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⚖️ Audit Fix
⚖️ Audit Fix
Audit-related fixes.
🐞 Bug
🐞 Bug
Something isn't working.
📜 Chore
📜 Chore
Maintenance related changes (CI, QOL, etc.).
🚢 Deployment
🚢 Deployment
Code deployed to testnet or mainnet.
📖 Documentation
📖 Documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation.
❌ Duplicate
❌ Duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists.
✨ Enhancement
✨ Enhancement
New feature or request.
🔧 Fix
🔧 Fix
A bug fix or minor correction.
⚡ Optimization
⚡ Optimization
Performance or efficiency improvements.
♻️ Refactor
♻️ Refactor
Code improvements without changing functionality.
📜 Script
📜 Script
Script-related changes (automation, tooling).
🗡️ Slashing Release
🗡️ Slashing Release
Changes for the slashing release.
🧪 Test
🧪 Test
Test-related changes (unit, integration, etc.).
🚫 Wontfix
🚫 Wontfix
This will not be worked on.