diff --git a/packages/components/src/ui/utils/create-component.tsx b/packages/components/src/ui/utils/create-component.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e451cffef11c..0000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/ui/utils/create-component.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
- * External dependencies
- */
-// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-imports
-import type { Ref } from 'react';
-import type { As } from 'reakit-utils/types';
- * Internal dependencies
- */
-import { contextConnect } from '../context';
-import type {
- WordPressComponentProps,
- WordPressComponentFromProps,
-} from '../context';
-import { View } from '../../view';
-interface Options<
- A extends As,
- P extends WordPressComponentProps< {}, A, any >
-> {
- as: A;
- name: string;
- useHook: ( props: P ) => any;
- memo?: boolean;
- * Factory that creates a React component from a hook
- *
- * @param options
- * @param options.as The element to render for the component.
- * @param options.name The name of the component.
- * @param options.useHook The hook to use for the component
- * @param options.memo Whether to memo the component.
- * @return A polymorphic component that uses the hook to process props.
- */
-export const createComponent = <
- A extends As,
- P extends WordPressComponentProps< {}, A, any >
->( {
- as,
- name,
- useHook,
- memo = false,
-}: Options< A, P > ): WordPressComponentFromProps< P > => {
- function Component( props: P, forwardedRef: Ref< any > ) {
- const otherProps = useHook( props );
- return (
- );
- }
- Component.displayName = name;
- return contextConnect( Component, name, { memo } );
diff --git a/packages/components/src/ui/utils/index.js b/packages/components/src/ui/utils/index.js
index 26e05b9d84d7d..c6f4adde96a52 100644
--- a/packages/components/src/ui/utils/index.js
+++ b/packages/components/src/ui/utils/index.js
@@ -1,2 +1 @@
export { getOptimalTextShade } from './colors';
-export { createComponent } from './create-component';
diff --git a/packages/components/src/ui/utils/test/create-component.js b/packages/components/src/ui/utils/test/create-component.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 970a774badf29..0000000000000
--- a/packages/components/src/ui/utils/test/create-component.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
- * External dependencies
- */
-import { render } from '@testing-library/react';
- * WordPress dependencies
- */
-import { createRef } from '@wordpress/element';
- * Internal dependencies
- */
-import { createComponent } from '../create-component';
-describe( 'createComponent', () => {
- /**
- * @param {import('../context').WordPressComponentProps<{}, 'output'>} props
- */
- const useHook = ( props ) => ( { ...props, 'data-hook-test-prop': true } );
- const name = 'Output';
- const MemoizedOutput = createComponent( {
- as: 'output',
- name,
- useHook,
- memo: true,
- } );
- const Output = createComponent( {
- as: 'output',
- name,
- useHook,
- memo: false,
- } );
- it( 'should create a output component', () => {
- const { container } = render(
- Example output
- );
- expect( container.firstChild.tagName ).toBe( 'OUTPUT' );
- expect( container.firstChild.innerHTML ).toBe( 'Example output' );
- } );
- it( 'should create a memoized, ref-forwarded component', () => {
- expect( MemoizedOutput.$$typeof ).toEqual( Symbol.for( 'react.memo' ) );
- const ref = createRef();
- const wrapper = render(
- Example output
- );
- expect( ref.current ).toEqual( wrapper.container.firstChild );
- } );
- it( 'should create a non-memoized ref-forwarded ouput component', () => {
- expect( Output.$$typeof ).toEqual( Symbol.for( 'react.forward_ref' ) );
- const ref = createRef();
- const wrapper = render( );
- expect( ref.current ).toEqual( wrapper.container.firstChild );
- } );
- it( 'should apply the hook to the component props', () => {
- const { container } = render( );
- expect( container.firstChild.dataset.hookTestProp ).toBe( 'true' );
- } );
- it( 'should connect the component to its context', () => {
- expect( MemoizedOutput.__contextSystemKey__ ).toContain( 'Output' );
- } );
-} );