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A recipe to build and run docker containers serving a GitHub Actions self-hosted runner.

GitHub setup

  1. create a fine-grain token on GitHub with the following permissions:

    • repository access: All repositories
    • permissions:
      • repository permissions:
        • Administration: Read and write
        • Metadata: Read-only (automatically set)
      • organisation permissions:
        • Self-hosted runners: Read and write
  2. Save the token string within the TOKEN variable in the ghe-actions-docker.env file.

VM setup

  1. create a Rocky 9 VM from a VM template

  2. install docker and jq (as root):

    dnf config-manager --add-repo
    dnf install docker-ce docker-ce-cli jq
  3. create the local user gherunner (as root):

    useradd -m gherunner
  4. start and enable the docker service (as root):

    systemctl start docker
    systemctl enable docker
  5. add the gherunner user to the docker group (as root):

    usermod -G docker gherunner
  6. as the gherunner user, download the latest release of this repo in a writable location (i.e. /home/gherunner)

  7. set the GITHUB, TARGET and TOKEN settings as appropriate in the ghe-actions-docker.env file (further information and examples are provided in this file).


To build the container image (as the gherunner user):

docker build --tag ghe-actions-runner .


To run the container image (as the gherunner user):

docker compose up --scale runner=X -d

where X is the number of runners.

Deleting stuck runners

Runners should automatically clean up after themselves once stopped, but if a SIGKILL occurs, a container may get stuck in the "Offline" state. Should this happen, run the ./ script.

This script reads the GITHUB, TARGET and TOKEN settings from the ghe-actions-docker.env file .

Useful commands

  • docker image list - view a list of built images
  • docker container list - view a list of running containers
  • docker stop $(docker ps -a -q) - stop all running containers
  • docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) - delete all containers (running and stopped)