This package is current an early release. If you encounter any issues, please open an issue on the repository
- Backfill & Decode blockchain Data to CSV (ethereum-etl w/ ABI decoding)
- Starknet Data Backfilling
- Utility functions for interacting with Starknet
- Simulate Uniswap V3 Behavior
# Using pip install
pip install git+
# Adding as poetry dependency
poetry add git+
Entro uses the python rich package extensively for styling and formatting console output. Most modern consoles are supported, but if the output from commands is not formatted correctly or characters are missing, check out the Rich Documentation
# Configure RPC Node for CLI
export JSON_RPC=
# If you have a Starknet API Key from
export JSON_RPC=
# WARNING: The get contract command can calls the RPC hundreds of times in some cases with complex contracts
# This algorithm uses bisection to locate block numbers where contract classes are deployed/updated
entro get starknet contract 0x049d36570d4e46f48e99674bd3fcc84644ddd6b96f7c741b1562b82f9e004dc7
# Outputs the Contract Implementation History for a Contract Address
โ Implementation History for Contract 0x049d36570d4e46f48e99674bd3fcc84644ddd6b96f7c741b1562b82f9e004dc7 โ
"1407": {
"proxy_class": "0x00d0e183745e9dae3e4e78a8ffedcce0903fc4900beace4e0abf192d4c202da3",
"1407": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"1472": "0x038c25d465b4c5edf024aefae63dc2f6266dd8ba303763de00da4430b5ee8759",
"2823": "0x048624e084dc68d82076582219c7ed8cb0910c01746cca3cd72a28ecfe07e42d",
"541380": "0x053c91253bc9682c04929ca02ed00b3e423f6710d2ee7e0d5ebb06f3ecf368a8"
"541384": "0x05ffbcfeb50d200a0677c48a129a11245a3fc519d1d98d76882d1c9a1b19c6ed",
"629092": "0x07f3777c99f3700505ea966676aac4a0d692c2a9f5e667f4c606b51ca1dd3420"
# inspect a starknet ABI & get the functions & events defined inside a Starknet Class
# Gets Starknet ABI JSON & Parses into function & event signatures
entro get starknet class 0x07f3777c99f3700505ea966676aac4a0d692c2a9f5e667f4c606b51ca1dd3420
โ ABI for Class 0x07f3777c99f3700505ea966676aac4a0d692c2a9f5e667f4c606b51ca1dd3420 โ
---- Functions ----
increase_allowance(spender: ContractAddress, added_value: U256) -> (Bool)
decrease_allowance(spender: ContractAddress, subtracted_value: U256) -> (Bool)
increaseAllowance(spender: ContractAddress, addedValue: U256) -> (Bool)
decreaseAllowance(spender: ContractAddress, subtractedValue: U256) -> (Bool)
permissioned_mint(account: ContractAddress, amount: U256) -> ()
permissioned_burn(account: ContractAddress, amount: U256) -> ()
permissionedMint(account: ContractAddress, amount: U256) -> ()
permissionedBurn(account: ContractAddress, amount: U256) -> ()
get_upgrade_delay() -> (U64)
get_impl_activation_time(implementation_data: {impl_hash: ClassHash, eic_data: Option[{eic_hash: ClassHash, eic_init_data: [Felt]}], final: Bool}) -> (U64)
add_new_implementation(implementation_data: {impl_hash: ClassHash, eic_data: Option[{eic_hash: ClassHash, eic_init_data: [Felt]}], final: Bool}) -> ()
remove_implementation(implementation_data: {impl_hash: ClassHash, eic_data: Option[{eic_hash: ClassHash, eic_init_data: [Felt]}], final: Bool}) -> ()
replace_to(implementation_data: {impl_hash: ClassHash, eic_data: Option[{eic_hash: ClassHash, eic_init_data: [Felt]}], final: Bool}) -> ()
has_role(role: Felt, account: ContractAddress) -> (Bool)
get_role_admin(role: Felt) -> (Felt)
is_governance_admin(account: ContractAddress) -> (Bool)
is_upgrade_governor(account: ContractAddress) -> (Bool)
