Version: v0.5.30
- Remove donate bitcoin
- Add build script
- Release
- Add arm64
- App AppImage
Version: v0.5.29
- Use RabbitCommon v2.3.2
- build AppImage
Version: v0.5.28
Version: v0.5.27
- Add snap
- Greater than Android 9
- Use RabbitCommon v2.3.0
Version: v0.5.26
- Modify SetStatusInfo the default color
- Modify debian
- CI: fix version bug
- Use RabbitCommon v2.2.5
Version: v0.5.25
- Use RabbitCommon v2.2.4
- Rename share/SerialPortAssistant.desktop -> share/org.Rabbit.SerialPortAssistant.desktop
- Modify version
Version: v0.5.24
- Fix about typo. See: https://github.com/KangLin/RabbitCommon/tree/25e00a2d98488fa2d63f54b34ac9628603cab448
- Modify save windows state
- Modify find RabbitCommon
Version: v0.5.23
- Added left bar dockwidget
- Add save settings:
- Data bit
- Parity
- Stop bit
- Flow control
Version: v0.5.22
- Use VCPKG_MANIFEST_DIR overlay openssl 1.1
- Use RabbitCommon v2.2.1
Version: v0.5.21
- Fix deploy.sh bug
- CI: copy openssl dll in windows. See: https://github.com/KangLin/RabbitCommon/commit/673aa9198ec1f88eb1f9f265d0b85f613ee86418
- Fix android resource
- MacOS can now be successfully compiled in CI. but the loading dynamic library path is not set correctly. Please help you set it.
- Use RabbitCommon v2.1.0
- Add version output log
Version: v0.5.20
- Modify deploy.sh
Version: v0.5.19
- Modify ci to windows xp
Version: v0.5.18
- Modify UI
Version: v0.5.17
- Modify MimeType in org.Rabbit.Calendar.desktop
- Modify debian package
- Remove pro
- Use the update of RabbitCommon v2.0.0
Version: v0.5.16
- FIX: DockDebugLog core dump. See: https://github.com/KangLin/RabbitCommon/commit/af2e434e39af35876113436ead2a946efcf74199
Version: v0.5.15
- Use RabbitCommon v2
- Add CMakeLists.txt
Version: v0.5.14
- Fix: log output file
Version: v0.5.13
- Fix: Fixed a bug where the correct dependency library could not be loaded when there were different versions of the dependency library under Linux.
- Add save and restore main window state
Version: v0.5.12
- Fix typos
- github actions:
- msvc.yml works
- About window: add revisioin, and be opened from main repository
Version: v0.5.11
- Update the code of RabbitCommon
- Support Qt6
- Modify github actions
- Rename tag.sh to deploy.sh
Version: v0.5.10
- FIX: divide by 0 crash. Affects all previous releases. See https://github.com/KangLin/RabbitCommon/commit/7ed300a206d8a36c30003b6c19ad181682d0ff5f
Version: v0.5.9
- Add mirror repository
- Modify ci
- Add github actions
Version: v0.5.8
- Use update RabbitCommon::CStyle
Version: v0.5.7
- Modify style use RabbitCommon::CStyle
- Add QUIWidget
Version: v0.5.6
- Modify UI: Add push button
- Add outpin status
- CI: Add github actions
Version: v0.5.5
- Modify same things
Version: v0.5.4
- Modify same bugs
- Add open save file and open send file
Version: v0.5.3
- Modify UI
- Add scrollarea
- Modify ui for encode
- Modify SendHexChar
- Modify send file
- Modify UI
Version: v0.5.2
- Modify install
Version: v0.5.1
- Modify ci
- Update RabbitCommon interface
- Modify updater
- Add android sign
Version: v0.5.0
- Modify donation
Version: v0.4.9
- Modify documents
Version: v0.4.8
- Modify build
Version: v0.4.7
- Modify pro file
Version: v0.4.6
- Modify ci appimage
Version: v0.4.5
- Modify language BUG
Version: v0.4.4
- Modify ci BUG
- Modify style
Version: v0.4.3
- Modify the project file, RabbitCommon is added to the main project file in library project mode.
- Increase the refresh serial port tool. See: Issues #3
Version: v0.4.2
- Modify linux CI dependency library error
- Modify the install file
Version: v0.4.1
- Using RabbitCommon v1.0.0
- Use RabbitCommon to translate
Version: v0.4.0
- Modify Install.sh
Version: v0.3.9
- Only do the update test under linux
Version: v0.3.8
- Modify tar package content
Version: v0.3.7
- Increase update_linux_appimage.xml
Version: v0.3.6
- Test new version number update
Version: v0.3.5
- Reuse version number vX.X.X
Version: 0.3.7
- Modify donation
Version: 0.3.6
- Modify download updates
Version: 0.3.5
- Increase LINUX distribution
Version: v0.3.4
- Use GlobalDir in the RabbitCommon library
Version: v0.3.3
- Modify the send code BUG
- Add online updates
- Add DEB package
Version: v0.3.2
- Increase load file
- Increase log file
- Increase receive save to file
- Increase the number of loops sent
- Modify installation
Version: v0.3.1
- Modify tag.sh
Version: v0.3.0
- Modify automated compilation
Version: v0.2.0
- Automatic ci upload changed to qt5.7, because windowsxp is no longer supported after qt5.8
Version: v0.1.0
- Modifying the open serial port (not starting with COM) failed
Version: v0.0.9
- Modify the version number generation
- Modify the sending statistics
- Limit the length of QTextEdit
- Modify automatic compilation
Version: v0.0.8
- Increase style
Version: v0.0.7
- Modify the installation file
- Modify automatic compilation
Version: v0.0.6
- Modify about dialog
- Modify the code display
- Modify language menu
- Edit copyright information
Version: v0.0.5
- Modify app recently sent
- Send failure LOG
- Modify display time format
Version: v0.0.4
- Modify the installation package garbled error (Install.nsi must be UTF8-[utf8 BOM] encoding)
Version: v0.0.3
- Save Settings
- Add English README
- Modify some bugs
- Add tag script, modify version number, Install.nsi
Version: v0.0.2
- Perfect user interface
- Complete basic serial port function