Releases: USEPA/useeior
Major updates
- embeds Sept 2022 release of BEA industry data covering through 2021
- enables creations of EEIO models without indicators
What's Changed (automated list)
- Generate models without impact assessment by @bl-young in #231
- update handling of FBS by @bl-young in #247
- Update annual BEA data objects through 2021 data year by @bl-young in #249
Full Changelog: v1.1.1...v1.2.0
What's Changed
- Correct output ratio calculation for Summary and Sector USEEIO models
- Make order of margin sectors consistent across tables
- Mark all transportation sectors correctly in schema info tables
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.1.1
What's Changed
- Updated BEA IO data and saved data up to 2020 (most recent year BEA has provided).
- Added functionality to load and use StateIO (two-region) data.
- Added feature of integrated hybrid models (see example model spec USEEIOv2.0-GHG-NGCombustion)
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.1.0
is an R package for building and using USEEIO models. The model object is the primary output that is built according to a given model specification and optional hybridization specification, e.g. disaggregation. Model specifications and associated hybridization specifications, e.g. disaggregation, for EPA-validated models are included in the package. The package offers various functions for validating, calculating, visualizing, and writing out models and/or their components. useeior
is a core component of the USEEIO Modeling Framework.
is in a stable development state. Users intending to use the package for production purposes and applications should use the latest Release.
See the README for installation and basic usage of useeior
. See Wiki for advanced uses, details about built-in data and metadata and how to contribute to useeior
This package was developed under the USEPA quality assurance plan K-LRTD-0030017-QP-1-4 for "U.S. Environmentally-Extended Input-Output (USEEIO) Models". useeior
v0.4 was subjected to internal EPA peer-review and then reviewed and cleared by EPA management. Updates in the package since that time are described in this release and previous releases since v0.4.
What's Changed
- Update from master by @bl-young in #161
- Refactoring disaggregation functions by @bl-young in #162
- Updates to disaggregation to support electricity by @bl-young in #164
- resolve #166 by updating row names to remove location code by @bl-young in #167
- Handle external config by @MoLi7 in #170
- Calculate sector margin impact by @MoLi7 in #171
- Parameterize model validation and comparison by @MoLi7 in #168
- Testing gh actions by @a-w-beck in #173
- Add more model demand vectors & refactor validation function for industry models by @MoLi7 in #176
- add function to support custom demand vectors by @bl-young in #174
- Fix Rho calculation by @MoLi7 in #177
- Update gh_actions to include model build and validation by @bl-young in #180
- Issue 178 by @WesIngwersen in #179
- Handle import cost by @MoLi7 in #175
- Simplify parameters in calculateDirectPerspectiveLCIA function by @MoLi7 in #185
- Issue 186 by @MoLi7 in #187
- Update DisaggregationSpecs file to include Aggregation Specifications by @jvendries in #188
- separate each model as a new step in gh actions ... by @bl-young in #191
- Modify model name according to new naming rule by @MoLi7 in #196
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.4.2...v1.0.0
- Update metadata files to include 'sector categories' and 'descriptions' fields in support of JSON-LD export for openLCA
- Add these fields to disaggregated input files
- Ensure UUIDs are correctly maintained in satellite tables and exported as flow metadata
- Add model spec 2.0.1 for updated satellite tables w UUIDs. This model aligns with updates associated with flowsa v0.3.1
- Fix error causing missing disaggregation of some flows in waste satellite table
Model data enhancements
- Updates acquisition of model data
- Adds logging feature to acquisition of model data
- Adds two additional external data: Detail_Use_2012_PUR_AfterRedef.rda and Summary_Import_2018_BeforeRedef.rda
Calculation, Validation, Visualization and Export of Models
- Adds aggregateResultTable and aggregateResultMatrix functions
- Adds calculateConsumptionContributiontoImpact function
- Adds writeMetadatatoJSON for exporting model metadata to JSON format for USEEIO API use
- Refactors model validation approach
- Changes file paths in loading model component and model writing out functions
- Removes
package fromDESCRIPTION
A version of useeior capable of building the complete USEEIOv2.0 model along with related model variants. It includes new capabilities of building disaggregated models, of validating and visualizing built models, and significantly enhances model calculation and export. This version includes complete function and data object documentation, model identification and sessionInfo capture, and more thorough logging. This version has been through US EPA internal review and cleared by management.
Model building enhancements
- Permits model disaggregation for commodity-based models at BEA detail and summary levels with user defined and default allocation rules and embedded configuration and input files; provides associated waste sector disaggregation configuration and input files
- Adds capability of creating domestic Use tables and associated domestic model component and result matrices through integration of BEA import matrix
- Adds capability of building satellite tables from flowsa data products in flow-by-sector-collapsed format as .parquet files hosted on the EPA Data Commons or by calling flowsa python library directly via the R reticulate package, or through calling external csv files of existing USEEIO satellite tables reformatted in totals-by-sector format, and subsequently removes embedded static satellite tables
- Adds capability of integrating indicators from LCIA Formatter LCIA method formatted data products in .parquet format hosted on the EPA Data Commons or by calling the lciafmt python library directly via the R reticulate package, and subsequently removes static LCIA factors for previously used USEEIO methods except for waste type aggregations, jobs and value added
- Uses local caching for remotely acquired files
- Creates buildModel wrapper function to build models in a single command along with refactoring of the called model building functions
- Adds new demand vector specifications and improved functions for defining total consumption, total production, household consumption, and domestic variants from a given final demand table
- Refactors and improves the matrix nomenclature
- Adds price adjustment matrices to model object
- Improves sector crosswalk building and related sector mapping functions
- Removes some residual model objects at model build time that were used as reference data in model building but were not reflective of the final model
- Provides cleaner and more extensive logging for modeling building steps and calculations
- Provides model configuration files for 7 USEEIO models including USEEIOv2.0 and variants
- Provides complete Help documentation for all functions and built-in data objects
- Provides (outside of R package) format details for models and all included objects, as well as for model specification and disaggregation specification and input files
- Provides R file first-line comments to describe scope of file
Calculation, Validation, Visualization and Export of Models
- Adds final perspective calculation (see original USEEIO paper, Yang et al. 2017)
- Adds analytical sector contribution and flow contribution to impact calculations
- Provides extensive model validation capability with checks that calculate output and flow totals using model components and compare them to the originals in the input data
- Adds visualization functions plotMatrixCoefficient, barplotIndicatorScoresbySector, heatmapSatelliteTableCoverage, heatmapSectorRanking, barplotFloworImpactFractionbyRegion and default color schemes for sectors and indicators
- Adds compareFlowTotals for comparing flows in two models
- Adds model writing out/export capability for USEEIO API and to .xlsx or .csv format along with with additional session info and model SHA hash-based identifier creation for identifying unique model builds and associating them with user OS, hardware and R configuration
- Corrects price adjustment functions
- Refactors margin loading to correct use of margin data and avoid double counting
- Removes deriveMarginSectorImpacts
- Removes antiquated flow mapping functions
- Removes generateNonScrapRatios from IO functions and other scrap-adjustment capabilities (scrap is now included as a sector in models)
- Removes model configuration files for 2010-2016 GHG models (2.0.10.....2.0.16)
Build an alpha version of USEEIO2.0, along with test model USEEIO2.0-nodisagg and USEEIO2.0-GHG, Other models not functioning at this point.