diff --git a/doc/doc-support/lib-function-docs.nix b/doc/doc-support/lib-function-docs.nix
index cbcbed4310af1..de0eaa2a5a0f1 100644
--- a/doc/doc-support/lib-function-docs.nix
+++ b/doc/doc-support/lib-function-docs.nix
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ with pkgs; stdenv.mkDerivation {
docgen lists 'List manipulation functions'
docgen debug 'Debugging functions'
docgen options 'NixOS / nixpkgs option handling'
+ docgen path 'Path functions'
docgen filesystem 'Filesystem functions'
docgen sources 'Source filtering functions'
diff --git a/doc/functions/library.xml b/doc/functions/library.xml
index b291356c14b85..790d3a4aea400 100644
--- a/doc/functions/library.xml
+++ b/doc/functions/library.xml
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
diff --git a/lib/default.nix b/lib/default.nix
index 8bb06954518b9..c8fe6fd9876ab 100644
--- a/lib/default.nix
+++ b/lib/default.nix
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ let
maintainers = import ../maintainers/maintainer-list.nix;
teams = callLibs ../maintainers/team-list.nix;
meta = callLibs ./meta.nix;
- sources = callLibs ./sources.nix;
versions = callLibs ./versions.nix;
# module system
@@ -53,7 +52,9 @@ let
fetchers = callLibs ./fetchers.nix;
# Eval-time filesystem handling
+ path = callLibs ./path.nix;
filesystem = callLibs ./filesystem.nix;
+ sources = callLibs ./sources.nix;
# back-compat aliases
platforms = self.systems.doubles;
diff --git a/lib/path-design.md b/lib/path-design.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..740adb95a3b8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/path-design.md
@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
+# Path library design
+This document documents why the `lib.path` library is designed the way it is.
+The purpose of this library is to process paths. It does not read files from the filesystem.
+It exists to support the native Nix path value type with extra functionality.
+Since the path value type implicitly imports paths from the "eval-time system" into the store,
+this library explicitly doesn't support build-time or run-time paths, including paths to derivations.
+Overall, this library works with two basic forms of paths:
+- Absolute paths are represented with the Nix path value type. Nix automatically normalises these paths.
+- Relative paths are represented with the string value type. This library normalises these paths as safely as possible.
+Notably absolute paths in a string value type are not supported, the use of the string value type for relative paths is only because the path value type doesn't support relative paths.
+This library is designed to be as safe and intuitive as possible, throwing errors when operations are attempted that would produce surprising results, and giving the expected result otherwise.
+This library is designed to work well as a dependency for the `lib.filesystem` and `lib.sources` library components. Contrary to these library components, `lib.path` is designed to not read any paths from the filesystem.
+This library makes only these assumptions about paths and no others:
+- `dirOf path` returns the path to the parent directory of `path`, unless `path` is the filesystem root, in which case `path` is returned
+ - There can be multiple filesystem roots: `p == dirOf p` and `q == dirOf p` does not imply `p == q`
+ - While there's only a single filesystem root in stable Nix, the [lazy trees PR](https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pull/6530) introduces [additional filesystem roots](https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pull/6530#discussion_r1041442173)
+- `path + ("/" + string)` returns the path to the `string` subdirectory in `path`
+ - If `string` contains no `/` characters, then `dirOf (path + ("/" + string)) == path`
+ - If `string` contains no `/` characters, then `baseNameOf (path + ("/" + string)) == string`
+- `path1 == path2` returns true only if `path1` points to the same filesystem path as `path2`
+Notably we do not make the assumption that we can turn paths into strings using `toString path`.
+## API
+### `append`
+append :: Path -> String -> Path
+Append a relative path to an absolute path.
+Like ` + ("/" + )` but safer.
+append /foo "bar" == /foo/bar
+# can append to root directory
+append /. "foo" == /foo
+# normalise the path
+append /foo "bar//./baz" == /foo/bar/baz
+# remove trailing slashes
+append /foo "bar/" == /foo/bar
+# do not handle parent directory, as it may break underlying symlinks
+append /foo "foo/../bar" ==
+# prevent appending empty strings by accident
+append /foo "" ==
+# prevent appending absolute paths by accident
+append /foo "/bar" ==
+### `relative.join`
+relative.join :: [ String ] -> String
+Join relative paths using `/`.
