ZenUnit is a C++ single-header unit testing framework designed for test readability, error message clarity, value-parameterized tests, and template-parameterized test classes.
Here is the ZenUnit syntax for specifying value-parameterized tests by way of typesafe variadic macro arguments:
int x, int y, int expectedSum,
0, 0, 0,
1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 9)
const int sum = Calculator::Add(x, y);
ARE_EQUAL(expectedSum, sum);
The above TEST3X3
syntax defines three independent test cases for function Calculator::Add(int x, int y)
, with test case values processed "three by three" for a total of three unit tests.
Here is the ZenUnit syntax for specifying template-parameterized test classes:
typename ContainerType, typename T>
TEMPLATE_TESTS(PredicateCounterTests, ContainerType, T)
PredicateCounter<ContainerType, T> _predicateCounter;
static bool IsEven(const T& element)
const bool elementIsEven = element % 2 == 0;
return elementIsEven;
static bool AlwaysMatchingPredicate(const T&)
return true;
static bool NeverMatchingPredicate(const T&)
return false;
const ContainerType<T> emptyElements;
const size_t numberOfMatchingElements =
_predicateCounter.CountWhere(emptyElements, NeverMatchingPredicate);
ARE_EQUAL(0, numberOfMatchingElements);
const ContainerType<T> elements{ ZenUnit::Random<T>(), ZenUnit::Random<T>() };
const size_t numberOfMatchingElements =
_predicateCounter.CountWhere(elements, NeverMatchingPredicate);
ARE_EQUAL(0, numberOfMatchingElements);
const T element1 = ZenUnit::Random<T>();
const T element2 = ZenUnit::RandomNotEqualTo<T>(element1);
const ContainerType<T> elements{ element1, element2 };
const size_t numberOfMatchingElements =
_predicateCounter.CountWhere(elements, AlwaysMatchingPredicate);
ARE_EQUAL(2, numberOfMatchingElements);
const ContainerType<T> elements{ T{1}, T{2}, T{3}, T{4} };
const size_t numberOfEvenElements = _predicateCounter.CountWhere(elements, IsEven);
ARE_EQUAL(2, numberOfEvenElements);
RUN_TEMPLATE_TESTS(PredicateCounterTests, std::vector, int)
THEN_RUN_TEMPLATE_TESTS(PredicateCounterTests, std::vector, unsigned long long)
THEN_RUN_TEMPLATE_TESTS(PredicateCounterTests, std::unordered_set, int)
THEN_RUN_TEMPLATE_TESTS(PredicateCounterTests, std::unordered_set, unsigned long long)
syntax defines a ZenUnit templated test class with unit tests to be run first with template arguments std::vector, int
, then std::vector, unsigned long long
, then std::unordered_set, int
, then std::unordered_set, unsigned long long
MetalMock, a C++ single-header mocking framework powered by ZenUnit assertions, features a convenient arrange-act-assert syntax for setting mocked-out function return values, a specific exception to be thrown, or an alternative function to be called instead of the mocked-out function.
MetalMock supports the mocking of virtual functions, template functions, static functions, and global / free functions.
MetalMock is a so-called "double strict" mocking framework so as to be useful for rigorously confirming the correctness of function calls made in safety-critical and financially-critical environments.
A "single strict" mocking framework requires that all mocked-out functions be explicitly expected before being called, else an exception.
A "double strict" mocking framework requires that all mocked-out functions be both explicitly expected and then explicitly asserted as having been called, else an exception.
Absent the MetalMock design feature of requiring expected functions to be subsequently confirmed as having been called with expected arguments, there is the possibility of correctness-compromising extraneous function calls being present in the C++ program under test.
- ZenUnit command line usage
- How to unit test FizzBuzz with ZenUnit's value-parameterized test syntax
- How to unit test templated class PredicateCounter's CountWhere() function with ZenUnit's type-parameterized test syntax
- ZenUnit assertions
- ZenUnit test-defining macros
- MetalMock function-mocking macros
- MetalMock use cases
- Maximizing mutation coverage by testing with random values
- ZenUnit and MetalMock code structure as it appears in Visual Studio Code on Linux
- ZenUnit and MetalMock code structure as it appears in Visual Studio 2022 on Windows
- Linux Jenkins jobs which build and statically analyze ZenUnit and MetalMock
- Windows Jenkins jobs which build and statically analyze ZenUnit and MetalMock
- 6 steps to build and run ZenUnit and MetalMock unit tests on Linux and install ZenUnit.h and MetalMock.h
- 4 steps to build and run ZenUnit and MetalMock unit tests on Windows and install ZenUnit.h and MetalMock.h
- Thanks to
C++ Unit Testing Framework ZenUnit v1.0.0
Usage: <ZenUnitTestsBinaryName> [Options...]
Testing Rigorousness Options:
Repeat N times the running of all tests.
Specify -1 to repeat forever the running of all tests.
Run test classes, tests, and value-parameterized test cases in a random order.
Sets the random seed to unsigned integer S which sets the test ordering for --random and
sets the sequence of values returned by the ZenUnit::Random<T>
family of random-value-generating functions.
The default random seed is the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
After having run all tests, exit with code 1 if any tests were skipped.
Testing Performance Options:
Fail the test run after running all tests if any test took longer than N milliseconds to complete.
Testing Filtration Options:
Run only specified case-insensitive test classes, tests, and/or test case numbers.
Add a ':' character to the end of a test class name or test name to indicate name-starts-with.
Example 1: --run=APITests
Run only test class APITests.
Example 2: --run=APITests::FunctionUnderTest:
Run only tests in APITests that start with "FunctionUnderTest".
Example 3: --run=APITests::FunctionUnderTest_ArgumentsUnderTest_ExpectedReturnValue/3
Run only the third test case of the value-parameterized test named
Call exit(1) if a test fails.
Testing Utility Options:
Wait for any key before running tests to allow for attaching a debugger or performance profiler.
Wait for any key after running tests.
Always exit with code 0.
Print this command line usage message.
Print the ZenUnit version number.
Example ZenUnit command line arguments:
./SafetyCriticalUnitTests --test-runs=5 --random --exit-1-if-tests-skipped
./FinanciallyCriticalUnitTests --run=MarketDataDispatcherTests --fail-fast
// Single header
#include "ZenUnitAndMetalMock/ZenUnit.h"
// FizzBuzz function to be unit tested with ZenUnit
std::string FizzBuzz(int endNumber);
// TESTS defines a ZenUnit test class and begins the FACTS section
// FACTS declares an N-by-N value-parameterized test, the signature syntatical feature of ZenUnit
// EVIDENCE concludes the declaration of FACTS section and begins the presentation of EVIDENCE section
// In ZenUnit test names are by design duplicated between the FACTS section and the EVIDENCE section.
