- Merge pull request #47 from adambinch/sentor_devel Node test.py publishes topics to test sentor functionality.
- Node test.py publishes topics to test sentor functionality. Corresponding example config test.yaml.
- Merge pull request #46 from adambinch/sentor_devel Sentor/monitors topic reports all conditions (not just safety critical ones)
- removed unnecessary IF statement
- improvement to example config
- fix
- minor change
- Action process reports the action name as well as the specification and also reports the terminal state when the goal has completed.
- minor improvement
- Sentor/monitors topic reports all conditions (not just safety critical ones) New field added to msg definition indicating whether the condition is safety critical (or not)
- revert
- test
- Merge pull request #45 from adambinch/sentor_devel More efficient initialisation of the reconf process
- More efficient initialisation of the reconf process
- Merge pull request #44 from francescodelduchetto/shell_features Allowing to pass a shell command with shell=True in Popen
- Allowing to pass a shell command with shell=True in Popen to allow shell features
- Merge pull request #43 from adambinch/sentor_devel Can process every Nth message for individual conditions.
- tidying
- Can process every Nth message for individual conditions.
- Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/LCAS/sentor into sentor_devel
- Signal when params (in TopicMonitor) are contained in a class attribute dictionary rather than having individual class attributes for all its params.
- Merge pull request #42 from adambinch/sentor_devel Can process every nth message when topic mapping.
- minor change
- Can process every nth message when topic mapping.
- Merge pull request #41 from adambinch/sentor_devel Can process every nth message
- Can process every nth message
- Merge pull request #40 from adambinch/sentor_devel Fix for topic mapper breaking when using numpy in the topic arg.
- Shape of the topic map is stored in the config
- Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/LCAS/sentor into sentor_devel
- more fixes
- Fix for topic mapper breaking when using numpy in the topic arg.
- Merge pull request #39 from adambinch/sentor_devel List of configs passed as single string to topic mapping node.
- List of configs passed as single string to topic mapping node.
- Merge pull request #38 from MikHut/master multiple confgs tmule friendly version
- multiple confgs tmule friendly
- Merge pull request #37 from adambinch/sentor_devel Can pass list of configs to the topic mapping node. The topic mapping…
- Can pass list of configs to the topic mapping node. The topic mapping node will concatenate these into a single config.
- Merge pull request #36 from adambinch/sentor_devel Can now pass a list of config files, which sentor will concatenate into one config.
- Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/LCAS/sentor into sentor_devel
- Can now pass a list of config files to sentor. Sentor will concatenate these into one config.
- Merge pull request #35 from adambinch/sentor_devel Improvements
- tidying
- Improvements. For the reconf process you can now set the value of a param in the config to _default which reconfigures the param back to its original state. The argument for the param's namespace has been changed from ns to namespace. For topic mapping you no longer set the map and base frames as a rosparam (i.e in a launch file) but in the config instead, allowing maps using different tf transforms to be created simultaneously. The topic map msg now includes a field for the base frame (child_frame_id). For topic mapping the stat arg for the standard deviation has been changed from std to stdev. Some general tidying.
- Merge pull request #34 from adambinch/sentor_devel Improvements correspoding with new sentor wiki.
- minor change
- Map frame and base frame for making topic maps are no longer hard-coded. General improvements.
- Improved example config in preparation for the new sentor wiki. Example of custom process included. Minor improvements/tidying.
- Merge pull request #33 from adambinch/sentor_devel Custom Lambda Expressions.
- Custom Lambda Expressions. You can now create custom lambda expressions in python files instead of specifying them explicitly in the config. See the first lambda expression in the config example.yaml, which points to a function CustomLambda from file CustomLambda.py located in package sentor. These are to be used when a lambda expression is too complex to be specified in the config explicitly.
- Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/LCAS/sentor into sentor_devel # Conflicts:
- Merge pull request #32 from adambinch/sentor_devel Can include an (optional) tags field for each condition in the sento…
- scrapped last commit
- Removed error code topic. Not necessary as the error code can be obtained from the monitors topic.
- Can include an (optional) tags field for each conditions in the sentor config. The tags for each condition are published on the /sentor/monitors topic.
