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@DustinCampbell DustinCampbell released this 06 Nov 21:24


  • When generating a new launch.json file via "start debugging" in a workspace without a launch.json file, the extension now provides the same content as is created with the '.NET: Generate Assets for Build and Debug' command. This takes advantage of a new extensibility point from VS Code. Before the C# extension could only statically provide templates, so, for example, they couldn't have the path to the launchable project. (PR: #1801)

Project System

  • Fixed problem where the Antlr4.CodeGenerator Nuget package would not generate files during OmniSharp design-time build. (#1822, PR: omnisharp-roslyn#1002)
  • Fixed issue where a C# project referencing a non-C# project would cause the referenced project to be loaded (causing OmniSharp to potentially treat it as C#!). (#371, #1829, PR: omnisharp-roslyn#1005)


  • Fix Unit Test debugging with VS Code 1.18. (#1800)