In addition to the main context
key that defines the build context each target
can also define additional named contexts with a map defined with key contexts
These values map to the --build-context
flag in the build command.
Inside the Dockerfile these contexts can be used with the FROM
instruction or --from
The value can be a local source directory, container image (with docker-image://
Git URL, HTTP URL or a name of another target in the Bake file (with target:
# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1
FROM alpine
RUN echo "Hello world"
# docker-bake.hcl
target "app" {
contexts = {
alpine = "docker-image://alpine:3.13"
# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1
FROM scratch AS src
FROM golang
COPY --from=src . .
# docker-bake.hcl
target "app" {
contexts = {
src = "../path/to/source"
To use a result of one target as a build context of another, specity the target
name with target:
# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1
FROM baseapp
RUN echo "Hello world"
# docker-bake.hcl
target "base" {
dockerfile = "baseapp.Dockerfile"
target "app" {
contexts = {
baseapp = "target:base"
Please note that in most cases you should just use a single multi-stage Dockerfile with multiple targets for similar behavior. This case is recommended when you have multiple Dockerfiles that can't be easily merged into one.