- Merge pull request #31 from adambinch/sentor_devel Correction
- Correction Forgot to use brackets when calling the stop monitor method of the multimonitor in the sentor node.
- Merge pull request #30 from yiannis88/toc_uint16 uint8[] to uint16[] to correctly read the info TOC
- uint8[] to uint16[] to correctly read the info TOC
- Merge pull request #29 from adambinch/sentor_devel New /sentor/monitors topic, to be used by TOC.
- Removed header from ErrorCode msg
- Added new topic /sentor/error_code that produces the binary array error code to be used by TOC. If you want to know which element of the array goes with which condition then see /sentor/monitor
- New /sentor/monitors topic, for TOC. Message type is sentor.msg.MonitorArray. Lists each of the safety critical conditions being monitored. Each item in the list has the following fields: topic the topic being monitored expression the expression on the topic being evaluated. 'safe' evaluates to False if the expression is satisfied/violated, True if not. The topic only updates when something changes, and is latched. This topic can be used to produce the error codes for TOC.
- Merge pull request #28 from adambinch/sentor_devel Corrected mistake in topic mapper.
- Corrected mistake in topic mapper.
- Merge pull request #27 from adambinch/sentor_devel Topic Monitoring Improvements.
- Added topic tools as a package dependency.
- Topic Monitoring Improvements. Can set the topic rate in the config. More convenient than throttling topics in launch files. If the topic rate is not set, then sentor subscribes to the original topic (as it does normally). Service names (for the call process) and topic names (for the publish process) can be retrieved from rosparams and environment variables. Sentor automatically checks the names provided in the config. Processes are now not verbose by default. Some minor improvements.
- Merge pull request #26 from adambinch/sentor_devel Updated package xml and cmakelists.
- Topic throttling in now done using topic tools via Popen from subprocess.
- Removed rosthrottle from package xml which has no kinetic release
- Updated package xml and cmakelists. Simplified topic map msg. Some minor improvements.
- Merge pull request #25 from adambinch/sentor_devel Topic Mapping Improvements
- Can now retrieve topic map limits from metric map yaml file (see map arg in config)
- For topic mapping can set rate param in config to throttle topics. Useful when mapping topics with high publication rates.
- Topic map stat is selected at initialisation for efficiency.
- Merge pull request #24 from adambinch/sentor_devel Topic mapping decoupled from topic monitoring.
- Topic mapping decoupled from topic monitoring. Topic mapping has its own node: roslaunch sentor topic_mapping.launch Example config: sentor/config/map.yaml Monitoring is unaffected by these changes.
- Decoupling topic mapping from topic monitoring
- Merge pull request #23 from francescodelduchetto/master adding /sentor/rich_event topic for structured sentor events information
- adding /sentor/rich_event topic for structured sentor events information
- Merge pull request #22 from adambinch/sentor_devel safety critical default messages are now errors rather than warnings.
- safety critical default messages are now errors rather than warnings.
- Merge pull request #21 from adambinch/sentor_devel For the 'call' process, the service client is now created at runtime.
- For the 'call' process, the service client is now created at runtime.
- Merge pull request #20 from adambinch/sentor_devel Sentor waits for a service (default=2.0) before calling it at runtime.
- Sentor waits for a service (default=2.0) before calling it at runtime. Some minor adjustments to one of the example configs.
- Merge pull request #19 from adambinch/sentor_devel Sentor can execute custom processes.
- Sentor can execute custom processes. Sentor can import a class myClass from myClass.py and execute it as a process. The package name from which the class is retrieved and the name of the class must be specified in the config. The class should have an init method and a run method, where the run method is executed at runtime. Optional args can be passed to both of those. See config/example.yaml
- Merge pull request #18 from adambinch/sentor_devel Minor fix
- Minor fix
- Merge pull request #17 from adambinch/sentor_devel Fix
- No need to create a temp list every time the existence of a key in a dictionary is checked
- Problem when sentor fails to initialise a process (such as a service) but tries to execute it at runtime (because of that process_indices arg in the config). This is a fix but needs to be tested.
- Merge pull request #16 from adambinch/sentor_devel Option of waiting for results of goal for the action process.
- Option of waiting for results of goal for the action process.
