This recipe shows you how simple it is to integrate simplux into your application that is already using Redux.
If you are new to simplux there is a recipe that will help you get started before you follow this recipe.
You can play with the code for this recipe in this code sandbox.
Before we start let's install simplux and Redux.
npm i @simplux/core redux -S
Now we're ready to go.
For this recipe we assume we have a very simple existing application that uses Redux to manage a counter. In your application this setup is probably quite a bit more complex with many more reducers, middlewares and such. All of these things do not affect simplux, so you can keep them just as they are.
import { combineReducers, createStore, Reducer } from 'redux'
const counterReducer: Reducer<number> = (c = 0, { type }) => (type === 'INC' ? c + 1 : c)
const rootReducer = combineReducers({
counter: counterReducer,
const store = createStore(rootReducer)
simplux and Redux can be used side-by-side just fine without any extra effort. However, if you want to make use of certain Redux features (e.g. the Redux DevTools) then it is useful to connect both.
simplux is designed to seamlessly compose with Redux. To achieve this simplux exports a reducer which you can place anywhere in your reducer hierarchy. Therefore, we only need to make a slight adjustment to the store setup above.
import { getSimpluxReducer } from '@simplux/core'
const rootReducer = combineReducers({
counter: counterReducer,
// this key can be anything, but it is recommended to name the
// slice of state that simplux is responsible for "simplux"
simplux: getSimpluxReducer(),
Now there is only one more step that is required. We need to let simplux know about our Redux store.
import { setReduxStoreForSimplux } from '@simplux/core'
// this second parameter tells simplux where in the state it
// can find its slice
s => s.simplux,
Now we can start creating modules.
const { getState } = createSimpluxModule('mySimpluxModule', { value: 'mySimpluxState' })
console.log('my module state:', getState())
console.log('full redux state:', store.getState())
And that is all you need to use simplux in your application that already uses Redux.
Have a look at our other recipes to learn how simplux can help you make your life simple in other situations.