// This carefully-considered design decision is to maximize long-term test code readability
// by always presenting test names group together at the top of test files.
// TEST1X1 defines a 1-by-1 value-parameterized test
// which processes its typesafe variadic arguments list 1-by-1.
// This TEST1X1 defines 4 independent unit tests for FizzBuzz(),
// each of which will run sequentially within separate instances of test class FizzBuzzTests.
// Adding support for parallel test case execution appears prominently on ZenUnit's Azure DevOps backlog.
int invalidFizzBuzzEndNumber,
// The ZenUnit THROWS_EXCEPTION assertion asserts that an expression throws
// *exactly* (not a derived class of) an expected exception type with
// *exactly* an expected exception what() text.
// This double-exactness design of THROWS_EXCEPTION serves to maximizes mutation coverage,
// the next frontier in software quality metrics beyond code coverage.
// Throw statements tested with THROWS_EXCEPTION are immune to these two mutation testing operators:
// mutate-exception-type and mutate-exception-message.
const std::string expectedExceptionMessage =
"Invalid FizzBuzz(int endNumber) argument: endNumber [" +
std::to_string(invalidFizzBuzzEndNumber) + "] must be >= 1";
std::invalid_argument, expectedExceptionMessage);
// TEST2X2 defines a 2-by-2 value-parameterized test
// which processes its typesafe variadic arguments list 2-by-2.
// This TEST2X2 defines 16 independent unit tests for FizzBuzz(),
// each of which will run sequentially within separate instances of test class FizzBuzzTests.
int endNumber, std::string_view expectedFizzBuzzSequence,
1, "1",
2, "1 2",
3, "1 2 Fizz",
4, "1 2 Fizz 4",
5, "1 2 Fizz 4 Buzz",
6, "1 2 Fizz 4 Buzz Fizz",
7, "1 2 Fizz 4 Buzz Fizz 7",
8, "1 2 Fizz 4 Buzz Fizz 7 8",
9, "1 2 Fizz 4 Buzz Fizz 7 8 Fizz",
10, "1 2 Fizz 4 Buzz Fizz 7 8 Fizz Buzz",
11, "1 2 Fizz 4 Buzz Fizz 7 8 Fizz Buzz 11",
12, "1 2 Fizz 4 Buzz Fizz 7 8 Fizz Buzz 11 Fizz",
13, "1 2 Fizz 4 Buzz Fizz 7 8 Fizz Buzz 11 Fizz 13",
14, "1 2 Fizz 4 Buzz Fizz 7 8 Fizz Buzz 11 Fizz 13 14",
15, "1 2 Fizz 4 Buzz Fizz 7 8 Fizz Buzz 11 Fizz 13 14 FizzBuzz",
16, "1 2 Fizz 4 Buzz Fizz 7 8 Fizz Buzz 11 Fizz 13 14 FizzBuzz 16")
const std::string fizzBuzzSequence = FizzBuzz(endNumber);
// ZenUnit assertion names are declarative in language style (ARE_EQUAL, THROWS_EXCEPTION, et al)
// instead of procedural in language style (ASSERT_EQUAL, ASSERT_THROWS, et al)
// to give ZenUnit a test reading experience akin to reading an executable specification document.
ARE_EQUAL(expectedFizzBuzzSequence, fizzBuzzSequence);
// Function under test
std::string FizzBuzz(int endNumber)
if (endNumber <= 0)
const std::string exceptionMessage =
"Invalid FizzBuzz(int endNumber) argument: endNumber [" +
std::to_string(endNumber) + "] must be >= 1";
throw std::invalid_argument(exceptionMessage);
std::ostringstream fizzBuzzSequenceBuilder;
for (int i = 1; i <= endNumber; ++i)
if (i % 15 == 0)
fizzBuzzSequenceBuilder << "FizzBuzz";
else if (i % 3 == 0)
fizzBuzzSequenceBuilder << "Fizz";
else if (i % 5 == 0)
fizzBuzzSequenceBuilder << "Buzz";
fizzBuzzSequenceBuilder << i;
if (i < endNumber)
fizzBuzzSequenceBuilder << ' ';
std::string fizzBuzzSequence(fizzBuzzSequenceBuilder.str());
return fizzBuzzSequence;
// RUN_TESTS registers a ZenUnit test class to be run when ZenUnit::RunTests(argc, argv) is called
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
const int exitCode = ZenUnit::RunTests(argc, argv);
return exitCode;
How to unit test templated class PredicateCounter's CountWhere() function with ZenUnit's type-parameterized test syntax
How might the correctness of templated class PredicateCounter
with function CountWhere
be confirmed across various types of ContainerType
and T
is of course the standard way of counting elements matching a given predicate. class PredicateCounter
provides MetalMockability by way of its CountWhere
function being virtual.)