+Like `concatStringsSep "/"` but safer.
+relative.join ["foo" "bar"] == "foo/bar"
+relative.join ["foo" "bar/baz" ] == "foo/bar/baz"
+relative.join [ "." ] == "."
+relative.join [ "." "foo" ] == "foo"
+# normalise the path
+relative.join ["./foo" "bar//./baz/" "./qux" ] == "foo/bar/baz/qux"
+# empty list is the current directory
+relative.join [] == "."
+# do not handle parent directory, as it may break underlying symlinks
+relative.join ["foo" ".."] ==
+# do not handle absolute paths elements
+relative.join ["/foo" "bar"] ==
+relative.join ["foo" "/bar"] ==
+relative.join ["foo" "/" ] ==
+- Associativity:
+ `relative.join [ x (join [ y z ]) ] == relative.join [ (join [ x y ]) z ]`
+- Identity:
+ `relative.join [] == "."`
+ `relative.join [p "."] == normalise p`
+ `relative.join ["." p] == normalise p`
+- The result is normalised:
+ `relative.join ps == normalise (relative.join ps)`
+- Joining a single path is that path itself, but normalised:
+ `relative.join [ p ] == normalise p`
+### `relative.normalise`
+relative.normalise :: String -> String
+Normalise relative paths.
+- Limit repeating `/` to a single one (does not change a [POSIX Pathname](https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/basedefs/V1_chap03.html#tag_03_271))
+- Remove redundant `.` components (does not change the result of [POSIX Pathname Resolution](https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/basedefs/V1_chap04.html#tag_04_13))
+- Error on empty strings (not allowed as a [POSIX Filename](https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/basedefs/V1_chap03.html#tag_03_170))
+- Remove trailing `/` and `/.` (See [justification](#trailing-slashes))
+- Error on `..` path components (See [justification](#parents))
+- Remove leading `./` (See [justification](#leading-dots))
+# limit repeating `/` to a single one
+relative.normalise "foo//bar" == "foo/bar"
+# remove redundant `.` components
+relative.normalise "foo/./bar" == "foo/bar"
+# remove leading `./`
+# TODO: bikeshedding. there is a use to this.
+relative.normalise "./foo/bar" == "foo/bar"
+# remove trailing `/`
+relative.normalise "foo/bar/" == "foo/bar"
+# remove trailing `/.`
+relative.normalise "foo/bar/." == "foo/bar"
+# error on `..` path components
+relative.normalise "foo/../bar" ==
+# error on empty string
+relative.normalise "" ==
+# error on absolute path
+relative.normalise "/foo" ==
+- Idempotency:
+ `relative.normalise (relative.normalise p) == relative.normalise p`
+- Doesn't change the file system object pointed to:
+ `$(stat ${p}) == $(stat ${relative.normalise p})`
+ TODO: Is this the same as the law below?
+- Uniqueness: If the normalisation of two paths is different then they point to different paths:
+ `normalise p != normalise q => $(stat ${p}) != $(stat ${q})`
+ Note: This law only holds if trailing slashes are not persisted, see the [trailing slashes decision](#trailing-slashes)
+### `difference`
+difference :: AttrsOf Path -> { commonPrefix :: Path; suffix :: AttrsOf String; }
+Take the difference between multiple paths, returning the common prefix between them and the respective suffices.
+difference { path = /foo/bar } = { commonPrefix = /foo/bar; suffix = { path = "."; }; }
+difference { left = /foo/bar; right = /foo/baz; } = { commonPrefix = /foo; suffix = { left = "bar"; right = "baz"; }; }
+difference { left = /foo; right = /foo/bar; } = { commonPrefix = /foo; suffix = { left = "."; right = "bar"; }; }
+difference { left = /.; right = /foo; } = { commonPrefix = /.; suffix = { left = "."; right = "bar"; }; }
+difference { left = /foo; right = /foo; } = { commonPrefix = /foo; suffix = { left = "."; right = "."; }; }
+# Requires at least one path
+difference {} =
+### `relativeTo`
+relativeTo :: Path -> Path -> String
+Returns the relative path to go from a base absolute path to a specific descendant.
