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hnanda22 authored Jul 10, 2022
1 parent 780b004 commit d053c3f
Showing 1 changed file with 117 additions and 0 deletions.
117 changes: 117 additions & 0 deletions helix.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
function rebin_helix(cg, ig, proj, varargin)

return sino, orbits, used

function rebin_helix_do(proj, mask2, zslice, dz, dx, nx,
ny, nz, na, ns, ds, ss,
nt, dt, ## tpoints,
dsd, dso, dod, dfs, offset_s, wt,
orbit, orbit_start, pitch, rmax,
source_zs, gamma,
type, short, chat)

if dfs != 0 && dfs != Inf
return "only arc and flat done" ##Fail statement

na1 = na/(orbit*360);
if abs(floor(int, na1) - na1) > 1e-4
return "bad na/orbit" ##Fail statement

orbits = zeros(nz,2)

if short ##------------
orbit_short_ideal = 180 + 2 * rad2deg(max(abs(gamma)))
na1 = 2 * ceil(orbit_short_ideal / (orbit / na) / 2)
orbit_short = na1 * (orbit / na)
na1_half = na1 / 2 ## because even
orbits[:,1] .= orbit_short
orbits[:,1] .= 360
na1_half = ceil(na1 / 2)

sino = zeros(ns, na1, nz)
used = zeros(nt, na)

for iz = 1:nz ##---------
## ticker(mfilename, iz, nz) ????????
zmid = zslice[iz] ## z coordinate of center of this slice
ia1_middle = imin[abs(zmid - source_zs)] ## "1" because julia indexing
ia1_list = ia1_middle - na1_half .+ collect(0:(na1-1))

if ia1_list[1] < 1
ia1_list = collect(1:na1)
elseif ia1_list[length(ia1_list)] > na
ia1_list = collect(1:na1) .- na1 .+ na ## Subtracting the two arrays and then adding na or vice versa
orbits[iz,2] = orbit_start + (ia1_list[1]-1) / na * orbit

for i1=1:na1
ia1 = ia1_list[i1]
zdiff = zmid - source_zs[ia1]
if dfs == Inf
tt = zdiff * (dsd^2 .+ ss.^2) / (dsd * dso) ##assuming ss is array
elseif dfs == 0
tt = zdiff * (dsd / dso) ./ cos.(gamma) ##assuming gamma is array
return "bug"

itr = tt./dt + wt ## Assuming the
itr = max(itr, 0)
itr = min(itr, nt-1)

if type == round(ns,1)#---------
itn = round(itr)
it1 = 1 + itn
it1 = max(it1, 1)
it1 = min(it1, nt)
tt = ((it1-1) - wt) * dt

scale = rebin_helix_scale(dfs, dsd, ss, tt)

tmp = collect(1:ns) + (it1-1)*ns + (ia1-1)*ns*nt
view = proj(tmp)
## view = proj(:, it1, ia1)

used(it1, ia1) = 1

elseif type == Float64
tt = (itr - wt) * dt
it0 = floor(itr)
it0 = min(it0, nt-2)
frac = itr - it0

scale = rebin_helix_scale(dfs, dsd, ss, tt);

tmp = collect(1:ns) .+ it0*ns .+ (ia1-1)*ns*nt
tmp0 = proj[tmp]
tmp1 = proj[tmp + ns]
## view = (1 - frac) .* tmp0 + frac .* tmp1
view = tmp0 + frac .* (tmp1 - tmp0)
used[[it0+1; it0+2], ia1] .= 1

return "bad type"

sino[:, i1, iz] = scale .* view
return sino, orbits, used

function rebin_helix_scale(dfs, dsd, ss, tt)
if dfs == Inf
scale = sqrt.(ss.^2 .+ tt.^2 .+ dsd^2) ./ sqrt.(tt.^2 .+ dsd^2)
elseif dfs == 0
scale = dsd ./ sqrt.(tt.^2 .+ dsd^2)
return "bad dfs"
return scale

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