Our main container is designed using Bioconda to install all tools used in Sarek:
For annotation, the main container can be used, but the cache has to be downloaded, or additional containers are available with cache (see annotation guide):
- For GRCh37:
- For GRCh38:
- Based on
- Contain AlleleCount 2.1.2
- Contain BCFTools 1.9
- Contain BWA 0.7.17
- Contain FastQC 0.11.8
- Contain FreeBayes 1.2.0
- Contain GATK4
- Contain GeneSplicer 1.0
- Contain HTSlib 1.9
- Contain IGVtools 2.3.93
- Contain Manta 1.5.0
- Contain MultiQC 1.7
- Contain Qualimap 2.2.2b
- Contain R 3.5.1
- Contain RColorBrewer 1.1
- Contain Rtracklayer 1.42.1
- Contain samtools 1.9
- Contain snpEff 4.3.1t
- Contain Strelka2 2.9.3
- Contain VCFanno 0.3.1
- Contain VCFtools 0.1.16
- Contain VEP 96.0
- Based on
- Contain snpEff 4.3.1t
- Contain cache for GRCh37.75
- Based on
- Contain snpEff 4.3.1t
- Contain cache for GRCh38.86
- Based on
- Contain GeneSplicer 1.0
- Contain VEP 96.0
- Contain cache for GRCh37 version 96
- Based on
- Contain GeneSplicer 1.0
- Contain VEP 96.0
- Contain cache for GRCh38 version 96
A Nextflow script is provided to build and/or push containers from Docker, or build for Singularity.
nextflow run build.nf [--docker] [--singularity] /
[--containerPath <path>] [--push] [--containers <container1[,container2..]>] /
[--repository <repository>] [--tag tag]
: Choose which containers to build. Default:all
. Possible values (to separate by commas):all
- all available containers.sarek
- the sarek container.snpeffgrch37
- the snpeffgrch37 container.snpeffgrch38
- the snpeffgrch38 container.vepgrch37
- the vepgrch37 container.vepgrch38
- the vepgrch38 container.
: Build containers usingDocker
: Push containers toDockerHub
: Build containers under given repository. Default:maxulysse
: Build containers usingSingularity
. -
: Select where to download containers. Default:$PWD
: Build containers using given tag. Default is version number.
nextflow run build.nf --docker --singularity --push --containers sarek
We provide script to build/push or pull all containers
./scripts/do_all.sh # Build all docker containers
./scripts/do_all.sh --push # Build and push all Docker containers into DockerHub
./scripts/do_all.sh --pull # Pull all containers from DockerHub with Singularity
Most of the containers are designed using Bioconda.
The environment.yml
file can easilly be modified if particular versions of tools are more suited to your needs.
You can then use the building script to build your own containers.
You'll just need to specify the correct repository either in command line or in the configuration files.