Create Bitcoin vanity addresses with C. An open source method to generate nice Bitcoin addresses, also serving as an example of how to use the bitcoin-core/secp256k1 C library.
Disclaimer: this software has not been thoroughly tested, never store significant funds on such an address.
For a tutorial on how this code works, see
- libsep256k1 (easy install)
- openssl (you likely have this)
gcc niceBit.c -o niceBit -lcrypto -lsecp256k1
Specify minimum number of consecutive digits:
./niceBit -n 5
Search for words from a file:
./niceBit -f FILE
Search for alphanumeric substitutions of words from a file:
./niceBit -aC -f FILE
The file should contain one word per line.
Private keys are printed in base58 Wallet Import Format, which can be easily loaded into common desktop wallet software.
Proof that this all works can be found via these ingoing and outgoing transactions which involves transactions with a vanity address (legacy on BCH: 1Hh555555Y...
) on the Bitcoin Cash blockchain.
- Include secp256k1 in lib