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Guide for the Y86 Emulator

Starting Up

To start up, you must download either the jar or the exe for windows, the jar is runnable and will run with a JRE installed On boot up of the application, either a file must be created or loaded in, generating a YAS page.


The YAS page serves as an IDE to develop Y86 code, and provides a compiler to generate the executable for the emulator to run. The compile button runs the compiler and displays the compiler output in the output window. If an error does occur, the compiler displays the line and reason for the error.

Instruction tab

The instruction tab provides the list of all Y86 instructions, and the necessary parameters to run the instruction. All parameters must be replaced with proper inputs to compile.


At completion of compilation, a runnable state is generated, and the YIS tab is created


The YIS tab serves as the main interface to the emulator, allowing the user to preform multiple tasks in relation to the machine, even some that occur pre start up

Data Display

Data Display allows the configuration of the emulator to display double words in four different forms as listed below:

Option Description
Hex Displays the DoubleWords in Hex format
Hex LE Displays the DoubleWord as displayed in memory using little endian format
Signed Displays the DoubleWords as their signed value
Unsigned Displays the DoubleWords as their unsigned value


Allows for the designation of input parameters to be placed in the input registers RDI, RSI, RDX, RCX. RDI and RSI both can be supplied with arrays of size 0 through 30 of random values, with an option to store their lengths in RDX and RCX respectively. If the length is not stored, the arrays are 0 terminated.


RDI --> | Elem1 | Elem2 | Elem3 |

RDX --> 3

Instruction and Binary Display

The top left corner displays the instructions as aligned in memory, as well as a pointer to the current instruction. It also displays the Hexidecimal form of the instruction


The initialize buttons sets the processor to be ready to begin executing instructions as dictated by the binary file, it aligns instructions and constants in memory, as well as initializing the parameter data in the critical section of memory

Critical Section

The critical is any address that has a one in the 63 bit of their address. You can only write or read from this section if given permission, currently only available through parameters.

Register and Status Display

The display to the right displays the values of each of the 15 registers, as well as the status of the processor, and the condition flags Information on the specific registers and statues, along with the condition codes can be found in either the book or slides

Memory display module

The memory display module presents all the DoubleWords stored in memory for the user to examine.

Processor Output

Displays the output of every initialization, step, and run command, allowing tracing of the various processor states


Step causes the next instruction the program counter points to to execute


Runs the program until either a halt is encountered, or an error is generated


System Option 1 Option 2
Windows jar exe
Mac jar
Linux jar


The Y86 possesses a terminal interface to run the program as well


Command Function Format
quit / q Quits the program quit
load / l Load a file load file_path
compile Compiles the file complie
initialize / i Initializes the Processor initialize -t < Type Flag >
disas prints the Compiled code disas
step / s / next Steps the Processor by one step -t < Type Flag >
run / r Runs the Process till completion run -t < Type Flag >
reg / register Displays the register file reg -t < Type Flag >
mem / memory Displays main memory mem -t < Type Flag >
lcir performs load -> compile -> intialize -> run lcir file_path -t < Type Flag >
lci performs load -> compile -> intialize lci file_path -t < Type Flag >
lc performs load -> compile lc file_path
cir performs compile -> intialize -> run cir -t < Type Flag >
ir performs intialize -> run ir -t < Type Flag >
ci performs compile -> intialize ci -t < Type Flag >
param sets the parameter for either rdi or rsi param < rdi / rsi > -l < length > -z < zero_terminated = true / false >
Type Flag Description
Hex H Hex format
Hex LE HL Hex Little Endian format
Unsigned U Unsigned long
Signed S Signed long


Terminal Implementation


If errors do occur, or you see an area that can be improved, please do not hesistate to contact me at [email protected] or list an issue here on github so I can correct it