All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
For more information about changelogs, check Keep a Changelog and Vandamme.
- [breaking change] - Stringifier module API updated to allow maps nested within lists to have their keys (and values) "stringified".
- [breaking change] - CamelCaser module API updated to allow maps nested within lists to have their keys (and values) "camelized".
- [breaking change] - Atomizer module API updated to allow maps nested within lists to have their keys (and values) "atomized".
- [breaking change] - Dasher module API updated to allow maps nested within lists to have their keys (and values) "dasherized".
- [breaking change] - LowerCaser module API updated to allow maps nested within lists to have their keys (and values) "lower-cased first".
- [breaking change] - SnakeCaser module API updated to allow maps nested within lists to have their keys (and values) "snake-cased".
- [breaking change] - UpperCaser module API updated to allow maps nested within lists to have the first letter of keys (and values) upcased
- [BUG FIX] - Stringifier module updated to allow an atom not to be atomized, with respect to maps
- [breaking change] - Atomizer module updated to apply #atomize to lists (including char lists).
- [breaking change] - CamelCaser module updated to apply #camel_case to lists
- [breaking change] - Dasher module updated to apply #dasherize to lists
- [breaking change] - LowerCaser module updated to apply #lowercase_first to lists
- [breaking change] - SnakeCaser module updated to apply #snake_case to lists
- [breaking change] - Stringifier module updated to apply #stringify to lists
- [breaking change] - UpperCaser module updated to apply #upcase_first to lists
- [breaking change] Atomizer#atomize now expects a symbol :atomize instead of a string if you want to "atomize" a data type
- [breaking change] Stringifier#stringify now expects a symobl :stringify instead of a string if you want to "stringify" a data type
- [ENHANCEMENT] Atomizer module updated to use protocols
- [ENHANCEMENT] Stringifier module updated to use protocols
- [ENHANCEMENT] Floating point keys are now handled by the various protocols (see tests)
- [FEATURE] CamelCaser module to camelize nested (and non-nested) map keys
- [FEATURE] UpperCase module to upcase the first letter of nested (and non-nested) map keys
- [FEATURE] LowerCase module to lowercase the first letter of nested (and non-nested) map keys
- [FEATURE] Dasher module to dasherize the underscored nested (and non-nested) map keys
- [FEATURE] Module to underscore nested (and non-nested) map keys
- [FEATURE] Module to convert nested (and non-nested) map keys to "stringified" keys
- [FEATURE] Module to convert nested (and non-nested) map keys to "atomized" keys