typename ContainerType, typename T>
class PredicateCounter
virtual size_t CountWhere(const ContainerType<T>& elements, bool(*elementPredicate)(const T&)) const
size_t numberOfMatchingElements = 0;
for (const T& element : elements)
const bool elementMatchesPredicate = elementPredicate(element);
if (elementMatchesPredicate)
return numberOfMatchingElements;
virtual ~PredicateCounter() = default;
Here is how the correctness of CountWhere
can be confirmed across multiple ContainerType
and T
types by using ZenUnit's type-parameterized test class syntax:
#include "ZenUnitAndMetalMock/ZenUnit.h"
typename ContainerType, typename T>
TEMPLATE_TESTS(PredicateCounterTests, ContainerType, T)
PredicateCounter<ContainerType, T> _predicateCounter;
static bool IsEven(const T& element)
const bool elementIsEven = element % 2 == 0;
return elementIsEven;
static bool AlwaysMatchingPredicate(const T&)
return true;
static bool NeverMatchingPredicate(const T&)
return false;
const ContainerType<T> emptyElements;
const size_t numberOfMatchingElements =
_predicateCounter.CountWhere(emptyElements, NeverMatchingPredicate);
ARE_EQUAL(0, numberOfMatchingElements);
const ContainerType<T> elements{ ZenUnit::Random<T>(), ZenUnit::Random<T>() };
const size_t numberOfMatchingElements =
_predicateCounter.CountWhere(elements, NeverMatchingPredicate);
ARE_EQUAL(0, numberOfMatchingElements);
const T element1 = ZenUnit::Random<T>();
const T element2 = ZenUnit::RandomNotEqualToValue<T>(element1);
const ContainerType<T> elements{ element1, element2 };
const size_t numberOfMatchingElements =
_predicateCounter.CountWhere(elements, AlwaysMatchingPredicate);
ARE_EQUAL(2, numberOfMatchingElements);
const ContainerType<T> elements{ T{1}, T{2}, T{3}, T{4} };
const size_t numberOfEvenElements = _predicateCounter.CountWhere(elements, IsEven);
ARE_EQUAL(2, numberOfEvenElements);
RUN_TEMPLATE_TESTS(PredicateCounterTests, std::vector, int)
THEN_RUN_TEMPLATE_TESTS(PredicateCounterTests, std::vector, unsigned long long)
THEN_RUN_TEMPLATE_TESTS(PredicateCounterTests, std::unordered_set, int)
THEN_RUN_TEMPLATE_TESTS(PredicateCounterTests, std::unordered_set, unsigned long long)
Assertion | Behavior |
ARE_EQUAL(expectedValue, actualValue, messages...) |
By default asserts expectedValue == actualValue , otherwise throws a ZenUnit::Anomaly , which is caught by ZenUnit to fail the current test.messages... are variables of any type writable with operator<<(std::ostream&, const T&) or ZenUnit::Printer<T>::Print(std::ostream&, const T&) .If expectedValue and actualValue are const char* or const wchar_t* , ARE_EQUAL determines equality by calling strcmp or wcscmp . |
ARE_NOT_EQUAL(notExpectedValue, actualValue, messages...) |
By default asserts !(expectedValue == actualValue) , otherwise throws a ZenUnit::Anomaly . |
FIELDS_ARE_EQUAL(expectedObject, actualObject, fieldName, messages...) |
Asserts ARE_EQUAL(expectedObject.fieldName, actualObject.fieldName, messages...) . |
ENUM_EQUALS_INT(expectedInteger, actualEnumClass) |
Asserts static_cast<typename std::underlying_type<T>::type>(actualEnumClass) == expectedInteger . |
ARE_COPIES(expectedObject, actualObject, messages...) |
Asserts &expectedObject != &actualObject then asserts ARE_EQUAL(expectedObject, actualObject) . |
IS_LESS_THAN(actualValue, comparisonValue, messages...) |
Asserts actualValue < comparisonValue . |
IS_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL(actualValue, comparisonValue, messages...) |
Asserts actualValue <= comparisonValue . |
IS_GREATER_THAN(actualValue, comparisonValue, messages...) |
Asserts actualValue > comparisonValue . |
IS_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL(actualValue, comparisonValue, messages...) |
Asserts actualValue >= comparisonValue . |
IS_TRUE(value, messages...) |
Asserts that value is true. |
IS_FALSE(value, messages...) |
Asserts that value is false. |
IS_ZERO(value, messages...) |
Asserts that value == 0 is true. |
IS_EMPTY_STRING(str, messages...) |
Asserts that str.empty() is true. |
IS_EMPTY_PATH(stdFilesystemPath, messages... |
Asserts that stdFilesystemPath == std::filesystem::path() . |
IS_DEFAULT_VALUE(value, messages...) |
Asserts that ZenUnit::Equalizer<T>::AssertEqual(T{}, value) does not throw a ZenUnit::Anomaly exception. |
IS_NOT_DEFAULT_VALUE(value, messages...) |
Asserts that ZenUnit::Equalizer<T>::AssertEqual(T{}, value) throws a ZenUnit::Anomaly exception. |
Assertion | Behavior |
IS_NULLPTR(pointer, messages...) |
Asserts pointer == nullptr . |
IS_NOT_NULLPTR(pointer, messages...) |
Asserts pointer != nullptr . |
ARE_SAME(expectedObject, actualObject, messages...) |
Asserts &expectedObject == &actualObject . |
ARE_NOT_SAME(notExpectedObject, actualObject, messages...) |
Asserts &expectedObject != &actualObject . |
POINTEES_ARE_EQUAL(expectedPointer, actualPointer, messages...) |
1. Asserts expectedPointer != nullptr .2. Asserts actualPointer != nullptr .3. Asserts ARE_EQUAL(*expectedPointer, *actualPointer) . |
POINTEE_IS_EXACT_TYPE(expectedPolymorphicPointeeType, actualPointer, messages...) |
1. Statically asserts static_assert(std::is_polymorphic_v<expectedPolymorphicPointeeType>) .2. Asserts actualPointer != nullptr .3. Asserts typeid(expectedPolymorphicPointeeType) == typeid(*actualPointer) .This is a useful assertion for confirming the correctness of factory functions that return make_unique /make_shared instances of subclasses as base class pointers. |
Assertion | Behavior |
ARRAYS_ARE_EQUAL(expectedArray, actualArray, numberOfElementsToCompare, messages...) |
Asserts ARE_EQUAL on each expected and actual array element up to numberOfElementsToCompare elements. |
CONTAINS_ELEMENT(expectedElement, dataStructure, messages...) |
Asserts that dataStructure.find(expectedElement) != dataStructure.end() . |