register_governance_admin(account: ContractAddress) -> ()
remove_governance_admin(account: ContractAddress) -> ()
register_upgrade_governor(account: ContractAddress) -> ()
remove_upgrade_governor(account: ContractAddress) -> ()
renounce(role: Felt) -> ()
name() -> (Felt)
symbol() -> (Felt)
decimals() -> (U8)
total_supply() -> (U256)
balance_of(account: ContractAddress) -> (U256)
allowance(owner: ContractAddress, spender: ContractAddress) -> (U256)
transfer(recipient: ContractAddress, amount: U256) -> (Bool)
transfer_from(sender: ContractAddress, recipient: ContractAddress, amount: U256) -> (Bool)
approve(spender: ContractAddress, amount: U256) -> (Bool)
totalSupply() -> (U256)
balanceOf(account: ContractAddress) -> (U256)
transferFrom(sender: ContractAddress, recipient: ContractAddress, amount: U256) -> (Bool)
---- Events ----
Transfer(from: ContractAddress, to: ContractAddress, value: U256)
Approval(owner: ContractAddress, spender: ContractAddress, value: U256)
ImplementationAdded(implementation_data: {impl_hash: ClassHash, eic_data: Option[{eic_hash: ClassHash, eic_init_data: [Felt]}], final: Bool})
ImplementationRemoved(implementation_data: {impl_hash: ClassHash, eic_data: Option[{eic_hash: ClassHash, eic_init_data: [Felt]}], final: Bool})
ImplementationReplaced(implementation_data: {impl_hash: ClassHash, eic_data: Option[{eic_hash: ClassHash, eic_init_data: [Felt]}], final: Bool})
ImplementationFinalized(impl_hash: ClassHash)
RoleGranted(role: Felt, account: ContractAddress, sender: ContractAddress)
RoleRevoked(role: Felt, account: ContractAddress, sender: ContractAddress)
RoleAdminChanged(role: Felt, previous_admin_role: Felt, new_admin_role: Felt)
GovernanceAdminAdded(added_account: ContractAddress, added_by: ContractAddress)
GovernanceAdminRemoved(removed_account: ContractAddress, removed_by: ContractAddress)
UpgradeGovernorAdded(added_account: ContractAddress, added_by: ContractAddress)
UpgradeGovernorRemoved(removed_account: ContractAddress, removed_by: ContractAddress)
The get transaction command fetches the transaction trace, and searches through all of the class hashes present in the trace. From here, it decoded all sub-calls of the trace. The output shows the contract address and the called function. To list the full decoded trace & events, add cli option --full-trace. To include the raw calldata, result, and event data/keys, pass the --raw flag
entro get starknet transaction 0x01eaebf1a9ff736c78d07b4948ad446ea179351d39b4ddcd9cc68a027fc23683
โ Transaction Trace -- 0x01eaebf1a9ff736c78d07b4948ad446ea179351d39b4ddcd9cc68a027fc23683 โ
Execute Trace
โโโ __execute__ -- 0x01fc0e4b...1641f198
โโโ transfer -- 0x049d3657...9e004dc7
โโโ mint_and_deposit -- 0x02e0af29...22184067
โ โโโ mint -- 0x07b696af...45318b30
โ โโโ is_account_authorized -- 0x07b696af...45318b30
โ โโโ get_pool_price -- 0x00000005...e0325b4b
โ โโโ balanceOf -- 0x049d3657...9e004dc7
โ โโโ balanceOf -- 0x053c9125...ecf368a8
โ โโโ lock -- 0x00000005...e0325b4b
โ โโโ locked -- 0x02e0af29...22184067
โ โโโ update_position -- 0x00000005...e0325b4b
โ โโโ transfer -- 0x049d3657...9e004dc7
โ โโโ deposit -- 0x00000005...e0325b4b
โ โโโ balanceOf -- 0x049d3657...9e004dc7
โโโ clear -- 0x02e0af29...22184067
โโโ balanceOf -- 0x049d3657...9e004dc7
โโโ transfer -- 0x049d3657...9e004dc7
โ Execute Events โ
transaction_executed -- 0x01fc0e4b...1641f198
Transfer -- 0x049d3657...9e004dc7
PositionMinted -- 0x02e0af29...22184067