- Merge pull request #15 from adambinch/sentor_devel numpy library can be used in the lambda expressions
- numpy library can be used in the lambda expressions
- Merge pull request #14 from adambinch/sentor_devel Included an arg in the sentor launch file safe_operation_timeout so…
- Constraint on the new arg. Some minor improvements.
- Included an arg in the sentor launch file safe_operation_timeout so that all safety critical systems have to be good for a certain amount of time before operation is judged to be safe.
- Merge pull request #13 from adambinch/sentor_devel The top-level arg default notifications can now be specified for th…
- The top-level arg default notifications can now be specified for the signal when condition, and each lambda expression, separately. Added myself as a maintainer/author in the package xml.
- Contributors: Adam Binch, MikHut, adambinch, francescodelduchetto, yiannis88
- Merge pull request #11 from adambinch/sentor_devel A significant change to the way sentor executes processes, and how args are specified in the config.
- The format of the config is now backwards compatible (sentor can handle two formats for the signal when condition). The lindsey config has been reverted back to the previous version.
- A few minor improvements
- No longer using separate timers to handle critical and non-critical lambda expressions. Reduces the number of threads used by sentor by the number of monitors specified in the config.
- The safety callback in the topic monitor is called in the run function, rather than a separate timer. Reduces the number of threads used by sentor by the number of monitors specified in the config.
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:LCAS/sentor into sentor_devel
- Merge pull request #12 from adambinch/fix fix
- fix
- Added authorships
- Adjustments to example config
- The hz monitor is instantiated only when needed.
- minor change
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:LCAS/sentor into sentor_devel
- Merge pull request #10 from adambinch/fix small fix
- Merge branch 'master' into fix
- small fix
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:LCAS/sentor into sentor_devel
- Specifying process indices for the signal when condition, and for each lambda expression, is now the default method of executing processes. The signal when condition now has child args condition (published/not published), timeout, safety_critical process_indices and repeat_exec. Each lambda expression now has child args expression, timeout, safety_critical when_published, process_indices and repeat_exec.
- Merge pull request #9 from adambinch/sentor_mapping Sentor can now map topic values.
- minor change
- Example config for the new features
- Added an alternative mode alt_exec for executing processes. For a topic monitor, each lambda expression listed now has an optional arg process_indices in which you can specify which set of process you want to execute when that particular lambda expression is satisfied.
- fix
- Added another process reconf - sentor can now dynamic reconfigure. Updated config. The hz monitor is now only instantiated when it is needed.
- fix
- Minoir change
- Topic map can now be built as the standard deviation of topic args. Added stat message field to custom topic map msg. Some restructuring and minor improvements.
- minor change
- Minor improvements.
- Added service /sentor/get_maps that returns all map data. Changed default publishing/plotting rate of maps to zero which disables publishing/plotting of maps. Changed the way the topic map is discretised as the previous method was causing the map to be displaced. Some structural changes and improvements to code.
- Merge branch 'sentor_mapping' of github.com:adambinch/sentor into sentor_mapping
- Auto safety tagging is set to True by default. Can now make topic maps with other statistics (min and max) A few minor improvements
- Auto safety tagging is set to True by default. A few minor improvements
- Created a topic map server to deal with writing/plotting the topic maps, and other services on the maps. The topic map can be now be a sum of the topic args (as well as the weighted mean). Real time plots (and the plot) rate, is now specified in the sentor launch file.
- Topic maps are now saved in home/.sentor_maps. Topic map message now gives extra information.
- Improvement to the way the topic map is discretised. Better example config. Generated example topic map, saved in sentor/maps.
- Default plotting rate is 1hz
- minor fix
- Sentor topic mapper can now generate real-time plots. New args in config.
- Created a class (TopicMapPublisher) for publishing topic maps. The services start/stop monitor now starts/stops the safety monitor, topic mapper and topic map publisher. Made a service /sentor/write_maps for writing topic maps Renamed messages Map and MapArray as TopicMap and TopicMapArray, respectively. All sentor services with srv Empty now return an empty response (EmptyResponse) Some other fixes and minor changes.
- Improvement to the way the topic mapper handles exceptions. Some other minor changes.