+TODO Not sure about the name, ideas are:
+- `relativeTo`: We might want to use `relativeTo` for a function that can return `..`, but that's not a problem because this function can just throw an error until (if ever) that's supported
+- `removePrefix`, `stripPrefix`: Might accidentally use the string variants which have non-desired behavior on paths, we could fix those though, and we are qualified under `lib.path.*` anyways
+- `subpathBetween`, `subpathFrom`, `subpathFromTo`: Introduces the "subpath" concept when it's not mentioned anywhere else
+- `descendantSubpath`: Would be nice to align this somehow with comparison functions
+- Don't have this function, can use `difference` instead
+- Prefix this function name with `_` to signify it's not final and might change in the future?
+relativeTo /foo /foo/bar == "bar"
+relativeTo /. /foo/bar == "foo/bar"
+relativeTo /baz /foo/bar ==
+- `relativeTo p p == "."`
+- `relativeTo p (append p q) = relative.normalise q`
+### Partial ordering query functions
+Paths with their ancestor-descendant relationship are a [partial ordered set](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partially_ordered_set) (proof left as an exercise to the reader). We should have some basic functions for querying that relationship. This is at least necessary to check whether `relativeTo` errors or not before calling it.
+isDescendantOf /foo /foo/bar == true
+isDescendantOf /foo /foo == ??
+isAncestorOf /foo/bar /foo == true
+isAncestorOf /foo /foo == ??
+isProperDescendantOf /foo /foo/bar == true
+isProperDescendantOf /foo /foo == ??
+isProperAncestorOf /foo/bar /foo == true
+isProperAncestorOf /foo /foo == ??
+isDescendantOrEqual /foo /foo/bar == true
+isDescendantOrEqual /foo /foo == true
+isAncestorOrEqual /foo/bar /foo == true
+isAncestorOrEqual /foo /foo == true
+containedIn /foo /foo/bar == true
+containedIn /foo /foo == true
+contains /foo/bar /foo == true
+contains /foo /foo == true
+partOf /foo /foo/bar == true
+isEquals /foo /foo == true
+equals /foo /foo == true
+### Out of scope (for now at least)
+- isAbsolute and related functions
+- baseNameOf
+- dirOf
+- isRelativeTo
+- commonAncestor
+- equals
+- extension getter/setter
+- List of all ancestors (including self), like
+## General design decisions
+Each subsection here contains a decision along with arguments and counter-arguments for (+) and against (-) that decision.
+### Leading dots for relative paths
+[leading-dots]: #leading-dots-for-relative-paths
+Context: Relative paths can have a leading `./` to indicate it being a relative path, this is generally not necessary for tools though
+Decision: Returned relative paths should never have a leading `./`
+TODO: Inconsistent with the decision [to use `./.` for the current directory][curdir].
+- :heavy_minus_sign: In shells, just running `foo` as a command wouldn't execute the file `foo`, whereas `./foo` would execute the file. In contrast, `foo/bar` does execute that file without the need for `./`. This can lead to confusion about when a `./` needs to be prefixed. If a `./` is always included, this becomes a non-issue. This effectively then means that paths don't overlap with command names.
+- :heavy_minus_sign: Nix path expressions need at least a single `/` to trigger, so adding a `./` would make that work
+ - :heavy_minus_sign: Though there's no good reason why anybody would want to put the output of path expressions directly back into Nix, and if it doesn't work they'd immediately get a parse error anyways
+- :heavy_minus_sign: Using paths in command line arguments could give problems if not escaped properly, e.g. if a path was `--version`. This is not a problem with `./--version`. This effectively then means that paths don't overlap with GNU-style command line options
+- :heavy_plus_sign: The POSIX standard doesn't require `./`
+- :heavy_plus_sign: It's more pretty without the `./`, good for error messages and co.
