Before you start you need to get a Kubernetes cluster. If you just want to give this a try locally, you can use Docker for Desktop on MacOS or Windows, or Minikube on Linux. Either way make sure the VM has at least 2 CPUs and 4gb of RAM. Alternatively you can run this in the cloud - we use Google Kubernetes Engine. Make sure that whatever you use has a Kubernetes version of no higher than 1.15 at this point - we'll support higher versions in the next release.
Install kubectl and helm 2 (helm 3 support is coming next release).
Fork this repository - this means you can make your own customisations, but still pull in updates.
git clone
it to your local machine open a terminal in the directory -
Look at config.yaml and make sure to customise the uncommented lines. Everything else can be left as default for now.
Make sure your
is connected to your kubernetes cluster and install helm
kubectl create serviceaccount --namespace kube-system tiller
kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller-cluster-rule --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller
helm init --service-account tiller
- Run the create secrets script in a command line and follow the prompts
# OR
# OR
You need to unset your NODE_OPTIONS
env variable if you run into Pkg: FLAGS_MISMATCH
while running the secrets script.
Output should look something like so:
magda-create-secrets tool
? Are you creating k8s secrets for google cloud or local testing cluster? Local Testing Kubernetes Cluster
? Which local k8s cluster environment you are going to connect to? docker
? Do you need to access SMTP service for sending data request email? YES
? Please provide SMTP service username: abc
? Please provide SMTP service password: def
? Do you want to create google-client-secret for oAuth SSO? NO
? Do you want to create facebook-client-secret for oAuth SSO? NO
? Do you want to manually input the password used for databases? Generated password: up3Saeshusoequoo
? Specify a namespace or leave blank and override by env variable later? YES (Specify a namespace)
? What's the namespace you want to create secrets into (input `default` if you want to use the `default` namespace)? default
? Do you want to allow environment variables (see --help for full list) to override current settings at runtime? YES (Any environment variable can ove
ride my settings)
? Do you want to connect to kubernetes cluster to create secrets now? YES (Create Secrets in Cluster now)
Successfully created secret `smtp-secret` in namespace `default`.
Successfully created secret `db-passwords` in namespace `default`.
Successfully created secret `auth-secrets` in namespace `default`.
All required secrets have been successfully created!
Optional: If you're going to be triggering connector jobs from the admin-api (used by the admin UI), create the role binding this needs:
kubectl apply -f role-binding.yaml
- Add the magda chart repo to helm
helm repo add magda-io
- Install magda
helm upgrade magda magda-io/magda --wait --timeout 30000 --install -f config.yaml
This will take a while for it to get everything set up. If you want to watch progress, run kubectl get pods -w
in another terminal.
- Once helm is finished, run
kubectl get services -w
and wait forgateway
to receive an external IP. It'll look something like this on kubectl or docker for desktop. Note that minikube doesn't support this, you'll just have to runminikube ip
and keep refreshing it with the node port below until it comes up.
gateway LoadBalancer 123.456.789.123 80:31519/TCP 1m
At this point you should be able to go to http://<external ip>
in your browser and see the Magda UI. Note that the search won't work until it's finished indexing regions - to see the progress of this, run kubectl logs -f -lservice=indexer
. Unless you've got a lot of processing power this will take quite a while - sorry! We're working on making it better.
By default, will be crawled on startup so you'll start with some data.
- Merge the latest from this repository into yours.
- Run:
helm repo update
- Run:
helm upgrade magda magda-io/magda --wait --timeout 30000 --install -f config.yaml --version=<the latest version>