Deposit -- 0x02e0af29...22184067
Transfer -- 0x07b696af...45318b30
PositionUpdated -- 0x00000005...e0325b4b
Transfer -- 0x049d3657...9e004dc7
Transfer -- 0x049d3657...9e004dc7
# For full decoded data & events
entro get starknet transaction 0x44c8d0d48bbdfd1f062ba47337edf501a1b3beb65d8193d89102e0ab708d819 --full-trace
โ Transaction Trace -- 0x044c8d0d48bbdfd1f062ba47337edf501a1b3beb65d8193d89102e0ab708d819 โ
Execute Trace
โโโ __execute__ -- 0x03b1ac62aa5d4f596a0c6058f4a57716072e53da44ce67999f69e9b6c321c5e6
โ Decoded Inputs โ {"calls": [{"to": "0x049d36570d4e46f48e99674bd3fcc84644ddd6b96f7c741b1562b82f9e004dc7", "selector": โ
โ โ "0x83afd3f4caedc6eebf44246fe54e38c95e3179a5ec9ea81740eca5b482d12e", "calldata": ["0x019252b1deef483477c4d30cfcc3e5ed9c82fafea44669c182a45a01b4fdb97a", โ
โ โ "0x71afd498d00000", "0x00"]}, {"to": "0x022993789c33e54e0d296fc266a9c9a2e9dcabe2e48941f5fa1bd5692ac4a8c4", "selector": โ
โ โ "0x54cd8cfffad75abfde6525af316085ef4b5d27975ed55042d341c61d19c7a4", "calldata": ["0x409d72"]}]} โ
โ Decoded Outputs โ [["0x01"], []] โ
โ Class Hash โ 0x01a736d6ed154502257f02b1ccdf4d9d1089f80811cd6acad48e6b6a9d1f2003 โ
โโโ transfer -- 0x049d36570d4e46f48e99674bd3fcc84644ddd6b96f7c741b1562b82f9e004dc7
โ โญโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโฌโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโฎ
โ โ Decoded Inputs โ {"recipient": "0x019252b1deef483477c4d30cfcc3e5ed9c82fafea44669c182a45a01b4fdb97a", "amount": 32000000000000000} โ
โ โ Decoded Outputs โ ["True"] โ
โ โ Class Hash โ 0x05ffbcfeb50d200a0677c48a129a11245a3fc519d1d98d76882d1c9a1b19c6ed โ
โ โฐโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโดโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโฏ
โโโ watch -- 0x022993789c33e54e0d296fc266a9c9a2e9dcabe2e48941f5fa1bd5692ac4a8c4
โ Decoded Inputs โ {"_Id": "0x409d72"} โ
โ Decoded Outputs โ [] โ
โ Class Hash โ 0x0228e8e5f1a078a7f43763d3d19be58689fcdfba4589629bf65180139db7ea3d โ
โ Execute Events โ
โ Name โ TransactionExecuted โ
โ Contract โ 0x03b1ac62aa5d4f596a0c6058f4a57716072e53da44ce67999f69e9b6c321c5e6 โ
โ Decoded โ {"hash": "0x044c8d0d48bbdfd1f062ba47337edf501a1b3beb65d8193d89102e0ab708d819", "response": [["0x01"], []]} โ
โ Name โ Transfer โ
โ Contract โ 0x049d36570d4e46f48e99674bd3fcc84644ddd6b96f7c741b1562b82f9e004dc7 โ
โ Decoded โ {"from": "0x03b1ac62aa5d4f596a0c6058f4a57716072e53da44ce67999f69e9b6c321c5e6", "to": "0x019252b1deef483477c4d30cfcc3e5ed9c82fafea44669c182a45a01b4fdb97a", "value": โ
โ โ 32000000000000000} โ
โ Name โ watch_ls_id โ
โ Contract โ 0x022993789c33e54e0d296fc266a9c9a2e9dcabe2e48941f5fa1bd5692ac4a8c4 โ
โ Decoded โ {"id": "0x409d72"} โ
export JSON_RPC=
# Full blocks downloads blocks, transactions, and events
entro backfill starknet full-blocks --from-block 600000 --to-block 600500 --block-file=blocks.csv --transaction-file=transactions.csv --event-file=events.csv
Backfill Block Ranges
โ Start Block โ End Block โ Total Blocks โ
โ 600,000 โ 600,500 โ 500 โ
Backfill Filters & Metadata
โ Key โ Value โ
โ json_rpc โ โ
Querying Transactions, Logs, and Receipts for Block Range
Execute Backfill? [y/n]:
# Once a backfill is confirmed, the CLI will begin downloading the data from the RPC node
# Progress Bar will display backfill progress
Backfill StarkNet Full Blocks โ ง โโโบโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโ 6% 0:00:17 0:05:26 Searched: 30/500 Searching Block: 600030
Entro supports ABI Decoding for most datatypes. Abis are loaded by event/function signature.