+ - :heavy_minus_sign: But similarly, it could be confusing whether something was even a path
+ e.g. `foo` could be anything, but `./foo` is more clearly a path
+- :heavy_minus_sign: Makes it more uniform with absolute paths (those always start with `/`)
+ - :heavy_plus_sign: Not relevant though, this perhaps only simplifies the implementation a tiny bit
+- :heavy_minus_sign: Makes even single-component relative paths (like `./foo`) valid as a path expression in Nix (`foo` wouldn't be)
+ - :heavy_plus_sign: Not relevant though, we won't use these paths in Nix expressions
+- :heavy_minus_sign: `find` also outputs results with `./`
+ - :heavy_plus_sign: But only if you give it an argument of `.`. If you give it the argument `some-directory`, it won't prefix that
+- :heavy_plus_sign: `realpath --relative-to` doesn't output `./`'s
+### Representation of the current directory
+[curdir]: #representation-of-the-current-directory
+Context: The current directory can be represented with `.` or `./` or `./.`
+Decision: It should be `./.`
+- :heavy_plus_sign: `./` would be inconsistent with [the decision to not have trailing slashes](#trailing-slashes)
+- :heavy_minus_sign: `.` is how `realpath` normalises paths
+- :heavy_plus_sign: `.` can be interpreted as a shell command (it's a builtin for sourcing files in bash and zsh)
+- :heavy_plus_sign: `.` would be the only path without a `/` and therefore not a valid Nix path in expressions
+- :heavy_minus_sign: `./.` is rather long
+ - :heavy_minus_sign: We don't require users to type this though, it's mainly just used as a library output.
+ As inputs all three variants are supported for relative paths (and we can't do anything about absolute paths)
+- :heavy_minus_sign: `builtins.dirOf "foo" == "."`, so `.` would be consistent with that
+### Relative path representation
+[relrepr]: #relative-path-representation
+Context: Relative paths can be represented as a string, a list with all the components like `[ "foo" "bar" ]` for `foo/bar`, or with an attribute set like `{ type = "relative-path"; components = [ "foo" "bar" ]; }`
+Decision: Paths are represented as strings
+- :heavy_plus_sign: It's simpler for the end user, as one doesn't need to make sure the path is in a string representation before it can be used
+ - :heavy_plus_sign: Also `concatStringsSep "/"` might be used to turn a relative list path value into a string, which then breaks for `[]`
+- :heavy_plus_sign: It doesn't encourage people to do their own path processing and instead use the library
+ E.g. With lists it would be very easy to just use `lib.lists.init` to get the parent directory, but then it breaks for `.`, represented as `[ ]`
+- :heavy_plus_sign: `+` is convenient and doesn't work on lists and attribute sets
+ - :heavy_minus_sign: Shouldn't use `+` anyways, we export safer functions for path manipulation
+### Parents
+[parents]: #parents
+Context: Relative paths can have `..` components, which refer to the parent directory
+Decision: `..` path components in relative paths are not supported, nor as inputs nor as outputs.
+- :heavy_plus_sign: It requires resolving symlinks to have proper behavior, since e.g. `foo/..` would not be the same as `.` if `foo` is a symlink.
+ - :heavy_plus_sign: We can't resolve symlinks without filesystem access
+ - :heavy_plus_sign: Nix also doesn't support reading symlinks at eval-time
+ - :heavy_minus_sign: What is "proper behavior"? Why can't we just not handle these cases?
+ - :heavy_plus_sign: E.g. `equals "foo" "foo/bar/.."` should those paths be equal?
+ - :heavy_minus_sign: That can just return `false`, the paths are different, we don't need to check whether the paths point to the same thing
+ - :heavy_plus_sign: E.g. `relativeTo /foo /bar == "../foo"`. If this is used like `/bar/../foo` in the end and `bar` is a symlink to somewhere else, this won't be accurate
+ - :heavy_minus_sign: We could not support such ambiguous operations, or mark them as such, e.g. the normal `relativeTo` will error on such a case, but there could be `extendedRelativeTo` supporting that
+- :heavy_minus_sign: `..` are a part of paths, a path library should therefore support it
+ - :heavy_plus_sign: If we can prove that all such use cases are better done e.g. with runtime tools, the library not supporting it can nudge people towards that
+ - :heavy_minus_sign: Can we prove that though?