- Sentor can now map topic values. A numpy array is created as a discretized representation of the metric map. When a topic message is obtained, a user defined argument on the message is evaluated. A weighted mean of this value is stored in an element of the array, where the indices of the element is given by the 'map to baselink' tf transform. As more data from a location is gathered, the weighted mean (and thus the 'topic map'), is updated. Any region of this topic map that has not been explored will contain nans. Sentor can now store the weighted mean of a topic value in an element of an array. The index of the element corresponds to a location in the map. The index of the array is chosen by looking up the transform between map and baselink.
- Contributors: Adam Binch, adambinch
- Merge pull request #8 from adambinch/sentor_devel New top-level arg lambdas_when_published that ensures that lambda e…
- Simplified code a little. Small change to the readme.
- Made latest changes thread safe.
- updated readme
- Fix
- New top-level arg lambdas_when_published that ensures that lambda expressions can be satisfied only when the topic is being published.
- Merge pull request #7 from adambinch/sentor_devel Sentor devel: New Features
- minor chnage to readme
- New Features: By setting the arg auto_safety_tagging (see sentor.launch) to True sentor will automatically set safe operation to True when all safety critical condition across all monitors are unsatisfied. If auto_safety_tagging is set to False then the (renamed) service /sentor/set_safety_tag must be called.
- The safety monitor will automatically set safe operation to True if all safety critical conditions across all monitors are not violated.
- Merge pull request #6 from adambinch/sentor_devel Sentor devel: Safety critical conditions are now affected by the repeat_exec arg.
- Safety critical conditions are now affected by the repeat_exec arg.
- moved this to the rasberry repo
- start of sentor config for thorvald
- Merge pull request #5 from adambinch/sentor_devel New top level arg added that allows you to turn off the default notif…
- New top level arg added that allows you to turn off the default notifications.
- Merge branch 'adambinch-sentor_devel'
- Updated README.md to reflect the previous change.
- The arg topic_latched for the process publish is now optional (default='True')
- The arg repeat_exec now works with the signal_when conditions, as well as the lambda expressions. Updated the README.md.
- minor change
- The verbose option for each process was meant to be optional but was not. Fixed now. Improvement to the README.md.
- README.md correction
- correction to README.md
- Updated the README.md and the argument descriptions in the config.
- New arg for each process verbose. Setting to False will limit notifications to errors whilst processes are executed. Expanded the default config execute to include a safety critical lambda condition. Tidied/removed unnecessary code.
- repeat is now a top level arg and has been renamed to repeat_exec. If true then all processes under execute will be executed repeatedly (every timeout) seconds whilst all lambda condition's are satisfied.
- Found a better way of repeating processes whilst lambdas are satisfied
- removed oneshot option as it was causing problems. Simplified code
- Improved the way errors are logged. New top level arg include in config. Set to false to not include that monitor, rather than commenting it out (for convenience).
- Fixed an issue that was causing processes to be executed immediately (without taking timeout into account). Previously, processes will be executed when the lambda conditions are satisfied. But they would not execute again unless they become unsatisfied, then satisfied again. This is desirable behaviour in a lot of cases but maybe not all. So we now have the option to execute repeatedly (every timeout seconds), whilst the lambda conditions are satisfied. See the new top level arg oneshot in the config.
- When executing a log you can now include data from the topic that is being monitored.
- Minor change
- minor change
- When sentor logs a call to a service it also logs the request. When sentor logs that a goal for an action has been sent it also logs the goal.
- When actionlib goals or service calls fail, those events are logged as warnings rather than errors.
- Removed message from process keywords in config and replaced with a new process log in which you can log messages.
- The signal_when condition in the config now also has a safety_critical tag. Added a new thread to the example config execute.yaml. This thread calls the service /sentor/reset_safety_tag. The key word function in the config has been changed to expression. A few minor improvements to code.
- Added missing package dependencies. Set default pub rate of the /safe_operation topic to 10 hz.
- You can now tag lambda expressions as safety_critical. A new topic /safe_operation will publish True if all safety critical lambda expressions are satisfied. If one is from any thread then the topic will publish false until a new service /sentor/reset is set to True. Due to the inclusion of the new tags the config rob_lindsey.yaml has been updated. It should still functions exactly the same as before.