INDEXABLES_ARE_EQUAL(expectedElements, actualElements, messages...) |
Asserts that expectedElements.size() == actualElements.size() then calls ARE_EQUAL(ithExpectedElement, ithActualElement) on each pair of expected and actual elements. |
INDEXABLES_ARE_EQUAL_IN_ANY_ORDER(expectedElements, actualElements, messages...) |
Asserts that expectedElements.size() == actualElements.size() then asserts that every expected element is present in actualElements and every actual element is present in expectedElements , in any order. |
IS_EMPTY(dataStructure, messages...) |
Asserts that dataStructure.empty() equals true. |
IS_NOT_EMPTY(dataStructure, messages...) |
Asserts that dataStructure.empty() equals false. |
MAPS_ARE_EQUAL(expectedMap, actualMap, messages...) |
Asserts that expectedMap.size() == actualMap.size() then calls ARE_EQUAL(expectedKeyValuePair, actualKeyValuePair) on each pair of expected and actual key-value pairs. |
PAIRS_ARE_EQUAL(expectedPair, actualPair, messages...) |
Asserts ARE_EQUAL(expectedPair.first, actualPair.first) then asserts ARE_EQUAL(expectedPair.second, actualPair.second) . |
TUPLES_ARE_EQUAL(expectedTuple, actualTuple, messages...) |
Asserts ARE_EQUAL(expectedTupleElement, actualTupleElement) for each tuple element. |
VECTORS_ARE_EQUAL(expectedVector, actualVector, messages...) |
Calls INDEXABLES_ARE_EQUAL(expectedVector, actualVector, messages...) |
SETS_ARE_EQUAL(expectedSet, actualSet, messages...) |
Asserts that expectedSet.size() == actualSet.size() then calls ARE_EQUAL(expectedElement, actualElement) on each pair of expected and actual elements. |
SPANS_ARE_EQUAL(expectedSpan, actualSpan) |
Asserts ARE_EQUAL on each expected and actual std::span element. |
STD_ARRAYS_ARE_EQUAL(expectedStdArray, actualStdArray, messages...) |
Asserts ARE_EQUAL on each expected and actual std::array element. |
Assertion | Behavior |
ARE_WITHIN(expectedFloatingPointValue, actualFloatingPointValue, expectedAbsoluteMaxDifference, messages...) |
Asserts that std::abs(expectedFloatingPointValue - actualFloatingPointValue) <= expectedAbsoluteMaxDifference . |
FLOATS_ARE_NEAR(expectedFloat, actualFloat, messages...) |
Asserts that std::abs(expectedFloat - actualFloat) <= 1e-7 . |
DOUBLES_ARE_NEAR(expectedDouble, actualDouble, messages...) |
Asserts that std::abs(expectedDouble - actualDouble) <= 1e-7 . |
Assertion | Behavior |
THROWS_EXCEPTION(expression, expectedExactExceptionType, expectedExactExceptionWhatText, messages...) |
Asserts that expression throws *exactly* (not a derived class of) expectedExactExceptionType as determined by RTTI with *exactly* a what() message equal to expectedExactExceptionWhatText . |
DOES_NOT_THROW(expression, messages...) |
If expression throws an exception, throws a ZenUnit::Anomaly , otherwise does nothing. Useful assertion for emphasis to the reader of a unit test. |
Assertion | Behavior |
STD_FUNCTION_TARGETS(expectedStaticOrFreeFunction, stdFunction, messages...) |
First asserts IS_TRUE(stdFunction) , which asserts that stdFunction points to a function, then asserts ARE_EQUAL(expectedStaticOrFreeFunction, *stdFunction.target<decltype(expectedStaticOrFreeFunction)*>()) . This is a key assertion to call prior to overwriting a std::function with a MetalMock mock object. |
STD_FUNCTION_TARGETS_OVERLOAD(expectedFunctionOverloadAsAUsing, expectedStaticOrFreeFunction, stdFunction, messages...) |
Same as above but with static_cast<expectedFunctionOverloadAsAUsing>(expectedStaticOrFreeFunction) . |
Assertion | Behavior |
DELETE_TO_ASSERT_NEWED(smartOrRawPointer, messages...) |
Asserts smartOrRawPointer != nullptr then calls reset() or operator delete on smartOrRawPointer to confirm the pointer was allocated using make_unique , make_shared , or operator new . This is a key assertion for robustness against the swap-new-with-nullptr mutation testing operator. |
DELETE_TO_ASSERT_ARRAY_NEWED(smartOrRawArrayPointer, messages...) |
Asserts smartOrRawArrayPointer != nullptr then calls reset() or operator delete[] to confirm the pointer was allocated using make_unique or operator new[] . This is a key assertion for robustness against the swap-new-with-nullptr mutation testing operator. |
Assertion | Behavior |
FAIL_TEST(testFailureReason, messages...) |
Throws a ZenUnit::Anomaly which is caught by ZenUnit to end the current test and begin the next test. |
Assertion | Behavior |
Defines local variables typeName expectedZenUnitEqualizerTestObject{}; and typeName actualZenUnitEqualizerTestObject{}; and then calls DOES_NOT_THROW(ARE_EQUAL(expectedZenUnitEqualizerTestObject, actualZenUnitEqualizerTestObject)); |
ZENUNIT_EQUALIZER_THROWS_WHEN_FIELD_NOT_EQUAL(typeName, nonQuotedFieldName, randomNonDefaultFieldValue) |
Sets expectedZenUnitEqualizerTestObject.nonQuotedFieldName = randomNonDefaultFieldValue and then asserts that ARE_EQUAL(expectedZenUnitEqualizerTestObject, actualZenUnitEqualizerTestObject) throws a ZenUnit::Anomaly with anomaly.what() text satisfying assertion IS_TRUE(String::Contains(anomaly.what(), fieldName)). |
Test class macro | Behavior |
TESTS(testClassName) |
Defines a non-templatized test class. |
TEMPLATE_TESTS(testClassName, templateParameterNames...) |
Defines a templatized test class. Precede with template<parameter-list>. |
AFACT(testName) |
Declares a non-value-parameterized test. |
FACTS(testName) |
Declares an N-by-N value-parameterized test. |
SKIPAFACT(testName, Reason) |
Skips a non-value-parameterized test. |
SKIPFACTS(testName, Reason) |
Skips an N-by-N value-parameterized test. |
Concludes the declaration of FACTS section and begins the presentation of EVIDENCE section, also known as the test class body. |
Defines a function to be run before each test. |
Defines a function to be run after each test. |
TEST(testName) |
