diff --git a/permission-element.bs b/permission-element.bs
index 88c9d54..a820fa4 100644
--- a/permission-element.bs
+++ b/permission-element.bs
@@ -583,8 +583,6 @@ To recheck type permissibility for a
# Rendering the <{permission}> Element # {#rendering}
-## Presentation ## {#presentation}
The <{permission}> element is a [=non-devolvable widget=] and is chiefly
rendered like a <{button}>. The button label is largely expected to be
determined by the browser, rather than the page, and reflects the
@@ -595,6 +593,47 @@ constraints to prevent abuse (e.g. minimum and maximum sizes for fonts and
the label itself). The page can also select a locale for the text via the
<{html-global/lang}> attribute.
+## Presentation ## {#presentation}
+ISSUE: There isn't much precedence for describing the user agent UI in detail.
+ It may be better to leave more freedom to user agents.
+The <{permission}> element contains browser-chosen content, text and maybe an
+icon. Activating it will [=prompt the user to choose=].
+This provides two bits of user interface that a user can interact with.
+The [=user agent=] is largely free to determine these — rendering of the
+<{permission}> element and the subsequent [=prompt the user to choose|permission
+prompt=] — in whichever way it thinks best convey's the element's intent.
+UI options for the <{permission}> element's presentation include:
+* Name the [=powerful features=] listed in {{[[Types]]}}, in the language
+ indicated by the [=language=] of the element. Note that this would
+ always be the language indicated by the <{html-global/lang}> attribute,
+ if present.
+* An icon indicating the [=powerful feature=] type or types.
+* The current [=permission state=] of the [=powerful feature=] in questions.
+ For example, if the [=powerful feature|permission=] is already
+ {{PermissionState/granted}}, the <{permission}> element might be labeled
+ as "geolocation already in use".
+* A modal [=prompt the user to choose|prompt=] with a "scrim".
+ (I.e., darkening out the page behind the prompt.)
+ This would normally quite disruptive. But here our goal is to ensure a
+ user means to make this choice.
+[=User agents=] are encouraged to name or describe the [=powerful features=]
+in a way that's consistent with similar usage in program or the platform it
+is running on.
+Very non-normative examples might be:
+* ``: "Standort verwenden".
+* `` (in an English language page): "Use microphone. 🎤".
+* Upon activiating ``, when the corresponding
+ [=permission state=] is {{PermissionState/denied}}, modify the text to
+ "Continue blocking".
## Styling ## {#style}
A <{permission}> element constrains the styling that can be applied to it.