simple_html_dom.php'; //Load HTML Dom Class
include_once 'GoogleVoice.php'; //Load GoogleVoice Class
$authUser = '[email protected]';
$pass = 'yourGvpass';
$city = 'San Diego, CA, United States'; //It's important to add the city where you created the account from for Google security purpose
$number = '+16191234567';
$sms = 'Hakuna matata';
$gv = new GoogleVoice($authUser, $pass, $city);
$send = $gv->sendSMS($number, $sms);
$send = json_decode($send,true);
if($send['ok'] == true){
echo 'SMS Sent!';
echo 'Unable to send SMS';