Defines a non-value-parameterized test. |
TEST1X1(testName, Arg1Type, 1By1CommaSeparatedTestCaseValueLiterals...) |
Defines a 1-by-1 value-parameterized test. |
TEST2X2(testName, Arg1Type, Arg2Type, 2By2CommaSeparatedTestCaseValueLiterals...) |
Defines a 2-by-2 value-parameterized test. |
TEST3X3(testName, Arg1Type, Arg2Type, Arg3Type, 3By3CommaSeparatedTestCaseValueLiterals...) |
Defines a 3-by-3 value-parameterized test. |
TEST4X4(testName, Arg1Type, Arg2Type, Arg3Type, Arg4Type, 4By4CommaSeparatedTestCaseValueLiterals...) |
Defines a 4-by-4 value-parameterized test. |
TEST5X5(testName, Arg1Type, Arg2Type, Arg3Type, Arg4Type, Arg5Type, 5By5CommaSeparatedTestCaseValueLiterals...) |
Defines a 5-by-5 value-parameterized test. |
TEST6X6(testName, Arg1Type, Arg2Type, Arg3Type, Arg4Type, Arg5Type, Arg6Type, 6By6CommaSeparatedTestCaseValueLiterals...) |
Defines a 6-by-6 value-parameterized test. |
TEST7X7(testName, Arg1Type, Arg2Type, Arg3Type, Arg4Type, Arg5Type, Arg6Type, Arg7Type, 7By7CommaSeparatedTestCaseValueLiterals...) |
Defines a 7-by-7 value-parameterized test. |
TEST8X8(testName, Arg1Type, Arg2Type, Arg3Type, Arg4Type, Arg5Type, Arg6Type, Arg7Type, Arg8Type, 8By8CommaSeparatedTestCaseValueLiterals...) |
Defines an 8-by-8 value-parameterized test. |
TEST9X9(testName, Arg1Type, Arg2Type, Arg3Type, Arg4Type, Arg5Type, Arg6Type, Arg7Type, Arg8Type, Arg9Type, 9By9CommaSeparatedTestCaseValueLiterals...) |
Defines a 9-by-9 value-parameterized test. |
TEST10X10(testName, Arg1Type, Arg2Type, Arg3Type, Arg4Type, Arg5Type, Arg6Type, Arg7Type, Arg8Type, Arg9Type, Arg10Type, 10By10CommaSeparatedTestCaseValueLiterals...) |
Defines a 10-by-10 value-parameterized test. |
RUN_TESTS(testClassName) |
Registers a TEST_CLASS to be run when ZenUnit::RunTests(argc, argv) is called. |
SKIP_TESTS(testClassName, Reason) |
Prevents a TEST_CLASS from running when ZenUnit::RunTests(argc, argv) is called. |
RUN_TEMPLATE_TESTS(testClassName, TemplateArguments...) |
Registers a TEMPLATE_TEST_CLASS templatized with TemplateArguments... to be run when ZenUnit::RunTests(argc, argv) is called. |
THEN_RUN_TEMPLATE_TESTS(testClassName, TemplateArguments...) |
Registers a TEMPLATE_TEST_CLASS templatized with TemplateArguments... to be run when ZenUnit::RunTests(argc, argv) is called. For use after RUN_TEMPLATE_TESTS . |
SKIP_TEMPLATE_TESTS(testClassName, Reason, TemplateArguments...) |
Prevents a TEMPLATE_TEST_CLASS from running when ZenUnit::RunTests(argc, argv) is called. |
THEN_SKIP_TEMPLATE_TESTS(testClassName, Reason, TemplateArguments...) |
Prevents a TEMPLATE_TEST_CLASS from running when ZenUnit::RunTests(argc, argv) is called. For use after SKIP_TEMPLATE_TESTS . |
MetalMock macro |
METALMOCK_VOID0(VirtualFunctionName) |
METALMOCK_VOID0_CONST(VirtualFunctionName) |
METALMOCK_VOID1(VirtualFunctionName, Arg1Type, ...) |
METALMOCK_VOID1_CONST(VirtualFunctionName, Arg1Type, ...) |
Arities 2 through 6 elided for brevity |
METALMOCK_VOID7(VirtualFunctionName, Arg1Type, Arg2Type, Arg3Type, Arg4Type, Arg5Type, Arg6Type, Arg7Type, ...) |
METALMOCK_VOID7_CONST(VirtualFunctionName, Arg1Type, Arg2Type, Arg3Type, Arg4Type, Arg5Type, Arg6Type, Arg7Type, ...) |
MetalMock macro |
METALMOCK_NONVOID0(ReturnType, VirtualFunctionName) |
METALMOCK_NONVOID0_CONST(ReturnType, VirtualFunctionName) |
METALMOCK_NONVOID1(ReturnType, VirtualFunctionName, Arg1Type, ...) |
METALMOCK_NONVOID1_CONST(ReturnType, VirtualFunctionName, Arg1Type, ...) |
Arities 2 through 6 elided for brevity |
METALMOCK_NONVOID7(ReturnType, VirtualFunctionName, Arg1Type, Arg2Type, Arg3Type, Arg4Type, Arg5Type, Arg6Type, Arg7Type, ...) |
METALMOCK_NONVOID7_CONST(ReturnType, VirtualFunctionName, Arg1Type, Arg2Type, Arg3Type, Arg4Type, Arg5Type, Arg6Type, Arg7Type, ...) |
MetalMock macro |
METALMOCK_VOID1_NONVIRTUAL(NonVirtualFunctionName, Arg1Type, ...) |
METALMOCK_VOID1_NONVIRTUAL_CONST(NonVirtualFunctionName, Arg1Type, ...) |
Arities 2 through 6 elided for brevity |
METALMOCK_VOID7_NONVIRTUAL(NonVirtualFunctionName, Arg1Type, Arg2Type, Arg3Type, Arg4Type, Arg5Type, Arg6Type, Arg7Type, ...) |
METALMOCK_VOID7_NONVIRTUAL_CONST(NonVirtualFunctionName, Arg1Type, Arg2Type, Arg3Type, Arg4Type, Arg5Type, Arg6Type, Arg7Type, ...) |
MetalMock macro |
METALMOCK_NONVOID0_NONVIRTUAL(ReturnType, NonVirtualFunctionName) |
METALMOCK_NONVOID1_NONVIRTUAL(ReturnType, NonVirtualFunctionName, Arg1Type, ...) |
METALMOCK_NONVOID1_NONVIRTUAL_CONST(ReturnType, NonVirtualFunctionName, Arg1Type, ...) |
Arities 2 through 6 elided for brevity |
METALMOCK_NONVOID7_NONVIRTUAL(ReturnType, NonVirtualFunctionName, Arg1Type, Arg2Type, Arg3Type, Arg4Type, Arg5Type, Arg6Type, Arg7Type, ...) |
METALMOCK_NONVOID7_NONVIRTUAL_CONST(ReturnType, NonVirtualFunctionName, Arg1Type, Arg2Type, Arg3Type, Arg4Type, Arg5Type, Arg6Type, Arg7Type, ...) |
MetalMock macro |
METALMOCK_VOID0_STATIC_OR_FREE(StaticFunctionName, ...) |
METALMOCK_VOID1_STATIC_OR_FREE(StaticFunctionName, Arg1Type, ...) |
Arities 2 through 6 elided for brevity |
METALMOCK_VOID7_STATIC_OR_FREE(StaticFunctionName, Arg1Type, Arg2Type, Arg3Type, Arg4Type, Arg5Type, Arg6Type, Arg7Type, ...) |
MetalMock macro |
METALMOCK_NONVOID0_STATIC_OR_FREE(ReturnType, StaticFunctionName, ...) |
METALMOCK_NONVOID1_STATIC_OR_FREE(ReturnType, StaticFunctionName, Arg1Type, ...) |
Arities 2 through 6 elided for brevity |
METALMOCK_NONVOID7_STATIC_OR_FREE(ReturnType, StaticFunctionName, Arg1Type, Arg2Type, Arg3Type, Arg4Type, Arg5Type, Arg6Type, Arg7Type, ...) |
MetalMock macro |
METALMOCK_VOID1_STATIC_OR_FREE(GlobalFreeFunctionName, Arg1Type, ...) |
Arities 2 through 6 elided for brevity |
METALMOCK_VOID7_STATIC_OR_FREE(GlobalFreeFunctionName, Arg1Type, Arg2Type, Arg3Type, Arg4Type, Arg5Type, Arg6Type, Arg7Type, ...) |
MetalMock macro |
