- Sourced dataset from Kaggle: Red Wine Quality Dataset.
- Dataset contains 1,599 rows, 11 input features (e.g., fixed acidity, pH, alcohol) and 1 target variable (quality).
- Data Formatting: Verified column data types and statistical descriptions using
. - Missing Values: Found no missing data, requiring no imputation or removal.
- Duplicates: Identified and removed 240 duplicate rows, retaining only the first occurrence.
- Outlier Handling: Used Interquartile Range (IQR) to detect and remove outliers with custom functions.
- Feature Selection:
- Created a correlation matrix and heatmap to analyze relationships between features.
- Dropped low-impact features ('pH', 'fixed acidity', 'citric acid', 'free sulfur dioxide') based on their correlation with the target variable.
- Feature Scaling: Applied MinMaxScaler to standardize data, enabling effective performance for Euclidean distance-based models.
- Target Encoding: Binarized wine quality scores (Good: >7, Bad: ≤7).
- Addressed class imbalance (125 "Good" vs. 860 "Bad") using SMOTE (Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique) to ensure balanced training data.
Train-Test Split: Divided data into 80% training and 20% testing sets.
Model Selection: Compared five classifiers using accuracy scores:
- Random Forest (93.8%)
- XGBoost (94.4%)
- K-Nearest Neighbors (94.7%)
- Decision Tree (90.1%)
- SGD Classifier (84.6%)
- Selected XGBoost as the best performer through 10-fold cross-validation with a mean accuracy of 92.8%.
Hyperparameter Tuning: Optimized parameters (learning_rate, max_depth, min_child_weight, gamma) using RandomizedSearchCV and GridSearchCV for peak performance.
Performance Metrics:
- Precision: 0.91
- Recall: 0.95
- F1 Score: 0.93
- Test Accuracy: 94.5%
- Confusion Matrix:
[619 66] [ 32 659]
Model Pickling: Saved the trained model as a pickle file and verified functionality with dummy scaled inputs.
Flask Web Application:
- Developed a user-friendly webpage with a form for inputting wine parameters.
- Validated inputs using Python's
for error handling. - Scaled user inputs and fed them into the model to predict wine quality (Good/Bad).
- Displayed prediction results with a help table for parameter guidance and contact information.
Deployment on Render:
- Created
for dependency management and app configuration. - Uploaded codebase to GitHub and deployed the app on Render, enabling public accessibility.
- Created
This project automates wine quality prediction, providing accurate and efficient insights for quality assurance. It integrates machine learning with a user-friendly interface, showcasing end-to-end machine learning project deployment.