ABI-Priority is used to determine which ABI definition is used to decode a certain datatype.
An AMM Pool and ERC20 token will both implement a transfer function. By setting the priority of the ERC20 ABI to 5, and the AMM ABI to 4, any function or event with the Transfer signature/event-key will be decoded by the ERC20 ABI, and ignored by the AMM ABI.
# EVM Abis are added using a path to a JSON file
entro decode add-abi ERC20 /path/to/ERC20.json --priority = 100 # Set Standard ABIs with the highest priorities
# Starknet Abis are added using a Class Hash
entro decode add-class Starknet-ETH 0x07f3777c99f3700505ea966676aac4a0d692c2a9f5e667f4c606b51ca1dd3420 --priority=100
entro decode add-class AVNU-Exchange 0x07b33a07ec099c227130ddffc9d74ad813fbcb8e0ff1c0f3ce097958e3dfc70b --priority=40
# To view the currently known ABIs & the functions they decode, list-abi-decoders
entro decode list-abi-decoders Cairo
Cairo Decoder ABIs
โ Name โ Priority โ Functions โ Events โ
โ Starknet-ETH โ 100 โ 'add_new_implementation', 'allowance', 'approve', 'balanceOf', โ 'Approval', 'GovernanceAdminAdded', โ
โ โ โ 'balance_of', 'decimals', 'decreaseAllowance', 'decrease_allowance', โ 'GovernanceAdminRemoved', โ
โ โ โ 'get_impl_activation_time', 'get_role_admin', 'get_upgrade_delay', โ 'ImplementationAdded', โ
โ โ โ 'has_role', 'increaseAllowance', 'increase_allowance', โ 'ImplementationFinalized', โ
โ โ โ 'is_governance_admin', 'is_upgrade_governor', 'name', 'permissionedBurn', โ 'ImplementationRemoved', โ
โ โ โ 'permissionedMint', 'permissioned_burn', 'permissioned_mint', โ 'ImplementationReplaced', โ
โ โ โ 'register_governance_admin', 'register_upgrade_governor', โ 'RoleAdminChanged', 'RoleGranted', โ
โ โ โ 'remove_governance_admin', 'remove_implementation', โ 'RoleRevoked', 'Transfer', โ
โ โ โ 'remove_upgrade_governor', 'renounce', 'replace_to', 'symbol', โ 'UpgradeGovernorAdded', โ
โ โ โ 'totalSupply', 'total_supply', 'transfer', 'transferFrom', โ 'UpgradeGovernorRemoved', โ
โ โ โ 'transfer_from', โ โ
โ AVNU-Exchange โ 40 โ 'get_adapter_class_hash', 'get_fees_active', 'get_fees_bps_0', โ 'OwnershipTransferred', 'Swap', โ
โ โ โ 'get_fees_bps_1', 'get_fees_recipient', 'get_owner', โ โ
โ โ โ 'get_swap_exact_token_to_fees_bps', 'locked', 'multi_route_swap', โ โ
โ โ โ 'set_adapter_class_hash', 'set_fees_active', 'set_fees_bps_0', โ โ
โ โ โ 'set_fees_bps_1', 'set_fees_recipient', โ โ
โ โ โ 'set_swap_exact_token_to_fees_bps', 'swap_exact_token_to', โ โ
โ โ โ 'transfer_ownership', 'upgrade_class', โ โ
entro backfill starknet events --contract-address 0x04270219d365d6b017231b52e92b3fb5d7c8378b05e9abc97724537a80e93b0f -abi AVNU-Exchange --event-file=swap_events.csv --from-block 640000 --to-block 655000 --event-name Swap --batch-size 5000
Backfill Block Ranges
โ Start Block โ End Block โ Total Blocks โ
โ 640,000 โ 655,000 โ 15,000 โ
Backfill Filters & Metadata
โ Key โ Value โ
โ contract_address โ 0x04270219d365d6b017231b52e92b3fb5d7c8378b05e9abc97724537a80e93b0f โ
โ event_names โ ['Swap'] โ
โ abi_name โ AVNU-Exchange โ
โ json_rpc โ โ
โ batch_size โ 5000 โ
โ topics โ [['0x00e316f0d9d2a3affa97de1d99bb2aac0538e2666d0d8545545ead241ef0ccab']] โ
Cairo Decoder ABIs
โ Name โ Priority โ Events โ
โ AVNU-Exchange โ 40 โ 'OwnershipTransferred', 'Swap', โ
Querying Events for Contract: 0x04270219d365d6b017231b52e92b3fb5d7c8378b05e9abc97724537a80e93b0f
AVNU-Exchange ABI Decoding Events:
Execute Backfill? [y/n]:
Backfill AVNU-Exchange Events โ ง โโโโโโโโโโโโบโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโ 29% 0:00:12 -:--:-- Searched: 5000/15000 Searching Block: 64500
---- Backfill Complete ------