METALMOCK_NONVOID0_STATIC_OR_FREE(ReturnType, GlobalFreeFunctionName) |
METALMOCK_NONVOID1_STATIC_OR_FREE(ReturnType, GlobalFreeFunctionName, Arg1Type, ...) |
Arities 2 through 6 elided for brevity |
METALMOCK_NONVOID7_STATIC_OR_FREE(ReturnType, GlobalFreeFunctionName, Arg1Type, Arg2Type, Arg3Type, Arg4Type, Arg5Type, Arg6Type, Arg7Type, ...) |
// Component to be MetalMocked
class ComponentB
virtual void ConstVirtualFunction() const {}
virtual void NonConstVirtualFunction() {}
virtual ~ComponentB() = default;
// Class under test
class ComponentA
friend class ComponentATests;
// ComponentB will be dependency injected with ComponentBMock in the below ZenUnit SETUP function
std::unique_ptr<ComponentB> _componentB;
: _componentB(std::make_unique<ComponentB>())
// Function under test
void Act()
// MetalMock class definition
class ComponentBMock : public Metal::Mock<ComponentB>
// ZenUnit test class
ComponentA _componentA;
ComponentBMock* _componentBMock = nullptr;
// Post-construction dependency injection of MetalMock mock object ComponentBMock
_componentA._componentB.reset(_componentBMock = new ComponentBMock);
ComponentA componentA;
class KernelBypassNetwork
// Non-virtual function for increased performance in a high-frequency trading environment
void SendBytes(size_t /*numberOfBytes*/)
class KernelBypassNetworkMock : Metal::Mock<KernelBypassNetwork>
// Mockable template parameter NetworkType
template<typename NetworkType = KernelBypassNetwork>
class OrderSender
friend class OrderSenderTests;
NetworkType _network;
void SendOrder()
// Template parameter dependency injection of MetalMock class KernelBypassNetworkMock
OrderSender<KernelBypassNetworkMock> _orderSender;
class StaticFunctions
static void VoidStaticFunction()
static int NonVoidStaticFunction(int input)
const int inputPlus100 = input + 100;
return inputPlus100;
StaticFunctions() = delete;
class StaticFunctionMockingExample
friend class StaticFunctionMockingExampleTests;
// MetalMockable std::functions
std::function<void()> _call_Utilities_VoidStaticFunction = StaticFunctions::VoidStaticFunction;
std::function<int(int)> _call_Utilities_NonVoidStaticFunction = StaticFunctions::NonVoidStaticFunction;
int FunctionUnderTest(int input)
const int returnValue = _call_Utilities_NonVoidStaticFunction(input);
return returnValue;
StaticFunctionMockingExample _staticFunctionMockingExample;
// Creates a MetalMock object named _call_Utilities_VoidStaticFunctionMock
// Creates a MetalMock object named _call_Utilities_NonVoidStaticFunctionMock
METALMOCK_NONVOID1_FREE(int, _call_Utilities_NonVoidStaticFunction, int)
// Dependency injection of MetalMock objects
// by overwriting std::functions with std::binded MetalMock objects
_staticFunctionMockingExample._call_Utilities_VoidStaticFunction =
_staticFunctionMockingExample._call_Utilities_NonVoidStaticFunction =
const StaticFunctionMockingExample staticFunctionMockingExample;
const int nonVoidStaticFunctionReturnValue = _call_Utilities_NonVoidStaticFunctionMock.ReturnRandom();
const int input = ZenUnit::Random<int>();
const int returnValue = _staticFunctionMockingExample.FunctionUnderTest(input);
ARE_EQUAL(nonVoidStaticFunctionReturnValue, returnValue);
// Global free function to be MetalMocked
int GlobalFreeFunction(int value)
const int valuePlus1 = value + 1;
return valuePlus1;
class MetalMockFreeFunctionMockingExample
friend class FreeFunctionMockingTests;
// MetalMockable std::functions
std::function<int(int)> _call_GlobalFreeFunction = GlobalFreeFunction;
int FunctionUnderTest(int input)
const int globalFreeFunctionReturnValue = _call_GlobalFreeFunction(input);
return globalFreeFunctionReturnValue;
MetalMockFreeFunctionMockingExample _metalMockFreeFunctionMockingExample;
// Creates a MetalMock object named _call_GlobalFreeFunctionMock for mocking a free function
METALMOCK_NONVOID1_FREE(int, _call_GlobalFreeFunction, int)
// Post-construction dependency injection of MetalMock objects
// to overwrite std::functions with MetalMock objects
_metalMockFreeFunctionMockingExample._call_GlobalFreeFunction = BIND_1ARG_METALMOCK_OBJECT(_call_GlobalFreeFunctionMock);
const MetalMockFreeFunctionMockingExample metalMockFreeFunctionMockingExample;
STD_FUNCTION_TARGETS(GlobalFreeFunction, metalMockFreeFunctionMockingExample._call_GlobalFreeFunction);
const int globalFreeFunctionReturnValue = _call_GlobalFreeFunctionMock.ReturnRandom();
const int input = ZenUnit::RandomBetween<int>(-3, 3);
const int returnValue = _metalMockFreeFunctionMockingExample.FunctionUnderTest(input);
ARE_EQUAL(globalFreeFunctionReturnValue, returnValue);
const int value = ZenUnit::RandomBetween<int>(-3, 3);
const int valuePlus1 = GlobalFreeFunction(value);
ARE_EQUAL(value + 1, valuePlus1);
Which function should be called first: UploadData()
or Connect()
MetalMock provides the METALMOCKTHEN
macro for confirming the expected ordering of MetalMocked function calls, for example Connect()
followed by UploadData()
Ordered function call assertions example code:
class NetworkClient
virtual ~NetworkClient() = default;
virtual void Connect() const {}
virtual void UploadData() const {}
class NetworkClientMock : public Metal::Mock<NetworkClient>
class BusinessLogic
friend class OrderedFunctionCallAssertionsTests;
std::unique_ptr<const NetworkClient> _networkClient;
: _networkClient(std::make_unique<NetworkClient>())
void Run()
BusinessLogic _businessLogic;
NetworkClientMock* _networkClientMock = nullptr;
_businessLogic._networkClient.reset(_networkClientMock = new NetworkClientMock);
When there is an unexpected ordering of MetalMocked function calls, for example UploadData()
called before Connect()
, the following error message is reported by ZenUnit:
ZenUnit provides the following random-value-generating functions for maximizing mutation coverage.
