This Astro integration brings Tailwind's utility CSS classes to every .astro
file and framework component in your project, along with support for the Tailwind configuration file.
Tailwind lets you use utility classes instead of writing CSS. These utility classes are mostly one-to-one with a certain CSS property setting: for example, adding the text-lg
to an element is equivalent to setting font-size: 1.125rem
in CSS. You might find it easier to write and maintain your styles using these predefined utility classes!
If you don't like those predefined settings, you can customize the Tailwind configuration file to your project's design requirements. For example, if the "large text" in your design is actually 2rem
, you can change the lg
fontSize setting to 2rem
Tailwind is also a great choice to add styles to React, Preact, or Solid components, which don't support a <style>
tag in the component file.
Note: it's generally discouraged to use both Tailwind and another styling method (e.g. Styled Components) in the same file.
The astro add
command-line tool automates the installation for you. Run one of the following commands in a new terminal window. (If you aren't sure which package manager you're using, run the first command.) Then, follow the prompts, and type "y" in the terminal (meaning "yes") for each one.
# Using NPM
npx astro add tailwind
# Using Yarn
yarn astro add tailwind
# Using PNPM
pnpm astro add tailwind
If you run into any issues, feel free to report them to us on GitHub and try the manual installation steps below.
First, install the @astrojs/tailwind
and tailwindcss
packages using your package manager. If you're using npm or aren't sure, run this in the terminal:
npm install @astrojs/tailwind tailwindcss
Then, apply this integration to your astro.config.*
file using the integrations
import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
import tailwind from '@astrojs/tailwind';
export default defineConfig({
// ...
integrations: [tailwind()],
When you install the integration, Tailwind's utility classes should be ready to go right away. Head to the Tailwind docs to learn how to use Tailwind, and if you see a utility class you want to try, add it to any HTML element to your project!
If you used the Quick Install instructions and said yes to each prompt, you'll see a tailwind.config.cjs
file in your project's root directory. Use this file for your Tailwind configuration changes. You can learn how to customize Tailwind using this file in the Tailwind docs.
If it isn't there, you add your own tailwind.config.(js|cjs|mjs)
file to the root directory and the integration will use its configurations. This can be great if you already have Tailwind configured in another project and want to bring those settings over to this one.
The Astro Tailwind integration handles the communication between Astro and Tailwind and it has its own options. Change these in the astro.config.mjs
file (not the Tailwind configuration file) which is where your project's integration settings live.
If you want to use a different Tailwind configuration file instead of the default tailwind.config.(js|cjs|mjs)
, specify that file's location using this integration's config.path
option. If config.path
is relative, it will be resolved relative to the root.
Warning Changing this isn't recommended since it can cause problems with other tools that integrate with Tailwind, like the official Tailwind VSCode extension.
// astro.config.mjs
import tailwind from '@astrojs/tailwind';
export default {
integrations: [tailwind({
// Example: Provide a custom path to a Tailwind config file
config: { path: './custom-config.cjs' },
By default, the integration imports a basic base.css
file on every page of your project. This basic CSS file includes the three main @tailwind
/* The integration's default injected base.css file */
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
To disable this default behavior, set config.applyBaseStyles
to false
. This can be useful if you need to define your own base.css
file (to include a @layer
directive, for example). This can also be useful if you do not want base.css
to be imported on every page of your project.
// astro.config.mjs
export default {
integrations: [tailwind({
// Example: Disable injecting a basic `base.css` import on every page.
// Useful if you need to define and/or import your own custom `base.css`.
config: { applyBaseStyles: false },
You can now import your own base.css
as a local stylesheet.
If you are using Vue, Svelte, or another component integration with Astro, @apply
directives used in component <style>
s may generate errors about your custom Tailwind class not existing and cause your builds to fail. Instead of using @layer
directives in a a global stylesheet, define your custom styles by adding a plugin to your Tailwind config:
// tailwind.config.cjs
module.exports = {
// ...
plugins: [
function ({ addComponents, theme }) {
'.btn': {
padding: theme('spacing.4'),
margin: 'auto'
- The Astro Tailwind Starter gets you up and running with a base for your project that uses Tailwind for styling
- Astro's homepage uses Tailwind. Check out its Tailwind configuration file or an example component
- The Astro Ink, Sarissa Blog, and Creek themes use Tailwind for styling
- Browse Astro Tailwind projects on GitHub for more examples!
- If your installation doesn't seem to be working, try restarting the dev server.
- If you edit and save a file and don't see your site update accordingly, try refreshing the page.
- If refreshing the page doesn't update your preview, or if a new installation doesn't seem to be working, then restart the dev server.
For help, check out the #support
channel on Discord. Our friendly Support Squad members are here to help!
You can also check our Astro Integration Documentation for more on integrations.
This package is maintained by Astro's Core team. You're welcome to submit an issue or PR!
See for a history of changes to this integration.