Releases: ME3Tweaks/LE3-ASI-Plugins
LE3 Kismet Logger - v3
This plugin logs all Kismet sequence object activations to a file called KismetLog.txt. You can trace the execution of this log in Legendary Explorer's Sequence Editor.
New for V3:
- Now traces inputs to an object and will be shown in LEX
LE3 Debug Logger - v3
This ASI can be used to assist in development and debugging of mods. The following items are logged to the console and to disk:
- Imports that fail to find a matching export (some of these occur in vanilla files)
- Anything written to the debug console, which the game does for a few different types of things (some errors, WarnInternal())
- (NEW for V3) Anything passed to the LogInternal() function
- (NEW for V3) Packages loading synchronously (such as BioP) and asynchronously (such as moving through a level) - not all packages load this way, so some such as those called through DynamicLoadObject will not be shown
- (NEW for V3) Information about an object that fails to allocate due to incorrect design, which can be used to track down a game crash
The log is located in LE3DebugLogger.log next to the game executable.
LE3 Linker Printer
The Linker Printer ASI internally tracks what the latest file source of an object in memory was. By pressing CTRL + O at any time in the main interface (not bink movies), you can have the game dump the list of sources to a file named LinkerPrinter.log, next to the game executable.
Note that the list of printed objects is not the list of objects currently in memory; it is a list of all objects that have loaded over the game session, and what the last source used when loading from disk was. The object may have been dumped out of memory.
This is useful when you're trying to figure out what file an object loaded from.
LE3 PNG ScreenShots - v1
This ASI makes screenshots (either through photo mode, or its backing console command screenshot
) save as .png files instead of .bmp files. This saves significant disk space and makes them easier to share. Files are named PNGLE3ScreenShot<Number>.png
to help differentiate the source game.
This does not change the behavior of TiledShot
LE3 Streaming Levels HUD 2.0
This ASI draws the list of streaming levels on the top left of the screen, as well as their current loaded state, for Mass Effect 3 (Legendary Edition). It additionally shows the amount of memory the process is currently using, as well as the maximum it has used during the session. The size of the text will scale up depending on your resolution: 1080p and lower will use the default text size. Up to 1440p will use a slightly bigger scaling, and above that will use a larger scaling.
Additionally, this version shows the last touched BioTriggerStream.
The display can be toggled on and off by pressing CTRL+T.
LE3DebugLogger - v2
This ASI works logs all text written to the debug console (which the game does), as well as logs all imports that fail to resolve. Note that some imports failing to resolve are normal engine behavior due to how the game is compiled. The log is located in DebugLogger.txt next to the game executable.
LE3 Kismet Logger - 1.0
This plugin logs all Kismet sequence object activations to a file called KismetLog.txt. You can trace the execution of this log in Legendary Explorer's Sequence Editor.
LE3 Streaming Levels HUD 1.0
This ASI draws the list of streaming levels on the top left of the screen, as well as their current loaded state, for Mass Effect (Legendary Edition). It additionally shows the amount of memory the process is currently using, as well as the maximum it has used during the session.
The display can be toggled on and off by pressing CTRL+T.