- The optional arg user_msg has been changed to message. Important info added to the README.md
- The new features (publishing to topics, calling services etc) are now referred to as 'processes' rather than 'actions' to avoid confusion with actionlib actions.
- Small chnage to the README.md
- correction to README.md
- correction to README.md
- Updated the README.md. Renamed arg in config to be consistent with the naming of others. Added arg descriptions to the config. A couple of minor improvements to code.
- Renamed config Removed unnecessary config Small improvement to code
- Correction
- Tested with a multi thread config (multi_thread.yaml). Seems to work fine. Shortened default log messages published to the sentor/event topic. When executing actions using a simple action server sentor now provided feedback on the goal. Renamed config. Ros logs made during sentor initialisation are no longer published to the sentor/event topic. Updated pacakge.xml To test with multi thread config simply launch the launch file sentor.launch. As before send the robot in simulation to WayPoint1. The robot will automatically navigate to WayPoint45. In the mean time sentor will execute a shell command cowsay moo. When the robot reaches its goal it will teleport back to x=0,y=0 and relocalise.
- Sentor can now execute basic shell commands using subprocess. Renamed and updated config. Needed to (rospy) sleep the sentor node in some places so that messages can published to slack (by slackeros). Some other minor changes.
- Minor changes
- Merge branch 'sentor_devel' of https://github.com/adambinch/sentor into sentor_devel # Conflicts: # config/action.yaml # src/sentor/Executor.py
- Sentor now publishes new events to the topic /sentor/event. Users can now set their own (string) messages to be publsihed to this topic. Removed some unnecessary stuff. Some minor changes.
- Sentor now publishes new events to the topic /sentor/event. Users can now set their own (string) messages to be publsihed to this topic. Removed some unnecessary stuff.
- Sentor can now make clients and send goals for any action type. Included the python package math in ROSTopicFilter.py so that it can be used in the lambda functions.
- Sentor can now publish to topics. Also, a new arg lock_exec in the config gives the option of locking out other threads while the current one is executing its sequence of actions.
- rospy sleep now included in set of actions. Tidied up my changes to TopicMonitor
- New top level arg exec_once in config. If True then actions will be executed only the first time that the signal conditions are met.
- correction
- correction
- correction
- Sentor can now call services
- Contributors: Adam Binch, Lindsey User, Marc Hanheide, adambinch
- Merge pull request #3 from francescodelduchetto/master fix some bugs
- Merge branch 'master' into master
- Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/francescodelduchetto/sentor
- fix various errors
- Contributors: Lindsey User, Marc Hanheide
- Merge pull request #2 from francescodelduchetto/master update readme with description of config file usage
- rospy spin instead of 'handmade' spin
- print also the message together with the expression
- Merge branch 'master' into master
- Merge pull request #1 from francescodelduchetto/2.0 merge 2.0 to master
- Update README.md
- Update README.md
- Update README.md
- Update README.md
- Contributors: Marc Hanheide, francescodelduchetto
- Merge pull request #1 from LCAS/2.0 Merging 2.0 into master with some modifications for release
- prepare for installation
- prettier prints and longer sleep in loop to avoid None in hz
- added timeout for lambdas and not published
- first commmit version 2.0: yaml file for configuration, singaling also for published, lambda funcs are specified in the yaml as a string
- ehm
- remove logs
- Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/francescodelduchetto/sentor
- check log to be rem
- another small bit
- remove logs and madd another check to avoid duplicate msg expr in the same list
- some debug logs
- more waiting
- fix bug
- better handling of satsfied expressions as we don't drop anymore expression satisfied very close in time
- Update README.md
- gitignore
- comments and readme
- bug in list inserting elements
- monitoring either the frequency or the expression on msgs
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:francescodelduchetto/sentor
- tab
- Update README.md
- warning message more significative
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:francescodelduchetto/sentor
- comment
- elifs instead of ifs
- explanation on usage of filtering
- added possiblity to filter the value of messages and get a warning when it is satisfied
- slightly better printing
- only one warning message when the topic is not published anymore; better terminal printing
- Delete ROSTopicHz.pyc
- Update README.md
- Update README.md
- initial commit
- Contributors: Lindsey User, Marc Hanheide, francescodelduchetto