Testing using random values instead of constant values renders test code immune to the swap-variable-with-constant
code mutation, which is a straightforward code mutation to induce manually today during code review time or automatically in the mid-2020s during CI/CD time by running the highly promising LLVM-powered mutation testing framework Mull.
Random number-generating functions | Behavior |
ZenUnit::Random<T>() |
If T is an integer type, returns a random integer of type T between std::numeric_limits<T>::min() and std::numeric_limits<T>::max() selected from a std::uniform_int_distribution<long long> .If T is a std::vector<T> , returns the result from calling ZenUnit::RandomVector<T>() .If T is a std::pair<T1, T2> , returns the result of calling ZenUnit::RandomPair<typename T::first_type, typename T::second_type>() .If T is a std::unordered_map<KeyType, ValueType , returns the result of calling ZenUnit::RandomUnorderedMap<typename T::key_type, typename T::mapped_type>() .If T is unsigned long long , returns the result of calling ZenUnit::RandomUnsignedLongLong() .If function UserType ZenUnit::Random<UserType>() is defined, returns a UserType from calling that custom random function. |
ZenUnit::RandomNon0<T>() |
Returns a random non-0 integer of type T between std::numeric_limits<T>::min() and std::numeric_limits<T>::max() selected from a std::uniform_int_distribution<long long> . |
ZenUnit::RandomNon0NotEqualToValue<T>(T notEqualValue) |
Returns a random non-0 integer of type T between std::numeric_limits<T>::min() and std::numeric_limits<T>::max() selected from a std::uniform_int_distribution<long long> not equal to notEqualValue . |
ZenUnit::RandomNotEqualToValue<T>(T notEqualValue) |
Returns a random integer of type T not equal to notEqualValue between std::numeric_limits<T>::min() and std::numeric_limits<T>::max() selected from a std::uniform_int_distribution<long long> . |
ZenUnit::RandomBetween<T>(long long inclusiveMinValue, long long inclusiveMaxValue) |
Returns a random integer of type T between inclusiveMinValue and inclusiveMaxValue selected from a std::uniform_int_distribution<long long> according to the following probabilities.1/10 probability: inclusiveMinValue 1/10 probability: inclusiveMinValue + 1 6/10 probability: value between inclusiveMinValue + 2 and inclusiveMaxValue - 2 1/10 probability: inclusiveMaxValue - 1 1/10 probability: inclusiveMaxValue Returns inclusiveMinValue if inclusiveMinValue == inclusiveMaxValue . |
ZenUnit::RandomSizeTBetween(size_t inclusiveMinValue, size_t inclusiveMaxValue) |
Returns a random size_t between inclusiveMinValue and inclusiveMaxValue selected from a std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> according to the same above probabilities. |
ZenUnit::RandomLessThan<T>(T exclusiveMaxValue) |
Returns a random integer of type T between std::numeric_limits<T>::min() and exclusiveMaxValue - T{1} . |
ZenUnit::RandomLessThanOrEqualTo<T>(T inclusiveMaxValue) |
Returns a random integer of type T between std::numeric_limits<T>::min() and inclusiveMaxValue . |
ZenUnit::RandomGreaterThan<T>(T exclusiveMinValue) |
Returns a random integer of type T between exclusiveMinValue + T{1} and std::numeric_limits<T>::max() . |
ZenUnit::RandomGreaterThanOrEqualTo<T>(T inclusiveMinValue) |
Returns a random integer of type T between inclusiveMinValue and std::numeric_limits<T>::max() . |
ZenUnit::RandomUnsignedLongLong() |
Returns a random unsigned long long selected from a std::uniform_int_distribution<unsigned long long> . |
ZenUnit::RandomUnsignedLongLongBetween0AndValue(unsigned long long inclusiveMaxValue) |
Returns a random unsigned long long selected from a std::uniform_int_distribution<unsigned long long> between 0 and inclusiveMaxValue . |
ZenUnit::RandomEnum<EnumType>() |
Returns a random EnumType value between 0 and EnumType::MaxValue - 1 . |
ZenUnit::RandomNon0Enum<EnumType>() |
Returns a random EnumType value between 1 and EnumType::MaxValue - 1 . |
ZenUnit::RandomEnumNotEqualTo<EnumType>(EnumType notEqualEnum) |
Returns a random EnumType value between 0 and EnumType::MaxValue - 1 not including notEqualEnum . |
ZenUnit::Random<float>() |
Returns a random float between std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest() and std::numeric_limits<float>::max() selected from a std::uniform_real_distribution<float> with the following probabilities:1/10 probability: std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest() 1/10 probability: std::nextafterf(std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest(), 0.0f) 1/10 probability: 0.0f 5/10 probability: float value between std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest() and std::numeric_limits<float>::max() inclusive1/10 probability: std::nextafterf(std::numeric_limits<float>::max(), 0.0f) 1/10 probability: std::numeric_limits<float>::max() |
ZenUnit::Random<double>() |
Returns a random double between std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest() and std::numeric_limits<double>::max() selected from a std::uniform_real_distribution<double> with the following probabilities:1/10 probability: std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest() 1/10 probability: std::nextafter(std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest(), 0.0) 1/10 probability: 0.0 5/10 probability: double value between std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest() and std::numeric_limits<double>::max() inclusive1/10 probability: std::nextafter(std::numeric_limits<double>::max(), 0.0) 1/10 probability: std::numeric_limits<double>::max() |
ZenUnit::RandomFloatBetween(float inclusiveMinValue, float inclusiveMaxValue) |
Returns a random float between inclusiveMinValue and inclusiveMaxValue selected from a std::uniform_real_distribution<float>(inclusiveLowerBound, inclusiveUpperBound) . |
ZenUnit::RandomDoubleBetween(double inclusiveMinValue, double inclusiveMaxValue) |
Returns a random double between inclusiveMinValue and inclusiveMaxValue selected from a std::uniform_real_distribution<double>(inclusiveLowerBound, inclusiveUpperBound) . |
