- Upgrade to angular19.
- Fix a bug in inserting new items in array properties (Ajay Kanduru).
- Throw required error only if property is visible (Adithya Jayasankar)
- Update dependencies & migrate to eslint (krishna217)
- Upgrade to Angular 18 (ebrehault)
- Fix inserting new items in array properties with custom widgets.
- Using JSON Schema's additionalProperties flag, allow fields in the model not specified in schema definition.
- Restore ArrayProperty from 2.9.0-forked to address performance degradation in 2.11.0-forked.
- Upgrade to angular 17 (Parent: 2.11.0)
- Upgrade to Angular 17 (ebrehault)
- Fixing issue when using visibleIf in array items (Saeleas)
- Upgrade to Angular 16 (ebrehault)
- Fix dependencies (Shailee Mehta)
- Upgrade to angular 15 (Parent: 2.9.0)
- Remove invisible elements from model at root level (Kevin Broichhausen)
- Fix bug with wildcards (Kevin Broichhausen)
- Bind visibility after creation to prevent multiple calls (Kevin Broichhausen)
- Fix for multi select visibility conditional (iamtomcat)
- Upgrade to Angular 15 (ebrehault)
- Upgrade to angular 14 (Parent: 2.8.4)
- Upgrade to angular 13 (Parent: 2.7.2)
- Improved performance of visibility binding for nested objects (Kevin Broichhausen)
- Two-way data binding fix (Kevin Broichhausen)
- Added chainable oneOf and allOf in visibleIf (Kevin Broichhausen)
- Fix dependencies version
- Upgrade to Angular 14 (ebrehault)
- Use DisableControlDirective for widgets to remove warnings for reactive forms (Kevin Broichhausen)
- Changed cp command in build:lib (Kevin Broichhausen)
- Fix zero value checking (Kevin Broichhausen)
- Do not display labels if no title (Anton)
- Upgrade to Angular 13 (ebrehault)
- Cherry pick #420 fixed visibileIf empty object check
- Fix validation of ANY to validate more types of values (bennmapes)
- Remove constraint of using nullable unions (iperevozchikov)
- Customize creating of form property for FHIR Extension schema.
- Fix HTML IDs in elements nested in arrays
- Add support of nullable union type for oneOf case (iperevozchikov)
- Fix UMD (iperevozchikov)
- Fix dependencies for Angular 11.2
- Fix inconsistency when paths in visibleIf do not contain a leading '/' (bennmapes)
- Fix for visibleIf using wildcards in oneOf and allOf (bennmapes)
- Upgrade to Angular 11
- fix #373: missing schemaprocessor implementation
- fix #373: add support for array items with different schema definitions
- fix #370: handle non existing fields in visibleIf - oneOf and allOf as null value.
- fix #367: Fix boolean negative visiblityIf condition. Add array support for
$EXP$ as visibilityIf condition.
- fix #360: VisibleIf-oneOf with 2+ conditions has same property name is not working (daniele-pecora)
- fix #331: visibleIf stopped working in 2.5.2 (daniele-pecora)
- fix #329: visibleIf "allOf" Edge case BUG (daniele-pecora)
- Fix #358 Completing Public API
- Fix #355 add README in dist
- Log service (daniele-pecora)
- Allow custom properties in schema (daniele-pecora)
- Fix #338 bindings not supporting multiple event functions (daniele-pecora)
- Fix: visibleIf returns turn even if only part of the value matches the expression (compare number to string fix)
- Add extendable TypeScript interfaces for JSON Schema objects (artonio)
- Fix: visibleIf returns turn even if only part of the value matches the expression
#2.5.1 (2020-03-22)
- Allow "VisibleIf" to work with numeric values
- Upgrade to Angular 9 (ebrehault)
- Expose more classes in Public API (anotherpit)
- Setup auto-tagging and auto-release on NPM (ebrehault)
- fix template when no rootProperty (ebrehault)
- fix disabled state for reactive forms by using directive. fix #287 (daniele-pecora)
- Fix circular dependency in models (ebrehault)
- Feature #228: add support for expression in visibleIf condition (daniele-pecora)
- Fix #293: hide or disable array widget add and remove button in relation to the settings of 'maxItems' and 'minItems' in schema (daniele-pecora)
(fix build)
- Upgrade to Angular 8 (ebrehault)
- Update angular to 7.2 (mathilde-pellerin)
- Extend visibleIf condition with
(daniele-pecora) - Rename the
flag, fixed #263. (Invis1ble) - Reset SchemaValidator (daniele-pecora)
- Fix disabled property (Jackson Vaughan)
- Fix package.json to explicitly support Angular 6 and 7
- Fix #233: do not emit modelChange twice (ebrehault)
- Fix array item remove (ebrehault)
- Angular 7 compliancy (ebrehault)
- Fix perr dependencies (akloeber)
- Support custom bindings (Daniele Pecora)
- Add normalizeExtensions to SchemaPreprocessor (WhileTrueEndWhile)
- Template schema form (Juan Manuel Verges)
- Angular 6 compliancy
- Use default library project structure provided by Angular CLI 6
- Fix model two-way data binding (Eric Brehault / Gavin Foley)
- Render array properly after deletion (Eric Brehault)
- Fix AOT for Angular 5 (Andrea Accardo)
- Use angular-cli 1.5 for the test app (Sune Wøller)
- Model two way binding (Robert Wurm)
- Avoid circular imports (Sune Wøller)
- Fix SchemaValidatorFactory providing (Daniele Pecora)
- Added support for multiple select (Gavin Foley)
- Angular5 and Typescript 2.4.2 support
- FileWidget: fix file encoding (ebrehault)
- Expose form validity (thereiskeks)
- Checkbox widget support for array properties (ebrehault)
- Placeholder in textarea (ebrehault)
- Fill in minLenght and maxLength attributes (ebrehault)
- Compute unique error messages in widget (ebrehault)
- Make FileWidget properties accessible in derivated widget (ebrehault)
- Do not repeat description in checkbox (ebrehault)
- Manage input type="file" properly (ebrehault)
- isValid and onErrorChange event emitters added (mrpanky)
- forRoot() now able to change default providers (mrpanky)
- deep $ref support for definitions (Gabor Pankotay)
- Fix export for ButtonWidget (Brian Glass)
- number and boolean fallback values fixed (mrpanky)
- legacy required property check removed, schemavalidator denormalizes object's required field paths, objectproper ty extends subject field's errors (Gabor Pankotay)
- ArrayLayoutWidget, ObjectLayoutWidget implements AfterViewInit interface (Gabor Pankotay)
- Fix ButtonWidgte import (Emmanuel Navarro)
- Manage required state for FormProperty (Daniele Pecora)
- AOT fix for custom buttons (Daniele Pecora)
- Allow to customize action button rendering (Daniele Pecora)
- Restore has-success/has-error class
- Upgrade to Angular 4
- Clean up existing elements on schema changes
- Fix AOT build
- Re-render form on schema change [ZheyangSong]
- Use inline html
- Make sure .html templates are part of the package
- Clean up package content
- Now module, components and other elements must be imported from 'angular2-schema-form' and not 'angular2-schema-form/src'
Initial release