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V0.1 Virtual machine

Martin Angers edited this page Oct 4, 2013 · 2 revisions

This article explains the internals of the agora virtual machine. All agora code is interpreted at runtime by a stack-based virtual machine that loops through the instructions until an unrecovered error (a panic in the runtime) is raised or until a return statement is executed.

All executable code is contained within a function, even the top-level module statements, which are implicitly part of the top-level function. This explains why the virtual machine is located in the /runtime/funcvm.go file.

When the execution context starts running an agora program (via runtime.Module.Run(...)), what happens is that the top-level function of this module (the one at index 0 in the list of function prototypes) is called. Calling an agora function results in the following steps:

  • A function VM is instantiated for the function prototype. This is similar to the relationship between a class and an instance of the class - the many instances of the same function prototype may be created and run, and each one maintains its own separate state, like the program counter, stack and stack pointer.
  • The this keyword is set for the instance of the function. It is nil unless the function is called on an object (i.e. with the syntax obj.FunctionField(args)).
  • The function is pushed onto the frames stack of the execution context.
  • The function is executed.
  • On return, the function is popped from the frames stack of the execution context.

The rest of this article will focus on "the function is executed" part.

The funcVM type

The runtime.funcVM struct is defined like this:

type funcVM struct {
	proto *AgoraFunc
	pc    int
	vars  map[string]Val
	stack []Val
	sp    int
	this  Val
	args  Val

It holds a reference to its function prototype proto (which itself holds a reference to the execution context). It also has a program counter field (pc) that points to the next instruction to process. The vars field holds the local variables. The stack is the central place where values are manipulated, and sp is the stack pointer that points to the next free index in the stack. Finally, this and args hold the values of these special reserved identifiers.

The run(...Val) Val method is where execution takes place. The first thing it does is declare the local variables and assign the values of the parameters' variables. This is why the expected arguments function header field is so important, the VM assigns the first n values received as arguments to those variables stored in the K table at indices 0..n-1 (the function's arguments variables must always be stored as the first K symbols, starting at index 0). If the function received less arguments than expected, the remaining variables are set to nil.

Then it creates the args reserved identifier's value, which is an array-like object holding all received arguments. This is stored in the funcVM.args field.

And now it is ready to enter the execution loop, which is an infinite loop that processes instructions. It starts at the instruction at index 0 in the I section and decodes it into and opcode (op), a flag (flg) and an index (ix), and immediately increments the pc field to point to the next expected instruction (if there is a jump, it will override this value). An instruction is a 64-bit value where the most significant byte is the opcode, the second-most significant byte is the flag, and the remaining 6 bytes is the index.

Then comes the switch on the opcode. The only one that can exit the execution loop is OP_RET which is the return statement, which is why the compiler automatically adds a return nil at the end of each function if the last instruction is not a return.

The full list of opcodes is available in /bytecode/opcodes.go, while the list of flags is in /bytecode/instr.go. The next section explains the behaviour of each opcode.

The opcodes

  • RET : pops one value from the stack and returns it, ending the function's execution.
  • PUSH : gets the value identified by flg and ix, depending on the flag, and pushes it on the stack:
    • K : the constant value at index ix in the K table.
    • V : the variable identified by the string at index ix in the K table. It can be a local variable, or a variable reachable in the current scope (defined in a function in the outer-scope). There are no closures at the moment.
    • N : the value nil.
    • T : the this reserved identifier.
    • F : the function at in dex ix in the module's function table.
    • A : the args reserved identifier.
  • POP : pops a value from the stack, stores it in the variable identified by the string at index ix in the K table. If the variable does not already exist, it is created as a local variable.
  • ADD | SUB | MUL | DIV | MOD | AND | OR : pops two values from the stack, performs the operation, and pushes the result on the stack.
  • NOT | UNM : pops one value from the stack, performs the operation, and pushes the result on the stack.
  • EQ | NEQ | LT | LTE | GT | GTE : pops two values from the stack, compares them, and pushes the boolean result for the operation (the comparison returns 1 if greater, 0 if equal and -1 if lower).
  • TEST : pops one value from the stack, tests its boolean representation, if it is false, jumps forward ix instructions.
  • JMP : if the flag is Jf, jumps forward ix instructions, if it is Jb, jumps backward ix + 1 instructions (because the pc is already pointing on the next instruction).
  • NEW : creates a new object and pushes it on the stack. If ix is greater than 0, pops 2*ix values from the stack, initializing fields on the object in ix pair of values representing the key and the value.
  • SFLD : pops three values from the stack (object, key and value in order of pops) and sets the object's key to value. It panics if object is not an object.
  • GFLD : pops two values from the stack (object and key in order of pops) and pushes the value of the object's key onto the stack. It panics if object is not an object.
  • CFLD : pops two values from the stack (object and key in order of pops) as well as ix arguments, and calls the function stored in the field identified by object.key with the arguments. The object is set as the this value for the method call.
  • NEW : creates a new object and pushes it on the stack. If ix is greater than 0, pops 2*ix values from the stack, initializing fields oyis not a function, or if it does not exist and there is no__noSuchMethod` function on the object.
  • CALL : pops one value from the stack, and ix additional values representing the arguments, and calls the function, pushing the return value of the function on the stack. It panics if the expected function is not a function.
  • DUMP : pretty-prints ix number of frames, starting at the current executing frame, to the execution context's Stdout stream. It is a no-op if the execution context is not in debug mode. This is the instruction generated by debug statements in the agora source code.

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