+- :heavy_minus_sign: We could allow ".." just in the beginning
+ - :heavy_plus_sign: Then we'd have to throw an error for doing `append /some/path "../foo"`, making it non-composable
+ - :heavy_plus_sign: The same is for returning paths with `..`: `relativeTo /foo /bar => "../foo"` would produce a non-composable path
+- :heavy_plus_sign: We argue that `..` is not needed at the Nix evaluation level, since we'd always start evaluation from the project root and don't go up from there
+ - :heavy_plus_sign: And `..` is supported in Nix paths, turning them into absolute paths
+ - :heavy_minus_sign: This is ambiguous with symlinks though
+- :heavy_plus_sign: If you need `..` for building or runtime, you can use build/run-time tooling to create those (e.g. `realpath` with `--relative-to`), or use absolute paths instead.
+ This also gives you the ability to correctly handle symlinks
+### Trailing slashes
+[trailing-slashes]: #trailing-slashes
+Context: Relative paths can contain trailing slashes, like `foo/`, indicating that the path points to a directory and not a file
+Decision: All functions remove trailing slashes in their results
+- :heavy_plus_sign: It enables the law that if `normalise p == normalise q` then `$(stat p) == $(stat q)`.
+- Comparison to other frameworks to figure out the least surprising behavior:
+ - :heavy_plus_sign: Nix itself doesn't preserve trailing newlines when parsing and appending its paths
+ - :heavy_minus_sign: [Rust's std::path](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/path/index.html) does preserve them during [construction](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/path/struct.Path.html#method.new)
+ - :heavy_plus_sign: Doesn't preserve them when returning individual [components](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/path/struct.Path.html#method.components)
+ - :heavy_plus_sign: Doesn't preserve them when [canonicalizing](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/path/struct.Path.html#method.canonicalize)
+ - :heavy_plus_sign: [Python 3's pathlib](https://docs.python.org/3/library/pathlib.html#module-pathlib) doesn't preserve them during [construction](https://docs.python.org/3/library/pathlib.html#pathlib.PurePath)
+ - Notably it represents the individual components as a list internally
+ - :heavy_minus_sign: [Haskell's filepath](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/filepath- has [explicit support](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/filepath- for handling trailing slashes
+ - :heavy_minus_sign: Does preserve them for [normalisation](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/filepath-
+ - :heavy_minus_sign: [NodeJS's Path library](https://nodejs.org/api/path.html) preserves trailing slashes for [normalisation](https://nodejs.org/api/path.html#pathnormalizepath)
+ - :heavy_plus_sign: For [parsing a path](https://nodejs.org/api/path.html#pathparsepath) into its significant elements, trailing slashes are not preserved
+- :heavy_plus_sign: Nix's builtin function `dirOf` gives an unexpected result for paths with trailing slashes: `dirOf "foo/bar/" == "foo/bar"`.
+ Inconsistently, `baseNameOf` works correctly though: `baseNameOf "foo/bar/" == "bar"`.
+ - :heavy_minus_sign: We are writing a path library to improve handling of paths though, so we shouldn't use these functions and discourage their use
+- :heavy_minus_sign: Unexpected result when normalising intermediate paths, like `normalise ("foo" + "/") + "bar" == "foobar"`
+ - :heavy_plus_sign: Does this have a real use case?
+ - :heavy_plus_sign: Don't use `+` to append paths, this library has a `join` function for that
+ - :heavy_minus_sign: Users might use `+` out of habit though
+- :heavy_plus_sign: The `realpath` command also removes trailing slashes
+- :heavy_plus_sign: Even with a trailing slash, the path is the same, it's only an indication that it's a directory
+- :heavy_plus_sign: Normalisation should return the same string when we know it's the same path, so removing the slash.
+ This way we can use the result as an attribute key.