Random string-generating functions | Behavior |
ZenUnit::Random<const char*>() |
Returns "RandomConstCharPointer1" with 10% probability, "RandomConstCharPointer2" with 10% probability, ..., "RandomConstCharPointer10" with 10% probability. |
ZenUnit::Random<const wchar_t*>() |
Returns L"RandomWideConstCharPointer1" with 10% probability, L"RandomWideConstCharPointer2" with 10% probability, ..., L"RandomWideConstCharPointer10" with 10% probability. |
ZenUnit::Random<std::string>() |
Returns "RandomString1" with 10% probability, "RandomString2" with 10% probability, ..., "RandomString10" with 10% probability. |
ZenUnit::Random<std::wstring>() |
Returns L"RandomWString1" with 10% probability, L"RandomWString2" with 10% probability, ..., L"RandomWString10" with 10% probability. |
ZenUnit::RandomStringWithLength(size_t length) |
Returns a std::string with length length with each character a ZenUnit::RandomLetter() . |
ZenUnit::RandomWideStringWithLength(size_t length) |
Returns a std::wstring with length length with each character a ZenUnit::RandomWideLetter() . |
Random character-generating functions | Behavior |
ZenUnit::RandomLetter() |
Returns an 'A-Z' letter with 50% probabilitiy or an 'a-z' letter with 50% probability. |
ZenUnit::RandomWideLetter() |
Returns an L'A-Z' letter with 50% probabilitiy or an L'a-z' letter with 50% probability. |
Random tuple-generating functions | Behavior |
ZenUnit::RandomPair<FirstType, SecondType> |
Returns a random std::pair<FirstType, SecondType> with pair.first generated with ZenUnit::Random<FirstType>() and pair.second generated with ZenUnit::Random<SecondType>() . |
ZenUnit::RandomTuple<ElementTypes...> |
Returns a random std::tuple<ElementTypes...> with each tuple element generated with ZenUnit::Random<TupleElementType>() . |
Random vector-generating functions | Behavior |
ZenUnit::RandomVector<T>() |
Returns a std::vector<T> with size between 0 and 3 with each element a ZenUnit::Random<T>() value. |
ZenUnit::RandomNonEmptyVector<T>() |
Returns a std::vector<T> with size between 1 and 3 with each element a ZenUnit::Random<T>() value. |
ZenUnit::RandomVectorWithSize<T>(size_t size) |
Returns a std::vector<T> with size size with each element a ZenUnit::Random<T>() value. |
Random map-generating functions | Behavior |
ZenUnit::RandomOrderedMap<KeyType, ValueType>() |
Returns a std::map<KeyType, ValueType> with size between 0 and 3 with each key a ZenUnit::Random<KeyType>() value and each value a ZenUnit::Random<ValueType>() value. |
ZenUnit::RandomNonEmptyOrderedMap<KeyType, ValueType>() |
Returns a std::map<KeyType, ValueType> with size between 1 and 3 with each key a ZenUnit::Random<KeyType>() value and each value a ZenUnit::Random<ValueType>() value. |
ZenUnit::RandomOrderedMapWithSize<KeyType, ValueType>(size_t size) |
Returns a std::map<KeyType, ValueType> with size size with each key a ZenUnit::Random<KeyType>() value and each value a ZenUnit::Random<ValueType>() value. |
ZenUnit::RandomUnorderedMap<T>() |
Returns a std::unordered_map<KeyType, ValueType> with size between 0 and 3 with each key a ZenUnit::Random<KeyType>() value and each value a ZenUnit::Random<ValueType>() value. |
ZenUnit::RandomNonEmptyUnorderedMap<T>() |
Returns a std::unordered_map<KeyType, ValueType> with size between 1 and 3 with each key a ZenUnit::Random<KeyType>() value and each value a ZenUnit::Random<ValueType>() value. |
ZenUnit::RandomUnorderedMapWithSize<KeyType, ValueType>(size_t size) |
Returns a std::unordered_map<KeyType, ValueType> with size size with each key a ZenUnit::Random<KeyType>() value and each value a ZenUnit::Random<ValueType>() value. |
Random set-generating functions | Behavior |
ZenUnit::RandomOrderedSet<T>() |
Returns a std::set<T> with size between 0 and 3 with each element a ZenUnit::Random<T>() value. |
ZenUnit::RandomNonEmptyOrderedSet<T>() |
Returns a std::set<T> with size between 1 and 3 with each element a ZenUnit::Random<T>() value. |
ZenUnit::RandomOrderedSetWithSize<T>(size_t size) |
Returns a std::set<T> with size size with each element a ZenUnit::Random<T>() value. |
ZenUnit::RandomUnorderedSet<T>() |
Returns a std::unordered_set<T> with size between 0 and 3 with each element a ZenUnit::Random<T>() value. |
ZenUnit::RandomNonEmptyUnorderedSet<T>() |
Returns a a std::unordered_set<T> with size between 1 and 3 with each element a ZenUnit::Random<T>() value. |
ZenUnit::RandomUnorderedSetWithSize<T>() |
Returns a a std::unordered_set<T> with size size with each element a ZenUnit::Random<T>() value. |
6 steps to build and run ZenUnit and MetalMock unit tests on Linux and install ZenUnit.h and MetalMock.h
git clone https://github.com/NeilJustice/ZenUnitAndMetalMock
cd ZenUnitAndMetalMock && mkdir Debug && cd Debug
CXX=clang++ cmake .. -GNinja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
sudo cmake --build . --target install
cd ..
ZenUnit.h and MetalMock.h as installed on Linux:
4 steps to build and run ZenUnit and MetalMock unit tests on Windows and install ZenUnit.h and MetalMock.h
git clone https://github.com/NeilJustice/ZenUnitAndMetalMock
cd ZenUnitAndMetalMock
cmake . -G"Visual Studio 17 2022" -A x64 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=C:\
cmake --build . --target install
ZenUnit.h and MetalMock.h as installed on Windows:
- Jason Turner, host of C++ Weekly
- Martin Moene, author of lest and much more
- Viktor Kirilov and the contributors to doctest
- Phil Nash, Martin Horenovský, and the contributors to Catch2
- Blair Conrad, Thomas Levesque, and the contributors to FakeItEasy
- Roy Osherove, author of The Art of Unit Testing, a book which early on influenced my thinking on unit testing and mocking
- The many authors of Typemock Isolator and Typemock Isolator++
- The many authors of Google Test and Google Mock
- Alex Denisov and Stanislav Pankevich, authors of C++ mutation testing framework Mull
- My colleagues at Quantlab
- My colleagues at Emerson
- Brandmark.io for the ZenUnit and MetalMock logos