# CSV Data will be saved pipe-separated, and array/dict columns will be encoded as JSON
head -2 swap_events.csv
# block_number|tx_index|event_index|contract_address|class_hash|keys|data|event_name|decoded_params
# 640000|-1|-1|0x04270219d365d6b017231b52e92b3fb5d7c8378b05e9abc97724537a80e93b0f||["0x00e316f0d9d2a3affa97de1d99bb2aac0538e2666d0d8545545ead241ef0ccab"]|["0x061e1a7ffad235cd34d5da18c
# 75efd01c3ae7b5029cafbf9f136f74c3fd6603c", "0x00585c32b625999e6e5e78645ff8df7a9001cf5cf3eb6b80ccdd16cb64bd3a34", "0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001bded06268d96b74f",
# "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "0x053c91253bc9682c04929ca02ed00b3e423f6710d2ee7e0d5ebb06f3ecf368a8", "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000
# 0000000000000000000013a5221", "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "0x061e1a7ffad235cd34d5da18c75efd01c3ae7b5029cafbf9f136f74c3fd6603c"]|Swap|{"take
# r_address": "0x061e1a7ffad235cd34d5da18c75efd01c3ae7b5029cafbf9f136f74c3fd6603c", "sell_address": "0x00585c32b625999e6e5e78645ff8df7a9001cf5cf3eb6b80ccdd16cb64bd3a34", "sell_amount"
# : 32132345679012345679, "buy_address": "0x053c91253bc9682c04929ca02ed00b3e423f6710d2ee7e0d5ebb06f3ecf368a8", "buy_amount": 20599329, "beneficiary": "0x061e1a7ffad235cd34d5da18c75efd01c3ae7b5029cafbf9f136f74c3fd6603c"}
git clone
cd entro
poetry env use python3.12 # Can use older versions, but 12 performs much better
poetry install --all-extras
# Installing Pre-Commit
poetry run pre-commit install
# Running the Pre-Commit checks on demand
poetry run pre-commit run --all-files
# Running unit tests
poetry run pytest tests/
# Running Integration Tests --> Follow instructions in docs/Installation
Each command & group has a --help flag available with details on the sub-commands and the arguments, options & flags for each command
# For additional help on commands
entro --help
# Usage: entro [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
# Command Line Interface for Nethermind Entro
# Options:
# --help Show this message and exit.
# Commands:
# backfill
# decode ABI Decoding & Event Classification
# get Utilities for Fetching Data from RPC Node
# migrate-up Migrate DB Tables to Latest Version
# prices Backfill ERC20 Token Prices
# tokens Utilities for ERC Tokens
entro backfill starknet events --help
# Usage: entro backfill starknet events [OPTIONS]
# Backfill & ABI Decode StarkNet Events for a Contract
# Options:
# -rpc, --json-rpc TEXT JSONRPC URL to use for backfilling. If not
# provided, will use the JSON_RPC environment
# variable
# -db, --db-url TEXT SQLAlchemy DB URL to use for backfilling.
# If not provided, will use the DB_URL
# environment variable
# -from, --from-block TEXT Start block for backfill. Can be an integer,
# or a block identifier string like 'earliest'
# [default: earliest]
# -to, --to-block TEXT End block for backfill. Can be an integer,
# or a block identifier string like 'pending'
# [default: latest]
# -addr, --contract-address TEXT Contract address for event/log backfills
# [required]
# -abi, --decode_abis TEXT Names of ABIs to use for Decoding. To view
# available ABIs, run `entro list-abis`ABIs
# can be added to the database using `entro
# decoding add-abi`
# -e, --event-name TEXT Event name for event/log backfills. Can be
# input multiple times. If not provided, will
# backfill all events present in contract-abi
# --batch-size INTEGER Batch size to use for query. When querying
# an API, the batch is usually the page size.
# For JSON RPC calls, the batch size is the
# number of blocks each query will cover.
# --event-file PATH File to save event data
# --help Show this message and exit.