+## Other implementations and references
+- [Rust](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/path/struct.Path.html)
+- [Python](https://docs.python.org/3/library/pathlib.html)
+- [Haskell](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/filepath-
+- [Nodejs](https://nodejs.org/api/path.html)
+- [POSIX.1-2017](https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/nframe.html)
diff --git a/lib/path.nix b/lib/path.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..363ae889052cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/path.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+# Functions for working with file paths
+{ lib }:
+ inherit (builtins)
+ isPath
+ isString
+ split
+ substring
+ ;
+ inherit (lib.asserts)
+ assertMsg
+ ;
+ inherit (lib.path)
+ commonAncestry
+ ;
+ inherit (lib.lists)
+ length
+ head
+ last
+ genList
+ elemAt
+ concatLists
+ imap1
+ imap0
+ tail
+ ;
+ inherit (lib.generators)
+ toPretty
+ ;
+ inherit (lib.strings)
+ concatStringsSep
+ ;
+ inherit (lib.attrsets)
+ mapAttrsToList
+ ;
+ pretty = toPretty { multiline = false; };
+ validRelativeString = value: errorPrefix:
+ if value == "" then
+ throw "${errorPrefix}: The string is empty"
+ else if substring 0 1 value == "/" then
+ throw "${errorPrefix}: The string is an absolute path because it starts with `/`"
+ else true;
+ # Splits and normalises a relative path string into its components
+ # Errors for ".." components, doesn't include "." components
+ splitRelative = path: errorPrefix:
+ #assert assertMsg (isString path) "${errorPrefix}: Not a relative path string";
+ #assert validRelativeString path "${errorPrefix}: Not a valid relative path string";
+ let
+ # Split the string into its parts using regex for efficiency. This regex
+ # matches patterns like "/", "/./", "/././", with arbitrarily many "/"s
+ # together. These are the main special cases:
+ # - Leading "./" gets split into a leading "." part
+ # - Trailing "/." or "/" get split into a trailing "." or ""
+ # part respectively
+ #
+ # These are the only cases where "." and "" parts can occur
+ parts = split "/+(\\./+)*" path;
+ # `split` creates a list of 2 * k + 1 elements, containing the k +
+ # 1 parts, interleaved with k matches where k is the number of
+ # (non-overlapping) matches. This calculation here gets the number of parts
+ # back from the list length
+ # floor( (2 * k + 1) / 2 ) + 1 == floor( k + 1/2 ) + 1 == k + 1
+ partCount = length parts / 2 + 1;
+ # To assemble the final list of components we want to:
+ # - Skip a potential leading ".", normalising "./foo" to "foo"
+ # - Skip a potential trailing "." or "", normalising "foo/" and "foo/." to
+ # "foo"
+ skipStart = if head parts == "." then 1 else 0;
+ skipEnd = if last parts == "." || last parts == "" then 1 else 0;
+ # We can now know the length of the result by removing the number of
+ # skipped parts from the total number
+ componentCount = partCount - skipEnd - skipStart;
+ in
+ # Special case of a single "." path component. Such a case leaves a
+ # componentCount of -1 due to the skipStart/skipEnd not verifying that
+ # they don't refer to the same character
+ if path == "." then []
+ # And we can use this to generate the result list directly. Doing it this
+ # way over a combination of `filter`, `init` and `tail` makes it more
+ # efficient, because we don't allocate any intermediate lists
+ else genList (index:
+ let
+ # To get to the element we need to add the number of parts we skip and
+ # multiply by two due to the interleaved layout of `parts`
+ value = elemAt parts ((skipStart + index) * 2);
+ in
+ # We don't support ".." components, see ./path-design.md
+ if value == ".." then
+ throw "${errorPrefix}: Path string contains contains a `..` component, which is not supported"
+ # Otherwise just return the part unchanged
+ else
+ value
+ ) componentCount;
+ joinRelative = components:
+ # An empty string is not a valid relative path, so we need to return a `.` when we have no components
+ if components == [] then "."
+ else concatStringsSep "/" components;
+ isRoot = path: path == dirOf path;
+ deconstructPath = path:
+ let
+ go = components: path:
+ if isRoot path then { root = path; inherit components; }
+ else go ([ (baseNameOf path) ] ++ components) (dirOf path);
+ in go [] path;
+in /* No rec! Add dependencies on this file just above */ {
+ append = basePath: subpath:
+ assert assertMsg (isPath basePath) "lib.path.append: First argument ${pretty basePath} is not a path value";
+ assert assertMsg (isString subpath) "lib.path.append: Second argument ${pretty subpath} is not a string";
+ assert validRelativeString subpath "lib.path.append: Second argument ${subpath} is not a valid relative path string";
+ let components = splitRelative subpath "lib.path.append: Second argument ${subpath} can't be normalised";
+ in basePath + ("/" + joinRelative components);
+ relative.join = paths:
+ let
+ allComponents = concatLists (imap0 (i: subpath:
+ assert assertMsg (isString subpath) "lib.path.relative.join: Element ${toString subpath} at index ${toString i} is not a string";
+ assert validRelativeString subpath "lib.path.relative.join: Element ${toString subpath} at index ${toString i} is not a valid relative path string";
+ splitRelative subpath "lib.path.relative.join: Element ${toString subpath} at index ${toString i} can't be normalised"
+ ) paths);
+ in joinRelative allComponents;
+ relative.normalise = path:
+ assert assertMsg (isString path) "lib.path.relative.normalise: Argument ${toString path} is not a string";
+ assert validRelativeString path "lib.path.relative.normalise: Argument ${toString path} is not a valid relative path string";
+ let components = splitRelative path "lib.path.relative.normalise: Argument ${toString path} can't be normalised";
+ in joinRelative components;
+ commonAncestry = paths:
+ let
+ deconstructed = lib.attrValues (lib.mapAttrs (name: value:
+ assert assertMsg (isPath value) "lib.path.commonAncestry: Attribute ${name} = ${pretty value} is not a path data type";
+ deconstructPath value // { inherit name value; }
+ ) paths);
+ pathHead = head deconstructed;
+ pathTail = tail deconstructed;
+ go = level:
+ if lib.all (x: length x.components > level) deconstructed
+ && lib.all (x: elemAt x.components level == elemAt pathHead.components level) pathTail
+ then go (level + 1)
+ else level;
+ root =
+ # Fast happy path in case all roots are the same
+ if lib.all (x: x.root == pathHead.root) pathTail then pathHead.root
+ # Slow sad path when that's not the case and we need to throw an error
+ else lib.foldl' (result: el:
+ if pathHead.root == el.root then result
+ else throw "lib.path.commonAncestry: Path ${pathHead.name} = ${toString pathHead.value} (root ${toString pathHead.root}) has a different filesystem root than path ${toString el.name} = ${toString el.value} (root ${toString el.root})"
+ ) null pathTail;
+ level =
+ # Ensure that we have a common root before trying to find a common ancestor
+ # If we didn't do this one could evaluate `relativePaths` without an error even when there's no common root
+ builtins.seq root
+ (go 0);
+ prefix = joinRelative (lib.sublist 0 level pathHead.components);
+ suffices = lib.listToAttrs (map (x: { name = x.name; value = joinRelative (lib.sublist level (lib.length x.components - level) x.components); }) deconstructed);
+ in
+ assert assertMsg (lib.isAttrs paths) "lib.path.commonAncestry: Expecting an attribute set as an argument but got: ${pretty paths}";
+ assert assertMsg (length deconstructed > 0) "lib.path.commonAncestry: No paths passed";
+ {
+ commonPrefix = root + ("/" + prefix);
+ relativePaths = suffices;
+ };
+ relativeTo = basePath: subpath:
+ assert assertMsg (isPath basePath) "lib.path.relativeTo: First argument ${pretty basePath} is not a path value";
+ assert assertMsg (isPath subpath) "lib.path.relativeTo: First argument ${pretty subpath} is not a path value";
+ let common = commonAncestry { inherit basePath subpath; }; in
+ assert assertMsg (common.commonPrefix == basePath && common.relativePaths.basePath == ".")
+ "lib.path.relativeTo: First arguments ${toString basePath} needs to be an ancestor of or equal to the second argument ${toString subpath}";
+ common.relativePaths.subpath;